Broken Trust: A Dark High School Romance(23)

I pried my eyes open to find Beck’s face mere inches from mine as he held me against his chest. In those first few moments of being awake, I was frantic, my hands running over his face, confirming that I hadn’t blown it to pieces with a perfectly placed head shot.

Beck just held me and didn’t even ask what the hell I was doing.

Eventually I realized it had been a dream, and I remembered that I was angry with him, and I removed my hands from his skin, and swallowed roughly.

“I’m fine,” I said, hoping he would let me go. “It was just a nightmare.”

Beck didn’t take my hint. His body remained flush against mine, and I was having a hard time remembering why the fuck I’d kicked him out of my life in the first place.

Dante. Betrayal. You killed a fucking man and that’s why you’re having these nightmares!

Some timely reminders was all it took, I was back to being furious, thrusting myself away from him, and almost tumbling to the floor.

“What are you doing in my bed?” I demanded, letting my anger and fear flow out of me. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Touching me without my permission. Fuck you, Beck.”

He looked confused for about a second as he stared up at me, and then suddenly he was the angry one, off the bed and stalking around to my side.

“Who the fuck do I think I am?” he bit out, his tone soft, but the fury behind it very clear. “I’m the one comforting your ass when you cry out in your sleep. I’m the one who didn’t just throw a fucking glass of water on you and tell you to shut up.”

I wanted to scream. “I’m only having nightmares because of you! You did this to me!” I slapped my hand on my chest, trying desperately not to cry. I would not give him the satisfaction.

I pointed toward the couch. “Get out. Please. And don’t come back unless I’m being murdered.”

His eyes were glittering jewels in the half-light, watching me with the sort of intensity all predators carried. I expected he would argue with me, but he didn’t. Maybe he noticed that I was hanging onto my sanity by a thread, or maybe he’d had enough of my shit for the night as well, because he just stalked his big body off to the couch, and I crawled back into bed.

By the time I woke the next morning, thankfully without any more nightmares, he was gone. I did my best not to think about last night, about how it felt to have his arms around me again, about the nightmare which would just not leave me alone, no matter how much I wanted it to. I was associating the killing and Beck, and somehow the two formed that horrible scenario.

One more thing to be mad at him for.

“You look like shit,” Eddy said when she pulled up in front of my building.

“Feel like it too,” I mumbled, so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. “Had a nightmare last night.” Two if you counted Beck breaking in and refusing to leave. “And I didn’t get much sleep.”

She nodded and started to drive, her eyes darting around almost frantically. “Everything okay?” I asked, wondering why she was acting so suspect.

“Did you hear about the threat?” she asked, flying through an intersection without even looking for another car.

I nodded. “Yeah, I heard. Someone delivered a death threat.”

She jerked her head toward me, eyes wide. “Why the fuck don’t you look more worried?”

I shrugged. “I mean, I’m not happy about it or anything, but I really don’t see what the big deal is. Delta have death threats issued to their members all the time. This one’s for me; it had to eventually be my turn.”

Eddy cursed as she sped into the school, slamming her car to a halt near the front door. “Yeah, but the difference is that you’re unprotected. I mean, Dad said they had security on your apartment, but you’re not in the compound. I don’t like it, Riles.”

“There is security on my condo?” I asked, pissed off I wasn’t consulted. It really shouldn’t have surprised me at this point. I probably should phone Richard at least once a week and get all the news off him. I still felt like my bio-dad was an ally I wasn’t utilizing.

Eddy opened her door and jumped out. “Well, yeah, that’s what Dad said anyway. He said Beck was dealing with it and he had security on you.”

It clicked then, and I scowled inwardly. Beck was my fucking security detail. I guessed I could do worse, and even though I wanted to kick him in the balls, again, I would prefer someone I knew versus complete strangers on my couch.

I followed Eddy into the school, my satchel tucked close to my side and my senses on high alert. I never knew where the assholes would come from, and I had to be ready.

Lockers slammed around me as the bell rang, and I waved goodbye to Eddy as I hurried toward my class. I needed to get there first.

“See you at lunch,” Eddy called after me.

I waved but didn’t look back. I was on a mission.

Only two students were in the room when I slid inside, and I hurried straight to the back, and settled into the seat in the far corner. This was the safest place to be because no one was behind me for spitballs, gum in my hair, or an icy drink down my back.

The room started to fill, and I ignored the mocking smiles sent in my direction, pretending to read ahead in the text. I should be actually reading ahead—all of my drama lately had me falling a little behind in class, but I was sure I could catch up. If I just had a few days without bullshit.

Tate James & Jaymin's Books