When I'm With You (Little Hollow Series, #2)(49)
I lay there, staring at the ceiling feeling dead inside as I feel his body weight lifts off me and he tucks himself away. “I always get my way, sweet girl.”
It’s been two days since the incident with Merl locking himself in the clubhouse and it’s made everyone act edgy around him, well, more so than usual. He’s a fuckin’ nutcase at the best of times. This is exactly what I wanted though, most people voted against him anyway, now that he’s gone off the rails over the past week, well let’s just say it ain’t gonna help his case when we have church.
He hasn’t been at the clubhouse much since he went away, but when he has been here, he’s been a bigger asshole than usual, and I don’t think it’s just the vote that has his panties in a twist. There must be something in the liquor at the clubhouse though because not only is he acting strange, but so is my brother.
Jacques still hasn’t opened up to me about whatever is going on with him and he seems to be drinking more and more. Every night I’ve had to watch him so he doesn’t choke on his own puke in his sleep. He won’t go home to my pop, won’t even talk to him or anyone really unless he’s doing his duties, and even then that’s bare minimum. After his duties, he sits in the corner of the common area with a bottle of whatever he can get his hands on first, glugging it down until he passes out. But even though he’s been drunk off his ass, there’s no mistaking the weary sorry-for-himself look he has in his eyes, and I’m getting sick of his shit. If he doesn’t tell me what’s up soon, I’m going to beat it out of him!
I twirl the wrench in my hand before packing away my tools for the day. I can’t wait to get home. I’ve not been all that invested in work today which is so unlike me, I love bikes, but I’ve had Jacques and issues at the club on my mind. Now I’d call myself an observant person, so it doesn’t escape me that a pair of eyes have been boring into me for the past ten minutes or so.
I turn around slowly to see Tessa stood hips wide, hands on her tiny waist where the top of her extremely tight pencil skirt starts, eyes raking over my body.
“Hunter, can I borrow you for a minute please? My computer just doesn’t seem to be playing ball.”
I scoff. “You’re asking the wrong person, Tess. I don’t know much about ‘em.”
She pouts. “Humor me? I’ve been trying to finish the accounts for the last hour and I’m dying to go home.”
I sigh and walk after her toward her office. As soon as we get there she shuts the door and bends over her desk, clicking the keyboard with her perfectly manicured fingers.
“I just can’t work out what’s wrong with it, it was working fine earlier.”
I move over to her and look at the screen, it’s completely blank. “Don’t wanna point out the obvious, but have you tried turning it on?” I say sarcastically, pressing the on button.
It fires to life.
“Oh, silly me! But now that I have you here…,” she trails off, and steps in front of me, pressing me against her desk.
I can feel the swell of her breasts pushed up against my chest and fuck if it doesn’t make my pants go tighter. I haven’t been laid in over two years but I don’t want this reaction, not with her. She walks her fingers down my chest to the bulge and looks up at me through seductive eyes. “I knew you wanted me.”
I groan and curse myself out at what I’m about to do. “Yeah, this ain’t happenin’.” I grab her hand and pull it out my pants before she has a chance to protest. “You’re hot as hell, but I won’t go there, not with you. We work together and-”
Her face turns angry and she opens her mouth, releasing a high-pitched shriek, and she pulls her shirt open making the buttons pop everywhere. “Get off me!” She screams with a devilish look in her eyes.
Shit! I try to make a run for the door but it opens before I get to it, three of the other wrenches bursting into the room.
They look over her and back to me with rage on their faces.
“Hell, I know what it looks like, but she’s set me up!” I shout, not taking my eyes off of them incase they make a move.
She cowers in the corner, a scared expression on her face as she tries to cover herself up with the ripped material of her shirt.
“What the fuck are you doing?” One of the guys says menacingly.
I raise to my full height. “I ain’t doin’ shit! This bitch set me up when I wouldn’t give her what she wanted.”
“I knew it was a shitty idea to hire a Crow!” One of the others shouts.
Tessa runs up to them. “Please don’t leave me with him, he was trying to hurt me.”
“The hell I was! I don’t hurt women, and I certainly don’t rape them!” My deep, booming voice attracts the rest of my colleagues attention and to my dismay, my boss walks in. He just so happens to be her pop and takes one look at Tessa, then his eyes zone in on me. I’m not scared of him, but I need this job.
He storms forward, grabbing at my cut. “You Crows not have enough whores to play around with at that club of yours? You wanna turn my daughter into one too!” He shouts in my face and I push him away.
I’m not dealing with this shit. “Like I said before, I haven’t done shit! Your daughter just can’t handle not getting her own way, ain’t that right, Tessa?”