Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(42)

Beck firmly withdrew my fingers from my knee and wrapped my hand in his. We were hidden by the table, but still it sent a spike of panic through me that someone would see.

“But to answer your question, Son,” Mr. Beckett continued, “No, that’s not all. We have reason to believe Senator Green has been up to his old tricks again, but he’s been using his office at City Hall rather than his home—which you know we have closely monitored. He’s apparently created a hidden room behind one of the bookshelves, which is where he’s storing all the video equipment along with the recordings. We need you to get in there during the gala and procure one of the tapes.”

I was totally lost but was getting a vague idea that this Senator Green was a dodgy motherfucker.

“Of who?” Dylan asked.

“Natalia Petrova,” Evan’s dad replied. I was slowly figuring out which face belonged to which man, but I couldn’t remember most of their names. I’d never really cared enough to ask. As far as I was concerned, they were all evil, old, and fucks. Nothing else was important to know.

Evan let out a low whistle and Jasper made a small sound of surprise.

“Konstantin Petrov’s daughter? This senator either has shit for brains or balls of steel, I can’t decide which.” Jasper sounded genuinely impressed, and now I was even more confused.

“Konstantin Petrov is a Russian mob boss,” Dylan whispered in my ear while the attention was on Jasper. “If this senator has a recording of himself fucking Petrov’s daughter, it’s invaluable blackmail material.”

“Wait,” I blurted, bringing all eyes on me, “You’re telling me this senator fucks girls in his office and secretly films it? That’s revolting, not to mention illegal.”

Everyone just sort of stared at me for a moment, then Catherine snorted an ugly, condescending laugh, and Mr. Grant just rolled his eyes.

“Miss Deboise,” Beck’s dad drawled, “you have a lot to learn.” Turning back to his son, he clasped his hands in front of him. “You have your mission. Don’t fail.”

“Appropriate evening wear will be delivered to your rooms. You’re dismissed.” This came from Catherine, and I had to resist the urge to reach across the table and smack her straight in the arrogant, Botox filled face. Not because I had anything against evening wear, just her in general.

The guys all stood without any further arguments so I followed their example.

None of us spoke again until we were inside the elevators, at which point I opened my mouth to ask a million and one questions, but Dylan gave me a sharp head shake.

“Not here,” he told me, his Delta mask still in place. Looking around, all of them still had their Delta masks in place. Did that mean someone could be watching us?

Of course it did. This was Militant Delta, not some above the line legal company. Well, sure, their banking and investments looked above board, but they were so fucking deep in other illegal things, that they should spend the next 400 years in prison.

Once in the parking lot, we all piled back into the SUV and Jasper drove us out of the Delta Headquarters. It wasn’t until we were out on the busy street in front of the towering skyscrapers that the tension slipped from the guys and their Delta faces melted away.

“Okay, Butterfly,” Beck sighed, “Fire away.”

I frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He shifted slightly in his seat to face me and arched a brow. Fuck him for being so damn sexy. “You’re practically vibrating with all your questions, and we’re as safe as we’re ever going to be in Jasper’s car. So have at it. Ask away.” His lush lips curved with a teasing sort of smile, totally capturing my attention.

My mouth opened, but suddenly all my questions fled my brain and just left an echoing void instead. A void which quickly filled with memories of Beck’s hands on my naked flesh, his lips on mine, his…

“Fuck,” I whispered, covering my face with my hands and breaking the intense stare off I’d somehow become locked in with my former fuck buddy.

“Riles? Are you okay?” Dylan’s concerned voice was too close on my other side, and I jumped slightly, feeling my cheeks heat. What the fuck had just happened? I get told we have to break into a senator’s office to steal a sex tape, and suddenly I couldn’t form coherent thoughts without picturing Beck naked? Anyone would think his dick was made of cocaine and I was in withdrawals.

“Wait!” A thought finally resurfaced in my lust filled brain. “What does Delta want with this tape? I’m not believing for a second that it’s just for a rainy day. What’s the end game?”

Jasper grinned at me in the rear view mirror and Dylan nodded approvingly. “You’re getting it now,” Dylan commented. “I agree, and if I were to speculate … I would wonder if this has something to do with a rumored arms deal with the Ukraine. Theoretically, this particular senator would have the power to cut some serious red tape on flight plans, customs inspections, all that fun stuff. He could be a real ace in the hole.”

Evan and Jasper made noises of thoughtful agreement, but it was Beck’s total silence that drew my curiosity.

“Is that what it is?” I asked him directly, then remembered the whole gag order bullshit that he’d signed. “Blink once if Dylan is right and twice if he’s wrong,” I suggested.

Tate James & Jaymin's Books