Touch (Denazen #1)(74)

He shook his head. “Like I said before, this is bigger than you know. Don’t lose that list.”

I’d left it in the pocket of the jacket I’d worn to the funeral. “It’s safe. I’ll go back for it as soon as I can. I promise.”

He nodded and stuffed the skateboard wheel back into his pocket. “I’ll leave word with Misha when I get where I’m going. Don’t worry, this isn’t good-bye forever.”

He turned to Kale, eyes narrow. “You better make sure nothing happens to my girl.”

Kale squeezed my hand. The look he gave my cousin wasn’t exactly friendly. “She’s my girl.”


I was used to wearing short skirts, but for some reason, the shorts made me feel self-conscious. Or maybe it wasn’t the shorts. It could have been the hair. I’d done the unthinkable and traded my trademark two-tone locks for a simple reddish-brown shade very close to that of my favorite video game heroine of all time, Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider herself.

Kale’s costume was perfect. The Terminator getup would keep most of his skin hidden, not to mention he looked hot as hell. He kept the collar of the jacket flipped up so only a small portion of his face was exposed. We were like polar opposites. Me in a skimpy tank top and short shorts, and Kale covered from tip to toe.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, gun holsters strapped firmly in place, and looked up at Kale, I couldn’t help but smile.

His gaze appraising—and appreciating—he reached out and fingered my long braid. “How did you do that? Change the color?”

I ran a hand over my hair. “Do you like it? I know, it’s different, isn’t it?”

It didn’t make sense. For some reason I was sad to see it change. I’d been rocking the blonde and black stripes for almost a year now. Hair color didn’t define you. Spirit and soul did. Yet, I felt naked. “The character that I am has dark hair. We need to blend in and Dad will never assume I’d go as far as to dye my hair.”


“It’s a goop you put in your hair and wash out. It changes the color.”

“Will it change back?”

“To blonde? Not unless I bleach it.”

He touched the shaggy black strands of hair that fell into his face. “I can change the color?”

I laughed. “Welcome to technology.” I reached down and picked up a neon blue notebook, holding it out. “You could dye it this color if you really wanted to.”

“Don’t put the goop in to change it back. I like it,” he said, stepping closer. He brushed his lips against mine and pulled away.

That wasn’t going to work. I pulled him back and kissed him again—properly.

“I’m never going to get used to that,” he said, smiling.

“Used to what?”

“The way I feel like I’m going to explode every time you come close. The way my head fills up with just you when you do that.”


When we arrived at the party, things were already in full swing. The air crackled with energy. Whether it was the party or the excitement of knowing something huge would go down soon, I had no idea. I was edgy and ready to go.

I was relieved to see most people got the upgraded costume info. There were French maids, alien slave girls, and a handful of scantily dressed witches—when would people come up with something original? Obviously, they’d all gone to that same slutty costume place.

On the men’s side, I saw everything from several cowboys bunched up in the corner of the room stalking a group of sorority girls, to cavemen and lifeguards. I passed at least four “Edward and Bella” pairs.

Kale was nervous, even though ninety percent of his skin was covered.

“You ready?”

He nodded and grabbed my hand. We made our way through the crowd, weaving in and out of the grinding, already semi-drunk dancers. So far, I’d only seen two or three people out of costume—I’d known them all—and no sign of Alex or Dad.

From the questions Mercy-as-me had asked Curd, I guessed Fin was one of the targets Denazen would be after tonight. We had no idea who the other was, but at least we could shadow Fin and try to keep him safe.

“It’s still early. Maybe they’re not here yet,” Kale said, surveying the room. He’d pointed out on the way over that he probably wouldn’t recognize my mom because she would have already mimicked before coming in, but Alex would be easy to spot.

“Maybe,” I said, standing on my toes to see over the crowd. Score! Fin stood alone by the edge of the bar, tossing back a beer. “That’s Fin, come on.” I dragged Kale along behind me, through the crowd.

“Wow!” Fin let out a sharp whistle. “You look hot, Dez. You can raid my tomb whenever you’d like.”

“Aww, you’re sweet,” I forced out with a smile. “Fin, this is Kale. My boyfriend.”

Fin’s face fell a little, but he recovered. “Boyfriend, eh? But Curd told me—”

“It’s, um, really new.”

Kale made a growling sound deep in his throat, towering over Fin.

“Okay, then,” Fin said, inching away from Kale.

I nodded to the dance floor, about to suggest we dance, when I saw Alex’s white-blond head bobbing through the crowd. “Thank God!” I turned to Kale and said, “Stay here and get to know Fin. I’m gonna go grab Alex, okay?”

Jus Accardo's Books