Through Glass(47)

I moved the last of the garbage out of the way, releasing the can from its protective prison. I grabbed it and shoved it into my backpack, the zipper loud in the silence of the wreckage.

One down, four hundred million to go. I smiled to myself and kneeled down, trying to look into the hole the can had made. The last thing I would want to do was leave something behind. Besides, for all I knew I had just picked up a can of dog food, not that I wouldn’t eat it.

I moved down, trying to fold myself in half to get a better look when a loud clang echoed through the empty building. The sound of metal on rock vibrated through the air, sending each hair on my body up on high alert.

I sat up quickly, my hand moving to cup itself around the bed rail, my heart beat increasing as I waited.

My eyes darted around frantically as I uncoiled myself to standing, my movements slow and controlled. I stood still as I glanced around me, waiting for another noise to join the first.

Waiting for the screech.

The flame I held in my hands flashed above me and the shadows that the unsteady light cast turned everything into monsters in my mind. I tried to regulate my breathing. Each breath hissed through my clenched teeth as my eyes looked around me furiously. Waiting…


I froze, the light in my hand beginning to shake uncontrollably as a new wave of fear rolled through me. That was not the sound I had been anticipating. This sound didn’t even echo from the same side of the store. This sound was different, heavier and almost wooden. I spun toward the noise, my eyes checking before and behind me, waiting for either to sound again, for one to become clearer than the other.

Someone was here, no two someones. Two sounds from two different sides of the empty store.

I was frozen to the spot, unable to move. Should I move? Should I run? I couldn’t fight two, especially two coming at me from two separate angles. It was quickly becoming obvious that they would stop at nothing to end me.

I looked through the darkness to either end of the store, the bright light above my head casting heavy shadows of light through the black.

The light would keep me safe, that I knew for sure. Even without the rules written on the wall, I knew.

Stay in the light.


I turned at the sound, my body whipping toward the thud of a step as it rippled through the air toward me. The sound coming from another direction.


My eyes widened as I looked down the aisle, focusing on the long expanse of broken shelves as I tried to see something through the dark.

Nothing was there.


Again. I spun toward the noise, the sound of a footstep, of a shoe against the broken linoleum coming at me. This one in a completely different part of the store.


The sound came again, steps running, one after another, through the darkness beyond where I could see.

I stared at the dark, my heart beating faster as fear coursed through me, the torch shaking above my head.

More sounds—more steps—echoed through the store behind me; the others stopping only a moment after the others began. I swung toward the sound, the rippling of the flame above my head sent shadows over me, shadows my mind turned into shapes running in the dark. I was safe in the light. I repeated the fact to myself over and over again, but it didn’t seem to be helping. I couldn’t control my breathing anymore. It came in heavy little puffs of fear as I looked through the darkness, trying to see where the sound was coming from.

The new steps stopped, just as another picked up from an opposite corner. The sound loud as talons clicking against the linoleum. They were quick, like the clicking of fingers against a desk, before they, too, stopped, only to pick up again at the opposite side of the store.

I fought the urge to scream as I turned toward the new sound, only to have it stop moments after it had begun. The sound never ending as more steps echoed again from the opposite direction.

Everything was tense and scared inside of me as I turned again, my muscles knit together in fear as more steps came behind me, the ones before never stopping. The sounds met in my ears as claws against a chalkboard, the clicking echoing in my head and only increasing my fear.

Another pair of running feet joined the others. I spun around, pushing my light toward the noise in desperation to see something, yet my light never hit them. I only saw darkness as they moved; the sounds loud as they circled around me, as they came closer. As they stopped.

I stopped as the sound did; the only noise in the silence was my panicked breathing, the pain in my chest growing as I heaved in a desperate attempt to catch my breath to calm myself. I clenched my hand tightly around my torch, the fire shaking as fear rippled through my body.

The silence ended with a heavy pulse, a crash in the dark. My eyes widened as I waited for more to join, for something to happen. The first footfall rippled through me like the heavy beat of a drum. The next coming shortly after from the same direction this time. One after another, the sounds began to flow, the rhythm steady like a clock as it moved closer, right toward me. As it pursued me, hunted me. My feet began to take me backwards as the sound came closer. My better judgment begged me to stay still, but I threw the thought away, my fear guiding me away from what was coming. Before I could stop myself, my feet turned and carried me away from the sound of my pursuer’s footsteps. The sound of their steps increasing as mine did. Someone… something was running.

I couldn’t look away from the darkness behind me, from the heavy pounding of the running feet matching my every heartbeat. I watched the darkness as I ran, the sound picking up pace as I did, as my breathing did, as I ran, as the thing came closer.

Rebecca Ethington's Books