Be with Me (Wait for You #2)(61)

“And I’m going to be honest, baby, things won’t be easy with me. There’s going to be a lot of bridges we’re going to have to cross when we get to them. And I really don’t know what ‘this’ is.” He planted his hands on either side of my legs and leaned in, so close that his warm breath danced over my lips. “I gave up a long time ago when it comes to figuring out why we do the things we do. Or why we want the things we want. Truth is, we’ve known each other for years, but we don’t really know each other. Not like that. But I need to know you.”

This declaration of feelings wasn’t the most romantic I could’ve imagined, but there was an honesty behind those words. And Jase was right. We might’ve been lusting and wanting each other for three years and we shared quite a few intimate moments since we were united, but there was so much I didn’t know about him. Who knew if a relationship would even work between us, but what I did know about him I liked and I wanted to try.

A different kind of smile appeared on his lips, one I’ve never seen before. It was unsure, almost boyish in the way it was lopsided. “I want you to be with me.”

At first I didn’t think I was hearing him right. Maybe the orgasm had blown some of my brain cells. For three years I had wanted this moment, to hear that he’d struggled with the same thing I did, that he wanted me just as badly and that he wanted to be with me, and now that he was saying this I was torn.

Torn between wanting to jump up and do a little jig, and tackling him and knocking him on his back. I couldn’t do either. My knee wouldn’t be happy about that and I’d probably ruin this nearly perfect moment.

Strange that this huge thing that was so good was happening after something so bad.

“So I want this,” he said, gliding his fingers along my cheeks. “With you. I wanted it from the first time you ran down those stairs back at your home and hugged me, even though I knew it was wrong. For a f*ck ton of reasons, but I want this.”

My gaze lifted, meeting his. I was almost too afraid to speak for a moment. “You want me?”

One side of his lips kicked up as he tilted his head, lining up his mouth with mine. His kiss was infinitely tender and sweet. He took his time, and the kiss went on forever. “I think that’s obvious, but yes.”

Good Lord, I was seconds from combusting. “As your girlfriend?”


Trying to maintain a scrap of dignity and not break into a fit of squeals, I managed to keep my voice even. “So you’re not going to ask me to be your girlfriend?”

He curved his hand around my waist as he grinned. “Not like you’re gonna say no.”

My mouth dropped open and I smacked his chest. “Geez. Arrogant, much?”

“No.” He kissed the corner of my lips. “Just extremely confident when it comes to how you feel about me.”

“Wow. Is there a difference?”

“Am I wrong?”

Unable to stop myself, I grinned like someone had just handed me a plate of freshly baked sugar cookies. “No.”

“So there you go.”

I laughed. “But how do you feel about me?”

“You should be as confident as I am about it.”

My mouth opened, but I closed it. I wanted to be as confident, but I wasn’t. Considering everything that had happened, my mind was still reeling.

The hue of his eyes was a bright silver. “Close your eyes.”

Swallowing the need to ask why, I obeyed. Several seconds passed and then he tugged me onto my back. His hands came down on either side of my head.

“Keep them closed,” he urged.

I had no idea how this would make me more confident, and it took everything in me not to open my eyes when I felt the warmth of his body hovering over mine. I held my breath.

Jase kissed the tip of my nose.

My eyelids flew open, and I giggled as he pulled back. The skin around his eyes crinkled as he smiled down at me. “Now here comes the scary part,” he said, taking a deep breath. “We need to tell your brother.”

And that would be terrifying. For Jase. But I smiled. “Maybe I’ll just update my Facebook to ‘in a relationship’ and tag you?”

Jase snickered and then dropped another kiss on my forehead. “That should go over well.”

Sadness filled Avery’s gaze as she handed me a glass of sweet tea. After one sip, I knew Cam had made it. The overabundant amount of sugar was a dead giveaway. I took another drink as I peeked over at Jase. He sat beside me on Avery’s couch, with a respectable three or so inches between us.

When we’d left the farm, I’d texted Cam and asked him where he was. Surprise. Surprise. He was over at Avery’s. My stomach had been in knots as I hobbled up the stairs to her apartment, but the reason for us coming here had taken the backseat the moment Cam saw me with the crutches.

Cam stood in the corner of the living room, beside a moon chair. His arms were crossed on his chest, expression clouded. “Why didn’t you call and let me know that you were hurt?”

I opened my mouth, but he wasn’t done.

“I would’ve come and gotten you, Teresa. You didn’t need to call Jase.”

I snapped my mouth shut.

“And I would’ve taken you up to Dr. Morgan,” he continued, and I held back a sigh. “You know that, right? Have you even called Mom and Dad?”

J. Lynn, Jennifer L.'s Books