Beauty from Pain (Beauty, #1)(41)

I pretend to be grossed out as I push away from him. “Caveman, you are in desperate need of a shower.”

He rubs his sweaty body all over me. “Now you are too.”

Has he forgotten about our lack of protection? “Do you think that’s the best idea since you threw out all the condoms last night?”

He’s wearing that naughty little grin I’ve come to love so much. “Don’t need ’em for what we’re going to do.”


Jack McLachlan

It’s not even noon when we’re driving into town, and we both know exactly the purpose of our expedition. We have condom shopping to do.

“I didn’t pack enough clothes to stay until Monday. Do you mind swinging by the apartment so I can pick up some things?”

“No problem.” Except I do have a problem with it. I’m sure Ben Donavon will be there.

I park along the curb at the apartment. I’m not sure if I’m invited up, but I’m not at all crazy about her going to his place without me. “Will you come up and officially meet Addison?”

“Sure.” Abso-f*cking-lutely. It’s probably not the best idea to hem me up with that little bastard in the same room, but I don’t want her going up there without me.

I follow Paige into the building. She knocks instead of using a key and Addison opens the door. I’m relieved to see it isn’t her brother. Her friend wrinkles her brow. “Why are you knocking? You live here, silly.”

“It’s not my apartment. I’m just bunking here.”

Addison gives me a thorough inspection. “Well, you haven’t been bunking here much, thanks to this guy.” I’m not sure what to make of her comment, but she extends her hand. “Addison Donavon.”

“Lachlan Henry.”

“So, you’re the man who’s been keeping my best friend so busy.”

Yeah, we’ve been pretty busy all right. “Guilty as charged.”

“She tells me you’re in the wine business. My family has a vineyard in California. It can be brutal.”

“I’ll drink to that.”

“I’m going to grab some things while you bond over the whoas of winemaking.” Paige disappears into the bedroom and leaves me alone with her friend. I’m prepared to share more about my career, but once she’s certain Paige is out of hearing distance, she suddenly changes the subject and is very serious.

“Please, don’t hurt her.”

It’s a strained moment and I’m not really sure how to respond. “I’m sorry?”

“I’m asking you to not hurt Laurelyn. She’s been through a lot. The last guy she dated did a real number on her.”

Her name is Laurelyn?

“She told me about the agreement you have and I’m fine with it. Have a great time together—but don’t make her fall in love with you. She’s been hurt enough.”

Fall in love? Who said anything about falling in love?

Paige might have told her friend some things about our agreement, but not everything. Addison doesn’t know that Laurelyn chose to keep her name a secret from me because she’s unknowingly busted her on it. Honestly, it stings a little to discover that.

“No worries. Laurelyn and I are on the same page.” I say her name, savoring how it sounds rolling off my tongue. Paige was all right, but Laurelyn fits her better because it’s different. I’ve never known anyone by that name.

She comes out of the bedroom with a large bag in hand. “All packed and ready to go.”


Our first stop after we leave the apartment is the drugstore. I get into the car after my shopping spree and pass her the bag of condoms. “How many did you buy?” She opens the bag to peek inside and smiles in my direction. “Did you buy their entire inventory?”

“Hey, I’m not getting stuck without some backup in case we have another blowout.”

She’s shaking her head at me. “Are you still worried about that?”

Hell yeah, I’m still worried. Why isn’t she? “Yes, and I will be until you start your period. If you don’t get it before I leave, I want you to call me as soon as you do.”

“Yes, sir.” I think she’s miffed.

I know I sound irrational. I don’t mean to, but a pregnancy under these circumstances would be disastrous. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to rub you the wrong way. I’d much rather rub you the right way.”

She smiles and I know I’m forgiven. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Okay.” I pull out of the parking lot but don’t have a clue where I’m going.

I’m nervous about bringing it up, but I do because I realize it’s important to me. “I want to call you Laurelyn.”

I stare ahead as I drive, but I still catch a glimpse of Laurelyn whirling her head in my direction. “I see Addison ratted me out. I didn’t tell her about the anonymous part of the agreement.”

“I’m glad she ratted you out because I want to call you by your real name. Laurelyn suits you better than Paige.”

“I don’t think you have the right to know my real name if I don’t know yours.” She’s angry. Or maybe defeated. I’m not really sure.

Georgia Cates's Books