Breath of Scandal(143)

"He was six feet two inches, I believe." "So I'll be at least that tall."

I I Probably. " She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "Just don't be in such a hurry to get there, okay? Good night. "

"Unight. Mom?"

"Hmm?" She turned at the door and looked back at him. "Was my dad tall?"

Thinking of her three attackers, she answered huskily, "Above average."

Graham nodded with satisfaction, then reached up to switch off the lamp above his bed. "G'night."



Jade was working at her desk when Neal came in, unannounced, without even knocking. Loner hadn't alerted her that anyone was outside. Graham was fishing in a nearby creek and had taken the dog with him for company.

Neal smiled at her as though they had parted on the best of terms. "Hi, Jade."

"What are you doing here?"

"I brought my daddy to see you." "About what?"

"I wouldn't want to spoil his surprise."

Any surprise the Patchetts had cooked up would be nasty. "I don't want to see him."

"You don't have a choice."

He used a folding chair to prop open the door of the portable building before stepping outside. When he returned, he was carrying Ivan in his arms. He deposited him on the sofa. Jade stood stiffly beside her desk. Neal took the chair away from the door and sat down. Confident Iand cocky, he rested his ankle on his opposite knee.

"What do you want to see me about?" she asked Ivan. "No inquiries after my health?" he mocked. "No pleasantries? No shooting the breeze first?"

"No. " She folded her arms across her midriff-a gesture of impatience. "If you've got something to say, say it. If not, leave."

"That's not the way I deal with folks." "That's the way I deal with you."

He fondled the smooth, arced handle of his cane. "I've seen pictures of your boy. He's a real good-lookin' kid." She remembered Ivan's trait of staring people down from

beneath his heavy eyebrows. He was using that method of intimidation on her now. It was hard to maintain a facade of indifference, especially since he was speaking of Graham. His evil personality was heightened by his physical deformity.

Keeping her tone cool and level, she replied, "I think he is."

"He favors you. At least from a distance. I'd like to see him up close."

Her heart was hammering, but she kept her expression impassive and said nothing.

"Why don't you sit down, Jade?" Neal suggested. "I'd rather stand."

"Suit yourself." Ivan's speckled, veined hand disappeared into his suit jacket and removed an envelope from the breast pocket. He extended it toward Jade. She gazed at it suspiciously.

"What is that?"

"Open it and find out, why don't you?"

Jade reached for the envelope, opened the flap, and took


Sandra Brown

Breath of Scandal


out a property deed. She quickly scanned the page, then focused on the important lines that bore the signatures of the parties involved in the transfer of ownership.

"Otis Parker," she whispered. The starch in her posture went limp.

"That's right." Ivan licked his chops, reminding her of a carnivore that had just devoured its prey. "We own his land now. The deal was finalized yesterday."

Trancelike, Jade returned to her desk chair and sat down. She smoothed out the folded pages of the deed. A notary public had sealed it. It was indisputably official. No wonder Otis had been avoiding her. He hadn't responded to the messages she had left with Mrs. Parker, who always sounded flustered when she called. Jade had driven out to see them, but no one had answered her knock, even though she knew they were at home.

In a gruff voice she asked, "How much did you give him?"

"One million dollars." "One million?" "That's right. "

Neal, leaning back in his chair, said, "We extended Otis the same courtesy you did. He doesn't have to vacate for two years if he doesn't want to. That'll give him time to bring in two years' crops. Not that he'll be needing the revenue now," he added on a chuckle.

"How . . . how did you raise that much capital?"

He winked at her. "I liquidated some assets, mortgaged others, and took out a short-term loan. When you sit on the board of the local bank, you can swing deals like this." He assumed a sympathetic expression. "See, Jade, you've still got a lot to learn about how good ol' Southern boys conduct their business."

"You came to town, wagging your ass around like you was somebody." Ivan grinned at her evilly. "Those New York bastards you represent are *cats compared to me. He thwacked himself on the chest.

Anxiously, Jade moistened her lips. "What are the terms of the payout?"

Neal glanced at his father and laughed. "Do you think we were born yesterday, Jade? We left you no room to maneuver. We closed the deal with a cashier's check for the full amount. Otis nearly peed in his overalls when I handed him that check."

Sandra Brown's Books