Code Name: Nanny (SEAL and Code Name #5)(17)

“Come on in and find out.”

Cara’s voice caught as he stood in the doorway, afternoon sunlight touching his ruggedly handsome face. She already saw changes there, lines of strain from too many late meetings and too many people who wanted a piece of his soul.

She raised one bare foot from beneath the covers. “I hope those phone calls you missed weren’t too important.”

“They’re all important. Wetlands conservation. Dwindling tax base. My mother says all I do is talk on the phone, do you know that? But the right word at the right time can make all the difference when—” He frowned. “Hell, Cara, you don’t want to hear about my problems now.”

The silk comforter fell to the floor. She pushed to one elbow, all smooth skin and teasing eyes. “You have one problem that I’m going to take care of, Senator.”

“In a minute you’ll have me on my knees, honey.” Tate tossed down his jacket, and his belt went flying. “I don’t see you for two days and it feels like a year.”

Cara considered the best way to distract him from his worries. “You mentioned a flower delivery?”

A huge bundle of roses appeared from behind his back. “Right here, ma’am. Do I rate a tip?”

“You bet.” She gripped his tie and pulled him closer, all teasing gone. “I need you inside me. Right now.” Her fingers dug into his shoulders. “Please, Tate.” One last time.

She closed her eyes, hiding the sadness he wouldn’t miss.

The force of his body came as a shock, pinning her against the sheets while his hands circled her waist. Whispering her name, he shoved aside the sheet and studied her full breasts. “God help me, I’ll never get enough of you.”

She was already aroused, already slick and restless with desire, and his fingers made her gasp with pleasure. “Now,” she said hoarsely, pushing up against him. “Don’t talk, Tate. Don’t think. Just do it.”

His clothes dropped in layers and then he pulled her astride him. Cara closed her eyes as his fingers found her with unerring skill. He pinned her hips and filled her in one deep thrust, taking her with brooding urgency.

For one blind moment the threats were gone, the worries forgotten. She gasped his name, shocked at the speed and intensity of the climax that ripped through her. She was barely aware of him watching her.

When she finally opened her eyes, he began the whole process again, until they both lay sweaty and exhausted, with the covers tangled around them and the faint scent of perfume drifting from the roses scattered over the floor.

“Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

Hard fingers trailed over Cara’s face, but she didn’t open her eyes.

It was too soon for words. She needed to prepare, to close her heart, which was still racing from the amazing sex she’d just had.

No, not sex. Something far deeper and infinitely more complex.

The skin at her neck prickled, and she looked down to see three diamonds glittering against her skin, strung like tears from a silver chain.

“For your wedding dress.” Tate smiled uncertainly. “If you want different stones or something bigger, you can exchange these. I already spoke to the jeweler about that. The girls thought they were just right.”

“You showed them to Sophy and Audra?”

“I figured it was a girl thing. They know you better than anyone, plus they’re brutally honest, the way only kids can be.”

The stones were clear and bright, like the old yearnings Cara couldn’t suppress. “They’re perfect, Tate.” Suddenly the diamonds felt unbearably cold. “But they’re far too expensive.”

“To hell with expense. I’m not getting married ever again—and neither are you, if I can help it.”

Something tore at her throat. Be hard, she thought. Do it now.

“I can’t take them.” She pressed the chain into his hand and stood up. Behind her the phone rang, but neither moved. Tate cursed at the sound of his assistant’s voice on the answering machine.

“Sorry to disturb you, Senator.” There was a discreet cough. “I’m afraid that call you’ve been waiting for just came through from London.”

Tate ran a hand through his hair. “I need to return this one, Cara. It will only take me ten minutes, then we can talk.”

The call made it easier.

She nodded calmly and picked up her clothes. “I have to shower. Don’t hurry for me.”

He was staring at her, a puzzled look on his face. “What’s wrong?”

Cara picked up her overturned shoes and studied them dispassionately. “Nothing.” Everything. “It’s been a long day, that’s all. Make your call, please.”

Standing beneath the hot spray of the shower a few minutes later, Cara locked her arms and took in long, shuddering breaths. It wasn’t normal to feel so much, to know someone simply by the echo of a footstep or the brush of his hand. It had to be unnatural that the air felt charged and seemed to dance whenever he was close.

She tried to believe that. It helped her to steel her resolve.

She had locked the door, and it rattled now.

“Cara? Damn it, what’s wrong?”

She was fully dressed when she opened the door. Her hair was brushed smooth, glistening where it was caught back in a rubber band, and her cheeks were pale beneath their careful makeup. “I have to go, Tate.”

Christina Skye's Books