Carrot Cake Murder (Hannah Swensen, #10)(60)

Sprinkle the Fritos on top of the hotdish, spreading them out as evenly as you can.

Sprinkle the cheese on top of the Fritos as evenly as you can.

Don’t cover the hotdish. Return it to the oven to cook for another 10 minutes, uncovered, or until the cheese has melted.

Let the baking pan or roaster sit for at least 10 minutes so the hotdish can firm up before you serve it.

Hannah’s 2ndNote: When I first had this hotdish at Clara and Marguerite’s condo, they served it with white wine margaritas. If you don’t want to serve alcohol, it would also be good with ice cold lemonade.

Hannah’s 3rdNote: Norman served this with sour cream on the side for those who wanted to put a dollop on top of their serving. (I really liked it that way.) I think it would also be good with guacamole on the side for those who want to add that.

Chapter Twenty

Mac took out a handkerchief and wiped his brow. “It was a little after one-thirty. Patsy was already sleeping, but I was still wound up from the dance and talking to all the people I haven’t seen for years. I knew there was no way I was going to be able to sleep, so I got up to get a glass of water and take a couple of those aspirins with the sleep aids.”

Hannah knew the type of over-the-counter medication he was talking about. “How did you come to see Jack?”

“I was running water at the sink in the kitchen, and I looked out the window. It faces the pavilion, and I saw Jack walking down the road from his cottage. He cut across to the pavilion and went around to the entrance. I think he went inside, but I don’t know that for sure. You can’t see the entrance from the window.”

Mac stopped speaking and cleared his throat. “I thought about going out to get him and walking him back to his cottage. I was already in my pajamas, but I figured I’d just get dressed again and go out after him. But then I realized that there was somebody inside the pavilion. One of the shutters was still open, and the lights were on. I figured whoever was in there would take care of Jack if he couldn’t find his way back, so I took the tablets and went back to bed.” Mac stopped speaking again and sighed. “I sure wish I’d gone after him now, but you know what they say about hindsight.”

Hannah glanced at Lisa. Her friend looked as if wanted to break down and sob. Hannah wanted to assure her that her father couldn’t have killed Gus, but what Mac had just told them fit perfectly with what Michelle had seen from the dock. Of course Michelle hadn’t known that the person she saw was Jack Herman.

“Did you tell this to the police?” Hannah asked, not knowing which answer she’d prefer. If Mac had already told Mike, the matter was out of her hands and she didn’t have to worry about when she should tell him, or even if she should tell him.

“Of course not!” Mac shook his head. “I haven’t told anybody except you four. I didn’t even tell Patsy. Since I didn’t see Jack go into the pavilion, I don’t know for sure if he did, or not. I just saw him walking outside. The awful thing is Jack probably doesn’t even remember leaving his cottage.”

Lisa bit her lip. “You’re probably right, Uncle Mac.”

“But don’t you get too upset, Lisa. I’ve known Jack for years. He was almost like a brother to me. He’s kind, and loving, and…there’s no way he’d do anything violent to anybody.”

Hannah was silent, but her mind raced. The fight her mother had told her about between Jack and Gus wasn’t exactly nonviolent. And Doc Knight had backed up that story.

“I knew if I told the cops about Jack, it would just muddy the waters.” Mac reached out and took Lisa’s hand. “Besides,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze, “we’re family. And family’s got to stick together.”

“She’s a real trooper,” Norman said, watching Lisa stick candles on top of the birthday cake she’d made for her father while Herb stood by, ready to light them.

“Yes, she is. And she loves Jack with all her heart.” Hannah thought about how Lisa had given up her college scholarship, two years ago, to stay at home with her father who’d just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. She’d wanted to become a doctor and Hannah was convinced she would have made a good one. On the other hand, Lisa seemed happy and content with the hand life had dealt her, especially now that she’d married Herb.

“What?” Norman asked, noticing Hannah’s determined expression.

“I’ve got to clear Jack. I just have to do it for Lisa!”

“I know you do, and I’ll help any way I can. How about Mike? Will you tell him what Mac told us?”

“I promised him that I’d share information.”

“That’s not what I asked you,” Norman said with a chuckle. “Let me ask again…will you tell Mike?”

It was Hannah’s turn to smile. “I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“And you’ll put off making that decision to give yourself time to clear Jack?”

“That’s probably right. I just hope my conscience doesn’t get in the way.” Hannah broke into applause as Lisa walked to the table where Jack was sitting, set the cake down in front of him, and led them in singing Happy Birthday.

“Make a wish and blow out the candles, Dad,” Lisa said, kissing him on the cheek. “It’s like you used to tell me when I was a little girl. If you blow out all the candles, your wish will come true.”

Joanne Fluke's Books