Breathless (Steel Brothers Saga #10)(21)

Right. No names. My idea. My stupid idea, because now, I wanted more than anything in the world to hear Bryce say my name, to tell me he wanted me, Marjorie.

I’d made my bed, though.

No names.

Tonight I would give this man my body.

Tomorrow I’d deal with the consequences.

Chapter Fourteen


No pink walls. No unicorns. No posters of food and chefs. This was a stranger’s room—a beautiful stranger who had invited me in. Into her room…and into her body.

The stranger had long dark hair, warm chocolate-brown eyes, and dark-pink lips. She was tall, with perfectly shaped tits, narrow hips, and long slender legs—legs I imagined resting on my shoulders while I devoured what was between them.

The stranger gazed at me, her hand on my cheek, and her eyes—was it my imagination? Or were those lovely warm eyes shadowed with a touch of sorrow?

I didn’t know why that surprised me. She had been through just as much as I had.


We were just two strangers helping each other through a rough time. Period.

I reached forward and caressed her cheek. Her skin was warm beneath my fingers, and I trailed my index finger over her jawline. I traced her swollen lips, and she puckered, kissing the tip of my finger.

Should I let her take the lead?


We were strangers. I’d take the lead. I always took the lead in a sexual encounter. I pulled her red T-shirt over her head. She wore a white lace bra, hard nipples protruding through the satiny fabric. I flicked one, and her short gasp morphed into a moan.

“Take off your bra,” I said, my voice even lower than usual.

She obeyed me, unclasping the back and letting it fall off her shoulders onto the floor.

Her breasts were plump and perfectly formed, the brown nipples at attention. I’d seen them before— Stop.

We were strangers now. This was all new to me.

I pulled her to me and kissed her again, hard, unsnapping her jeans at the same time. Once I had unzipped them, I thrust my hand inside, finding the paradise between her legs. I groaned. God, she was wet. Slick and wet and warm. My cock strained, still bound by my jeans and boxers. With my other hand, I led her palm to my bulge.

I broke the kiss and pushed her gently backward until her knees met the back of her bed, and she sat down. I removed her flip-flops, jeans, and panties—God, she was hot—in record time. I inhaled. Already I could smell her arousal, musky and sweet. She was shaved, her pussy bare—a delight for my gaze.

“Are you going to get undressed?” she asked.

I stood, torn. Part of me wanted to be naked as she was, our skin melting together. The other part wanted to remain clothed, remain in control, do whatever I wanted to her and enjoy the feeling of my cock straining against rough fabric before I let it loose to plunge into her.

Control was overrated. I trailed my lips to her ear and nibbled on the edge. “Unbuckle me, honey. Please.”

Again, she followed my command, removing my belt and then unfastening my jeans. She pushed them over my hips and exposed my black boxer briefs, my hardness thrusting outward. I removed the rest of my clothes quickly. Her gaze followed my every move. She liked what she saw.


I quickly grabbed a condom out of my jeans and then threw them back on the floor. I stood before her, my cock fully at attention. She opened her legs, teasing me. I couldn’t stop my gaze from dropping to her beautiful pussy. Dark pink and glistening, it beckoned me. And I knew. Before I could go any further, I had to taste her.

I dropped to my knees, and again a battle warred inside me. Part of me wanted to just stare at her for a moment, take in the beauty of her private parts. The other part of me wanted to dive right in.

As much as I wanted to get those soft folds against my tongue, I took the moment. I looked. This would be the only time, so I gave my eyes the feast they desired.

Pure beauty. Pure shining, glorious beauty.

Once my eyes had enough, my mouth was more than ready. I slowly slid my tongue along her wet slit. She fell back on the bed, moaning. She tasted like heaven. Musk and apples and heaven. I pushed her thighs upward, positioning those gorgeous legs over my shoulders, something I had dreamed of many times.


Strangers. Hadn’t dreamed of it. We were two strangers. We’d never met before.

I dived back into that luscious pussy, sucking and kissing.

“Yes, yes,” she sighed. “Feels so good. So good.”

I continued to ravish her. Couldn’t get enough. Everything about her pussy enticed me. The beauty, the taste, the way she ground against my mouth. The soft sighs coming from her throat, the mumbled words I didn’t hear yet understood.

I moved away for a moment, teasing her with nibbles on the inside of her thighs, which were coated with dew.

She was on the edge. She wanted to come, and damn, I wanted it too. I’d give her an explosive orgasm, and I wasn’t going to stop at just one. I wanted this strange and beautiful woman to come and come and then come some more—first all over my face and then all over my cock.

“Yes, please,” she moaned.

I gave her clit a hard suck, and then I thrust my long tongue as far as I could into her wet channel.

“God, yes!” Her pussy walls shuddered around me, coating me with her juice.

Helen Hardt's Books