Blood, Honor and Dreams (The Elder Blood Chronicles – Book T(4)

“And you shall be the king of them,” Wisp rose and bowed mockingly in Neph’s direction. “Hail, the Goblin King,” she called loudly as she dropped back to her prone position in the grass.

“You mock now. Just wait, little girl,” Neph warned with a smirk.

Jala tried to fight back a smile and forced herself to ignore their banter. With a deep sigh, she locked her gaze with Jail’s. “I want to say the High Houses, but that’s too obvious and it’s the cheap answer that anyone would give. You aren’t looking for the common answer here. You are looking for my answer.”

With a slight nod, Jail motioned for her to continue. “And your answer is?”

“My answer is that it changes too quickly to judge accurately. It isn’t simply the houses that hold power in Sanctuary. The mercenaries hold power, the Fionaveir hold a sort of power, and the merchants hold power. It shifts by the hour depending on countless things. Something as simple as a rumor can shift power in Sanctuary.” She paused, frowning, and gave another shrug. “If I absolutely had to say one thing that holds power above all others all the time, I’ll say the commons. They outnumber us and they provide our food. While they are not strong magically, without them we would suffer,” she said finally, not even pausing for a breath as she spoke.

Jail seemed to consider her words and gave her a weak shrug. “We can make food with magic, though it does have side effects if eaten too long. And while they do outnumber us, most High Lords could kill an entire country with little effort. The only thing that stops them is the fear of other High Lords taking advantage of their temporary weakness from using that sort of power,” He countered.

“True, and that is what gives the commons power. If we had to do everything they do with our magic we would all be drained and at risk,” she replied with as much confidence as she could muster. In truth she was beginning to doubt her own theory.

“Well, considering how bloody many commons there are, most of the food they supply, they eat. In Delvay, we don’t have many commons. They are generally too weak to survive in the mountains,” Neph added.

“I would say personally it’s the Aspects,” Wisp said looking up from her map.

“The Aspects have power with the commons, but when it comes to the High Houses they are just another challenge. Most High Lords don’t spare them a second thought. They are here for the commons,” Jail objected mildly.

“It’s me. I have the most power in all of Sanctuary. Tremble before me,”

Jala looked up sharply to see Finn grinning down at her. She hadn’t noticed the swords had stopped ringing or even heard him approach. Smiling up at him she shook her head. “I have to disagree,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

“Well then, you will be the first that I smite,” Finn returned and dropped into the grass beside her. Leaning over, he gave her a quick kiss and then sat back, wiping sweat from his face. “You don’t want me too close right now, I don’t think. Ode to swordplay isn’t a pleasant smell,”

“I don’t mind,” she replied, leaning over against him. Grinning up at him, she rested her head against his shoulder. He smelled strongly of sweat and the oil he used on his swords, but it was comforting to her. Both were smells that she had grown used to in her time with Finn.

“And that’s it, no more coherent thoughts from her today,” Neph broke in and stood, quickly shaking his head and frowning at Finn. “Congratulations, Finn, your presence kills brain cells, but then I was saying that long before you met Jala.”

“But they are so happy when they die,” Finn replied with a grin.

“Happily dying brain cells,” Neph said dryly, shaking his head again. “I’m leaving. I have better things to do than witness the cooing and cuddling. Come see me this evening without your cretin, Jala, and we will work on magic.” Turning, Neph headed out of the garden, striding quickly for their hall.

“Completely asexual,” Valor said quietly drawing the words out as he watched Neph leave. Turning back to Jala, he smiled. “We are going by Arovan’s holdings today before we head to the Merro district. I have a surprise for you,” He said with a smile and then sniffed the air lightly. “But first, I’m going to bathe and change. I think I might possibly smell worse than Finn,” With a slight bow of his head, Valor turned to leave and Finn rose to follow.

“Have to excuse me for a bit. Having Valor say I stink is the last straw. I’m going to bathe too. I’ll be back shortly. Jail, keep her company for me would ya,” Finn said, brushing grass off of himself quickly. “Val, wait up,” He called over his shoulder and jogged off after the knight.

Melissa Myers's Books