Connected (Connections, #1)(49)

River smiles his full mega-watt dimple smile before running his eyes up and down my body, giving me instant goosebumps. Glancing down at his feet and then at mine, he grins mischievously as he points to the dance floor and breathes in my ear, “You sure you want to do this? I’m pretty good.”

Checking out the scene on the dance floor, I see a bunch of drunken college boys making obscene gestures with their hands, a group of girls dancing like they have no idea what song is playing, and many couples actually dirty dancing. Having assessed my surroundings, I run my hands down my sides and grinning ear to ear I mouth to him, “You’re on.” I hear a sharp intake of breath from him before he grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

I feel our connection growing stronger minute by minute. What was once an electric pull is now an electric force. I can’t wait to unleash the magnitude and velocity behind its force on the dance floor, on his body. The law of relativity most certainly applies tonight.

We are in the middle of a swarm of people, but I feel like it’s just the two of us out here. Having removed my t-shirt long ago, I’m standing on the dance floor in my black lace camisole. With the lights blinking on and off, I know everyone must be able to see my girly white bra. River doesn’t seem to mind though as his eyes flicker to my lips, my chest, down to my jeans, and back up. He grins at me as I lift my hair off my neck to help cool my extremely over-heated body.

Grabbing my hips, he pulls me closer. I snake my arms around his neck as Enrique continues to describe dirty dancing. As we start moving our bodies to the rhythm of the now seemingly very erotic song, I run my fingers through his beautiful shaggy hair. We move like we have known each other for years; like we’re two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly.

At first, our moves are innocent. A soft touch here, a light caress there, but the innocence passes just like the song. When Havana Brown’s You’ll Be Mine starts to play, it’s game on. I no longer just lightly run my fingers through his hair, rather I tug on it. I no longer just run my hands down his back, instead I wet my finger in my mouth and softly glide it down the back of his neck, and he shivers beneath my touch.

He’s playing too. His hands are no longer resting on my hips, they have drifted down to my backside and he’s cupping it. He’s no longer just leaning into me; he’s now whispering dirty things in my ear.

The song thumps on, and we get so completely lost in ourselves that we’re oblivious to everyone else on the dance floor. As I turn around so that I’m no longer facing him, this is never so apparent than in this moment. With my back now to his front, the sexual energy radiating between us turns electrifying. My want and my need for him overcome me as he places his right hand on my hip. My body quivers in response as he slowly slides his hand up my stomach. His nose is in my hair and his hand glides across the front of my camisole in a crossing motion. He’s breathing heavily on my neck, and I know I’m not the only one affected by our electric current. As he continues to softly move up my body, I absorb every touch. When he stops and gently pokes his fingers through the holes of the lace in my shirt, touching my bare skin, I throw my head back into his neck. He’s caressing my skin; searing it with his touch, and I love every minute of it.

As his hand continues to travel up my body, he carefully, almost strategically takes his other hand and swipes my hair off my shoulder to expose the side of my neck. He trails soft kisses down it. As he reaches my shoulder, his kisses fade away. His mouth reappears at my neck, and he seductively drags his tongue back up to my ear. When he reaches my lobe, he jets his tongue in and out, sending shivers down my spine. My body is now a trembling mass of sensation. It’s only heightening my awareness of him and quickly increasing my need to have him.

I smile as Havana Brown’s song bleeds into another Enrique song. I no longer hear the lyrics in each verse, but I do hear the words as he sings about f*cking someone tonight. The colored lights of the disco ball and strobe lights continue to flicker, and we begin to do more than just dance. He’s seducing me, or I’m seducing him; I have no idea which and I don’t care. The only thing that matters, the only difference, is I have an urgent need that can’t wait to be addressed.

I close my eyes as his hand passes over my ribs and settles on my breast, and his fingers rub circles around my erect nipple. His hand is now clenching and unclenching my hip as he continues his tongue’s assault on my ear and my neck. Experiencing sensual overload with his body wrapped around mine, with his mouth on me, with his scent so intoxicatingly close, and his smooth jawline rubbing against my tender skin, a sudden carnal need erupts. One that must be satisfied sooner rather than later.

When I grind myself into him, I can feel his hardness, and this makes me very aware that he feels the same way I do. I smile. I can hear his erratic breathing and he groans as he grabs both my hips, holding me tight to him. His breathing grows more irregular as his hands drift down the front of my jeans. When my hands make their way around to his core, I slide them into his back pockets and push him further into me. He quickly turns me back around. Hah . . . I got him.

Facing each other, our eyes flicker and our breaths are ragged, extremely intense. When he licks his lower lip in a way that screams out how sexy he is, I bite mine. I skim my way down his body. I’m amazed my dancing abilities haven’t rusted over the past few years, and I’m shocked that I’m dancing far more seductively than I ever have before, ever.

Kim Karr's Books