Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(37)

Beck’s jaw tightened and his eyes flared with anger at my defiance. I knew how messed up it made me, and it was certainly something to discuss with my future therapist, but fuck me if my belly didn’t flutter with desire at his pissed off face.

“We’re not leaving you alone, Riley. Not today. Not. Ever.” His words were quiet, his teeth still clenched and his fists tight at his side. Such a control freak.

“Okay well, one of the guys can come. But you’ve spent too much time tailing me and not studying. You probably need all the degrees you can get if we’re going to change the world.”

He stepped closer to me, tipping his face down to meet mine as I looked up. “Is that what we’re going to do, Butterfly?” he breathed. “Change the world?”

Tilting my chin higher, I met his gaze just inches away. “You’re damn right we are. Starting with this corrupt company we’re about to inherit.”

A small smile touched his lips as he studied my face, and I was powerless to look away. Damn him.

“You’re incredible,” he murmured, then planted a quick kiss on my cheek before I could step away. And by my cheek, I meant way too close to my mouth for it to be anything but sexual.

“We’re not okay, Beck,” I snapped, stepping back a safe distance from him and his sinful lips. “Don’t mistake this truce as forgiveness.”

He just winked at me. That smug fuck winked at me then shouted for Evan to accompany me to class and disappeared toward the college side of Ducis with Dylan and Jasper.

The first step into the school was much fucking harder than I’d ever admit to. There were students everywhere, and immediately I had a flashback to yesterday. To the crowds that pushed and kicked at me. To their faces, all cut from the same angry, disgruntled, evil cloth.

My breathing intensified, and for a moment, I wasn’t sure I could actually make it inside. My feet didn’t seem to want to move.

“Riles?” Eddy said softly, pressing closer to me. “Are you okay?”

I shook my head minutely, unable to speak. What was happening to me?

“You’re having a panic attack,” Evan growled, low and close to my ear.

His heat surrounded me as he pulled me closer into his arms, pressing my face to his chest. From the outside, it probably looked like we were just hugging, but from where I stood, it was exactly what I needed to snap myself out of the panicked state.

Evan smelled fresh, like clean laundry and the newly turned spring air. It washed away some of the school scents that had immediately assaulted me. Rubber from shoes. Unwashed teenagers. Stale cigarettes from whichever teacher or student was sneaking out for a smoke.

“You okay?” Evan asked, his hand rubbing gentle across my back, in a soothing circular motion.

I nodded, pulling back finally. My breathing and heart rate had calmed, and I felt much more ready to get my game face on.

Lots of faces were watching us, and I wasted no time in shooting Evan a wink. “Thanks for that, babe,” I said sweetly. “You always know just the right thing to do.”

Whispers started, and I smirked. Evan, catching on quickly, slung his arm around me, and walked me down the hall to my first class. Eddy peeled off about halfway along the hall, giving me one final hug before she disappeared into her classroom.

“Everyone is watching us,” I muttered from between my clenched-teeth smile.

Evan chuckled. “Don’t worry yourself, Spare. They’re looking at me.”

I shot him a disparaging look before shaking my head. I had Evan’s number now, and he was nowhere near as confident as he portrayed to those outside of his inner circle.

Classes passed in slow motion. I barely paid attention, too frazzled to give a fuck about the lessons. Evan remained by my side in every class, mostly playing with his phone, or occasionally nudging my leg with his when all of the staring got too much.

Their fucking eyes were on me at all times. Basically everyone in the school had either heard about the incident yesterday, or they were trying to figure out why I was back in the Delta inner circle. Either way, I was sick of their staring faces.

As I left English lit, a chick a few inches shorter than me, kind of blocked the doorway.

“Seriously,” I snarled. “Can’t you stare from a distance?”

Her alabaster skin pinked across the cheekbones, and she shook her head. “No, sorry, I just wanted to say that I am appalled by what happened here yesterday. My father is a lawyer. A very rich, very powerful lawyer in New York. Let me know if you ever want to take legal action against those assholes.”

I felt the tiniest bit bad then, because she clearly wasn’t like the rest of the animals in this school.

“Uh, thank you,” I said softly. “I appreciate you reaching out.”

She shrugged. “In this fucked up world, women need to stick together.” She brushed back her long blonde curls. “I’m Sami. Just holla if you want to take it further.”

Sami left then, and I blinked at Evan. “What do you know, some rich people do have souls.”

Evan snorted. “Yeah, for now. It never lasts.”

Wasn’t that a sad, screwed up truth.

It was time for lunch, and I dumped all my crap in my locker. Maybe now it’d all actually be safe there. Everyone was already waiting for us, and I grabbed a plate full of food—teriyaki chicken with hokkien noodles—before sliding in next to Eddy. Beck, Dylan, and Jasper were on the other side, right across from me, and all three of them checked me out like they were searching for new injuries.

Tate James & Jaymin's Books