Code Name Verity(112)

The book would not exist if not for the lovely Sharyn November, Senior Editor at Viking Children’s Books, who originally asked me to write it; and under the orchestration of my agent, Ginger Clark, the editorial teams led by Stella Paskins at Egmont UK, Catherine Onder at Disney Hyperion Books for Children, and Amy Black at Doubleday Canada coaxed Code Name Verity into its finished form.

I also feel that I should discreetly thank a score of unnamed people whose lives are woven into mine and who have influenced me over the years, friends, family, teachers and colleagues – German, French, Polish, American, Japanese, Scottish, English – Jew and Christian – who during the global conflict of the Second World War were variously Resistance fighters, camouflage unit artists, RAF fighter pilots and USAF transport pilots, child evacuees, prisoners in American as well as German concentration camps, refugees in hiding, Hitler Youths, WA AC s, soldiers and prisoners of war. LEST WE FORGET.

Elizabeth Wein's Books