Any Way You Want It (Brand Clan #2)(39)

“That’s besides the point.” But her lips were twitching. “The next time something like that happens, at least have the courtesy to let me know you’re okay. Okay?”

“Aye aye, Miss Kennedy.”

“Thank you.”

She couldn’t help smiling as he tenderly kissed her forehead, her closed eyelids and the tip of her nose before nibbling her lower lip. Running her hands up and down his strong back, she sighed languorously. “This is crazy, Rem. Someone could have walked in on us.”

“And they’d have walked right back out,” he murmured.

She laughed softly. “You don’t know that.”

“Don’t care either.”

Zandra grinned, Skylar’s words echoing through her mind. You need a bad boy.

Skylar would be so proud—and probably jealous—if she knew what Zandra and Remy were up here doing.

She sighed again. “We’d better get back downstairs before we’re late to dinner.”

“I’d rather stay right here and have dessert.”

“Mmm.” She shivered as his warm lips nuzzled the sensitive skin below her ear. “Stop by my apartment later, and you can have all the dessert you want.”

Remy met her gaze, his eyes glinting wickedly. “Is that a promise?”

“Absolutely.” Tracing his lips with her tongue, she purred, “You were an officer. Now be a gentleman and put me down before someone catches us.”


“I had a wonderful time tonight,” Noelani told Remy on the way back to his apartment later that evening.

Reclining against the plush leather seat of the Bentley limo, Remy smiled lazily at her. “I did, too.”

Noelani smiled with pleasure.

With a cascade of long dark hair, exotically slanted eyes, dusky skin and curves galore, she was a stunner. When she seductively crossed her legs, Remy couldn’t help watching as the slit in her red gown exposed her smooth bare thighs.

Slowly lifting his eyes to hers, he took a deep swallow of the Hennessy and Coke she’d fixed him.

“Is it good?” she purred.

“Yes, ma’am.”


He smiled at her.

She smiled back.

When he softly began rapping the lyrics to an old eighties tune, Noelani laughed. “Are you singing ‘Hawaiian Sophie’ to me?”

Remy grinned crookedly. “Sorry. Couldn’t resist. You must get that a lot.”

“Often enough.” Her eyes glinted. “But this is the first time I haven’t minded.”

Remy chuckled, sipping his drink.

Noelani shifted on the seat, revealing more thigh.

“So,” Remy began conversationally, “what made you leave Hawaii?”

“My family moved here when I was fifteen.”

“All of, what, five years ago?”

Noelani laughed, batting her dark lashes at him. “You’re very sweet, but I assure you that I’m older than twenty.”

He knew that, of course. Beneath her flawless makeup, he could see faint lines fanning out from the corners of her eyes. Zandra didn’t hire anyone under the age of twenty-four. She preferred her escorts to be older, which translated into more experience, maturity and sophistication.

He smiled at Noelani. “You like working for Zandra?”

“Of course. What’s not to like? Being one of her escorts enabled me to put myself through grad school, and now I’m working on my doctorate. Not only that, but I get to meet great guys like you and attend the ritziest parties.” She smiled, her expression softening with warmth. “On top of all that, Zandra’s pretty damn amazing.”

“That she is,” Remy softly agreed.

From the moment he saw Zandra tonight, he’d wanted nothing more than to toss her over his shoulder, carry her out of the museum and take her home for a long, hot, raunchy night of sex. Lovemaking. Fucking. Whatever you wanted to call it, as long as he was buried balls-deep inside her.

Every time they’d made eye contact, it had taken every ounce of self-control he possessed not to act on his primal urges. Watching her slink around in that dress had been more torturous than anything he’d suffered during Hell Week at Coronado Island. She’d wafted through the crowd—hair swaying, lips glistening, hips undulating—mesmerizing and seducing every male whose path she crossed.

When he saw her sneak out to use the restroom, he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to follow her and let nature take its course.

Just thinking about the smokin’ hot sex they’d had made his dick hard.

Which was damn inconvenient at the moment.

Reminding himself of the purpose of his mission, Remy forced Zandra from his mind and refocused his attention on Noelani.

Unless he was imagining things, she’d moved closer to him on the seat.

Not. Good.

But he had to see this through to the end.

“So, Noelani,” he said casually, setting aside his drink, “how does your boyfriend feel about you working as an escort?”

She gave him an amused look. “What makes you think I have a boyfriend?”

“Come on,” Remy gently guffawed. “A beautiful woman like you?”

A coquettish smile curved her lips. “The world is full of beautiful women who are alone,” she pointed out.

Maureen Smith's Books