Any Way You Want It (Brand Clan #2)(38)

“All right. I need to use the restroom first, so why don’t you and Skylar grab our table and I’ll catch up with you.”

When Colin hesitated, Skylar slipped her arm through his and winked at Zandra. “Go on. I’ll keep him company for you.”

“Thanks.” Zandra grinned. “I think.”

As Colin and Skylar moved off, Zandra turned and began weaving her way toward the restrooms, demurely fending off advances from flirtatious admirers.

The line inside the ladies’ room was ridiculously long, and she really had to pee. So she left, went down the hall and around the corner, and crept to the rear stairwell Enid Roche had shown her during a previous tour of the museum.

Surprised and relieved that no security guard stopped her, Zandra ascended the stairs to the darkened second floor, which would be opened for viewing after dinner.

Moving quickly and quietly, she strode to the door of the ladies’ room and slipped inside, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw that the elegantly refurbished room was empty. Her heels clicked smartly on the polished marble floor as she strode past the gleaming row of sinks and ducked into the last stall.

When she’d finished emptying her bladder and freshening up with a feminine wipe, she flushed the toilet and grabbed her satin clutch. Unlatching the stall door, she opened it and stepped out.

And ran smack into the massive wall of a man’s chest.

Not just any man.


She sucked in a shocked breath, staring up at him. “What are you—”

He lowered his head and kissed her.

Before she could gasp, his tongue invaded her mouth, stealing the breath from her lungs.

Electric fire swept through her, hardening her nipples.

As her arms went around his neck, her clutch fell to the floor.

He backed her into the stall as his hands moved downward to grip her ass, pulling her tight against his scorching erection. She moaned into his mouth.

He worked her dress up her thighs, then lifted her off the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he turned in the small space and pushed her up against the door. His mouth ran down her throat and over her breasts as she reached beneath his tuxedo jacket to stroke his broad chest.

When his fingers delved between her thighs and encountered bare flesh, he made a primal sound and lifted his head to stare at her, his eyes blazing with lust. “No panties?”

“It’s Herve Leger,” she gasped out, as if the answer should be obvious. “No panties required.”

Remy gave a shuddering groan. “Thank you, Herve.”

He curled two fingers inside her, sending shivers down her spine and blood to her clitoris. She moaned, her head falling back against the door as he pressed deeper, his thumb slowly circling her engorged clit.

“You’re so f*cking wet,” he growled huskily against her throat. “You’ve been wet for me all night, haven’t you?”

Zandra could only nod and thrust against his hand, aching for more. His fingers tunneled deeper, probing the hot wetness of her * until her juices seeped out onto his knuckles. She gasped and bucked her hips as he slid in and out of her, watching her face contort with ecstasy.

And then he curved his fingers right into her G-spot.

As she lost it, he crushed his mouth to hers to muffle the sounds of her orgasm.

Closing her eyes, she rode out the waves of mind-numbing sensation.

She heard the soft hiss of a zipper, then felt the blunt head of Remy’s cock nudging between her folds.

“Open your eyes,” he whispered.

When she obeyed, he shoved into her.

She almost screamed with pleasure.

As he began f*cking her, there was something so erotic about the way he stared into her eyes that hedonistic chills raced down her spine.

She clung to him, her stilettos dangling off her feet as he pounded her against the door, rocking the walls of the stall. Her dress was bunched around her waist and his hands were wrapped around her ass, spreading her cheeks wide as he thrust so deep she felt him in her stomach.

He leaned down, and their mouths came together in a heated frenzy. The kiss was raw, primal, teeth clashing, tongues plunging and retreating.

Moments later Remy groaned and went off like a geyser, coming inside her.

Zandra erupted at the same time, biting her lip hard to keep from screaming his name.

In the minutes that followed, they held each other tight, their harsh breaths echoing in the silence of the empty bathroom.

When Remy lifted his head from her shoulder, Zandra slapped him across the face.

Surprised, he scowled at her. “What was that for?”

“For making me worry about you. I heard about what happened in Abu Dhabi. The details were sketchy, so I had to call a friend at the U.S. Embassy just to make sure there were no American casualties before I got ahold of Roderick.” She poked Remy in the chest. “Why the hell didn’t you call me when you got home yesterday?”

He stared at her, his eyes glimmering with mirth.

“You think this is funny?”

“No, ma’am.” He sobered. “I didn’t mean to worry you, but considering the way we parted on Monday, I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me.”

“What? You didn’t think I’d want to know if you were dead or alive?”

He grinned. “Last time I saw you, darling, you looked mad enough to kill me yourself.”

Maureen Smith's Books