The Row(54)

Daddy waits until the guard walks out and closes the door before giving us a somewhat cautious smile. “We haven’t done this in a while.”

Mr. Masters looks up from the papers and nods. “Riley wanted an extra visit, and I accommodated her.”

The concern on Daddy’s face fades away at that. “Oh, I’m glad to hear that. Thank you for letting her come with you.”

Mr. Masters nods without looking up. He must’ve found whatever he was looking for in his file because he closes it and sits back in his chair. He smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Things are coming along well with the investigation into the other case. I would even go so far as to call it hopeful.”

Daddy’s expression has gone serious and he’s staring so hard at his former law partner that I wonder if he’s forgotten that I’m here.

“That’s good. Any word on the new evidence?”

“I spoke with Chief Vega yesterday—” Mr. Masters begins.

“What did he say?” Daddy is so eager he cuts him off while I’m sitting here thinking about how bizarre my world has become. It’s so strange to hear them talking about Jordan’s father.

“He said that they don’t have evidence that specifically points to this being a copycat case—at least not yet.” Mr. Masters leans in as Daddy releases a big puff of air and his smile returns.

“I must caution you though, David. Don’t get your hopes up until we know for certain where the investigation will lead.” Mr. Masters sits back and crosses his arms over his chest. “You are too good a lawyer to fall into a trap like that.”

“I know. You’re right.” Daddy’s smile turns wry and he winks at me. “But come on, Ben, relax a little. It seems like something drastic would have to happen to change anything at this point.”

I find myself smiling back at Daddy for a moment before I remember all the things I haven’t yet confronted him about, and it slides off my face.

“Speaking of which.” Mr. Masters’s tone takes on an icy edge, and he inches forward like he’s about to pounce. “I understand you told Riley a different story two visits ago.”

The grin drops from Daddy’s face like a dead weight and he casts a hard glance at me. My stomach turns sour and I can actually feel all my blood rushing to my head. I turn on Mr. Masters, my mouth half open because I want to yell at him or tell him to stop, but I’m so shocked that no words come out. Mr. Masters throws me a split-second apologetic glance before moving his full attention back on my father.

I watch him and realize he’s gone into full lawyer mode. This is a standoff—and Mr. Masters is trying to get answers for me in the only way he knows how. He’s putting Daddy on the stand right here in this visitation room. Some of my outrage fades, but I still wish he’d discussed this with me first.

“I’m not sure what she told you…” Daddy’s words are carefully chosen, his voice soft.

“Assume she told me everything,” Mr. Masters replies.

“When did she tell you?” Daddy seems to be trying to figure out where to start, but Masters doesn’t allow him to get comfortable.

“That isn’t your concern here,” Mr. Masters says, actually waving a hand to the side, dismissing Daddy’s words like an annoying fly.

“She’s my daughter. Everything about her is my concern.” Daddy’s voice hovers somewhere between anger and pleading. He is losing his composure and I can see it. He feels threatened and cornered. Isn’t this what I wanted? Still, I feel less sure seeing this look on his face.

“You told her that you were guilty. That you had killed those women.” Mr. Masters doesn’t seem to know how to relent, and he only pushes harder. “I assume you’re going to say now that this wasn’t true.”

The color is slowly draining from Daddy’s face. His voice is soft and his eyes turn to me. “It isn’t true. I promise it isn’t.”

Mr. Masters raises his voice now, drawing Daddy’s attention back on him. “Then why would an innocent man say something like that to his only daughter? Why would you want Riley to believe you were a murderer when you were executed?”

Daddy opens his mouth to respond, but his eyes are still glued to me. Begging me to believe him. I’m torn and so I just freeze. I do nothing.

“Because I was trying to set her free.” Daddy scowls at Masters now. His voice is a low growl. “Isn’t that what you’ve wanted me to do with my family for a long time? Let them go? You’ve already tried to take my place with my daughter.”

Mr. Masters takes a quick, surprised breath, and when I shift to face him, he clears his throat, ignoring Daddy’s question. “How would Riley believing her father is a serial killer set her free?”

Then Daddy’s tough fa?ade crumples, pain showing clearly on his face. “Even if she thinks I’m the most horrible monster to ever live, at least she wouldn’t be stuck here in Texas fighting an unwinnable fight. Riley has been stationary for her whole life. She’s had no father, no good friends, and she’s trapped in a state where everyone despises her because of the crime they already decided that I committed a dozen years ago.”

The room is silent now and all I can hear are Daddy’s ragged breaths. When he looks up, his eyes go straight to me. “I hoped that finally pretending to be the monster everyone has decided I am would let her move on and escape this place. If it could, that would be worth anything to me … even if it meant destroying myself in her eyes.”

J. R. Johansson's Books