Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(26)

It was then I remembered exactly who he was. That dirty blond hair and watery blue eyes. He was the one who had grabbed me at my first party here, the one who didn’t like to take no for an answer.

Throwing myself back, I kicked and struggled as hard as I could to dislodge him, but he was so much stronger and bigger than me, that I had almost no leverage to move. He continued to press his dick into me, his hands roughly gripping my boobs, squeezing them to the point of pain.

“Let me go!” I screamed before a hand came up to wrap across my mouth. It wasn’t his hand; he had friends helping him out. Someone else wrapped their hand in my hair, yanking my head painfully back, and I screamed against the palm holding me.

Everything in my head went dark and scary, and I fought against the panic because that would get me nowhere. I needed a level head if I wanted a chance to get out of this situation relatively unharmed.

I mean, he wouldn’t rape me right here in the hallway, right? In front of everyone?

Before that thought could even settle in my head, I was being lifted, multiple hands preventing my kicking and fighting limbs from connecting to anyone, and then we were in a classroom. Just like the other day with Beck, I was dragged into a space that I didn’t want to be in, but unlike with Beck, I was absolutely fucking terrified right now.

“Hold her down,” one of the guys said quickly, and I tried to bite the hand over my mouth so I could scream again. There were too many of them. At least six guys that I could roughly see from where they held me and all of them bigger and stronger than me.

“We need to hurry before a teacher investigates,” another one of them said. “There’s bound to be more than one snitch out there.”

I was slammed into the ground, and the hand over my mouth slipped, and I let loose with a bloodcurdling scream, knowing that it might be my one shot at getting help. Something hard crashed into the side of my head, and everything went dark for a minute. I couldn’t pass out yet, I had to fight more, so I forced myself to focus.

I tried to buck off the heavy body pressing me down. The hand was removed from my mouth again, and just as I went to scream, a rough, bruising sort of kiss pressed against my lips. I bit at the tongue that was trying to invade my mouth, all the while trying not to vomit at the perverse invasion of my body that was about to happen.

These guys were not kidding around. They were dead fucking serious in their attempt to rape and demean me, to reduce me to nothing more than a body they could fuck, without a single consideration for the person I was. The bullying had been escalating the last few days, but this was an entirely new level. We had moved past high school pranks. This was real life fucked up, and I was about to lose whatever innocence had survived the death of my parents and me being forced to kill a man. There had been a small sliver there. But it would be no more. I’d truly be broken.

Even as my reality flashed through my mind, I was still fighting. To the bitter end, I would never stop.

“Hurry up,” one of the guys muttered. “We’re getting paid good fucking money to make sure she never comes back here again.”

Another one chuckled. “Oh, she is gonna come. All over my dick.”

Bile rose in my throat. A scream followed it, and I wondered if I’d choke on my own vomit before they even got my clothes off. They were using most of their body weight to hold me down now, and I wondered if my right elbow was dislocated, they had it at such an angle.

One lifted my skirt and hooked fingers in my underwear. I screamed again, muffled by the hand over my mouth, and despite my determination not to show them how they affected me, tears leaked from the corners of my eyes.

I was helpless. So fucking helpless.

My shirt tore as a frenzy entered the faces I could see, and then my bra was being pulled at the same time as my panties. Spots danced in front of my vision, and just when I was about to close my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see their faces, there was a huge bang. From where I was being held down, I couldn’t see what had caused it, but for a moment I hoped it was the door. That someone had come for me.

Knowing my luck though, it was more likely another fucking rapists wanting to join in.

For a fraction of a second, there was silence, and I heaved for breath.

Then all hell broke loose.

Limbs flew everywhere, and I caught just the briefest glimpse of Beck’s terrifying, furious face before some asshole’s shoe caught me in the temple and the world went fuzzy. Unlike the damage inflicted on me up until then, I was pretty sure that one was an accident and most of the boys who’d been involved in my near-rape were desperately trying to get out of the classroom before Beck killed them all.

Or, that’s what I could make out from the noises, shouts, and blurry shapes moving around as I tried to both clear my vision and cover myself up.

A warm pair of hands brushed against mine as I tried to fix my clothing, and I screamed.

“Shh, Spare, it’s just me,” Evan murmured in a low, soothing tone like he was dealing with a frightened animal. Fuck, he was. “I’ve got you, little bug, take a breath.”

His arms wrapped around me as my vision started to return, but my head pounded like I was being hit with a battering ram so I squeezed my eyes shut and let Evan half carry, half drag me over to the side of the room.

“What’s going on, Evan?” I asked, trying and failing to button my torn shirt with shaking hands and slitted eyelids. “Is Beck…?”

Tate James & Jaymin's Books