Torrent of Tears (Scourge Survivor Series Book 3)(36)

“Zo,” I said, ignoring the peanut gallery. “Tell me what you saw in the pools. Tham had no blood family and no wife, so I’m claiming the Right of Vengeance. Whoever killed him is marked for death. Just point me in the right direction.”

Zophia bit her lip, her tears falling in a steady stream. They sparkled as they rolled down her cheeks and solidified as they fell to the tile floor. Plink. Plink. So, it was true. The Fates really did cry diamonds. Well, Zo did. I was quite sure her three bitch sisters didn’t give a shit about anything or anyone enough to shed an enchanted tear.

“If I could help you, I would. You know I would.”

“Don’t give me any crap about not getting involved, Zo. You’re involved. Jade’s involved. I’m involved. Tham’s death doesn’t fall into one of Castian’s loopholes about the Pantheon staying out of it.”

“I am afraid it does. If anyone Behind the Veil found out I was here it would be bad enough, but if I help you—”

“No one will find out.”

Zophia glanced at the five other people in the room and then back at me.

“Okay, so I can’t promise that, but I’ll defend you. I’ll talk to Castian. I’ll make him see.”

Zophia accepted the handkerchief Gaia offered her and closed her eyes. “No one makes Castian see anything. You know that.”

“But you’re his favorite niece, surely he wouldn’t—”

“And he’s the God of gods, Lexi. It’s not just him. If anyone found out, they could demand I be exiled from Behind the Veil. What choice would he have? Laws are laws.”

I stopped my inner warrior from flying into a rage.

It wasn’t fair to ask her to risk her entire existence just to make my life easier. I could find out who was responsible for Tham’s death and I could do it alone. It would take me longer, but I didn’t have any travel plans until after I killed every last maggot in the manure pile. “Fine, I see that. Still . . . could you do one thing for me?”

“If I can, I most certainly will.”

“If Jade and Galan don’t already realize Tham is missing, they will soon. Could you tell them what you can about what happened? Tell them I’m sorry . . . and that I was with him when he died and that I did right by him. He was cremated in a beautiful wooded area and I recognized all the Highborne traditions I knew so he could be at rest in The After.”

Zophia’s head bowed. “I shall.”

I blinked fast and swallowed, trying to speak past the lump in my throat. “And tell them I won’t be back until I’ve avenged him. And that I love them. And not to worry.”

She sighed and took my hand. “It shall be done.”

“Oh, and most importantly, tell Julian and Reign that Haven was compromised. There was probably someone watching me for weeks before this all started. Tell them to guard Jade and the others. I don’t want anyone else killed because of me.”

“I shall take care of it,” she said.

The moment her hands clasped mine I felt the vision coming. As Zophia dissolved into a golden mist, my eyes began to dilate. “Terran . . . I, uh”

“I see, Princess.”

Slender arms led me to the living room sofa. The sounds in the room echoed and whooshed in my ears as the images began to form.

“It’s okay, Coal,” Terran said. “She’s all right. The vision will pass in a few . . .

Sitting on the back bench of the launch with Coal’s head resting in my lap, I searched the faces of the Strati soldiers in the front of the boat escorting us back to the inner City of Attalos. The three men who had ambushed, beaten and kidnapped Tham were not among them. I’d seen each of his attackers clearly in the vision Zo had given me and committed their faces to memory. In truth, I couldn’t get the vile images out of my head.

And although you couldn’t unknow something once you knew it, I had everything I needed to avenge Tham. His attackers had gone through the pond portal and found him on the forest path on his morning run. They had him from the moment their commander showed him one of the knives from my battle vest. Savage had forged the blade and Galan had custom fitted the hilt to my palm. Tham recognized it immediately.

They told him I was in trouble and he needed to come. Tham insisted on calling it in to Julian and that’s when things got violent. The only satisfying part was that the leader of the death squad was someone I was only too happy to put down.

“Constable Tasso?” Terran whispered close to my ear. “You’re certain?”

I nodded. Dull pain throbbed from the back of my neck to the small of my back. I stroked my fingers through Coal’s hair and stretched my neck from side to side. Rowan scrubbed his hand across his jaw and continued to scowl at me. If I didn’t have a child sleeping on me, I would’ve cold-cocked him by now. “What’s with the glare?”

“You’re going after them.”

“With everything I’ve got.” I tilted my head toward the soldiers at the front of the launch and lowered my voice. “This is what I do, Rowan. Don’t try to protect me. I’m not that kind of girl.”

“I’m not expecting you to forget and make nice,” he growled, “but you’re not invincible. Taking up arms against the Queen and her men is going to get you killed.”

J.L. Madore's Books