The Duke Meets His Match (The Infamous Somertons #3)(63)
She had no choice but to follow him as he led her to the far side of the lawn until they were concealed behind a tall hedgerow.
As she looked up at him, her heart lurched madly. Must he be so handsome? “Are you serious about bringing Emily home with you?”
“I am.”
“She needs a home. I have more rooms than I’ll ever need.” She still didn’t comprehend. Dukes didn’t just take home orphaned children. Did he intend for Emily to become one of his staff?
“Emily misunderstood. She thinks I’m coming along as well.”
“There’s no misunderstanding. I may own a mansion, but I have no clue how to raise a child.”
“You are a duke. You can hire the best nannies and governesses in London.”
“True. But Emily needs you. So do I.”
She frowned, her head puzzled by what he was saying. She met his gaze and the deep longing in the depths of his eyes nearly took her breath away. She gasped, hope blossoming in her chest. “You can’t mean—”
“I’m sorry for what I put you through. When I learned that you were leaving London, I realized what a fool I’ve been. Will you accept my apology?”
“How did you learn I was leaving?”
“Your sister Eliza paid me a visit.”
Chloe’s thoughts whirled. “Eliza…what about the note from Dr. Graves? Did you have something to do about that?”
“I needed a way to get you here.”
Then the impossible, beautiful man knelt on one knee before her. “I must do this properly this time. Chloe Somerton, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
Longing flared as bright as the afternoon sun inside her. She loved this battle-hardened man. All his flaws and his perfections. She wanted to throw herself in his arms, kiss him, and proclaim her love.
She had wanted to marry a rich, titled man for as long as she could remember, but the fact that Michael was a duke and wealthy as sin didn’t account for her joy. She’d gladly spend the rest of her life with him if he were a struggling merchant, just as she had been years ago. He completed her as no other man. Little by little, warmth crept back into her body. His appeal was irresistible. She smiled at his arrogance and sheer confidence.
“I know that I’m not cured and will have moments where I will struggle. But I no longer fear my future, but look forward to it. With you by my side, I can face anything. Now, will you accept my proposal?”
Still, she needed to be certain. “Why? Tell me why you want to marry me.”
A flicker of unease crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced with resolve. “Because you ease my soul. Because I can sleep peacefully for the first time in well over a year. Because I’ve been a fool not to see what was so obvious to me before. Because the thought of losing you terrifies me more than marching into battle. And because I love you.”
Her heart leaped with joy. “Oh, Michael.”
“Is that a yes? Please take pity on me and accept because my knee is starting to ache.”
“Yes!” She threw herself at him just as he rose. Strong hands came around to grasp her waist, and his lips brushed her forehead. “You’ve made me the happiest man alive.”
Her heart lurched madly. “I love you. I’ve loved you for so long.”
“Say it again,” he demanded fiercely.
“I love you.”
“Thank God.”
Hands clasped together, they stepped from behind the tall hedgerow to smile and wave at Emily across the lawn.
Emily laughed happily and waved back.
Chloe blew her a kiss. “What will you tell people about her?”
“That Emily is the daughter of a deceased cousin. I know we cannot claim her as our own, but I promise to treat her as one of ours.”
She gave him a cocky smile. “One of ours? Does that mean you have decided you want children?”
“A dozen. You have cured me of that fear, my lady.”
“Goodness! That’s a rather large family.”
“Then the wedding will have to take place quickly so that we can get started. I’m a duke, after all, and can obtain a special license. Henry shall be my best man.”
“We have his blessing. And deep inside, I know I have his father’s as well.”
He was perfect. She leaned up on tiptoe and kissed him. “Then I look forward to a new beginning.”
Six Months Later
“Miss Chloe! Come see what the duke has brought home.”
Chloe smiled at Emily and extended her hand. Together they walked to where Michael stood in the gardens of their Berkeley Square home. Chloe’s eyes filled with tears when she thought of how far Emily had come. With Dr. Graves’s care, her health had improved. She’d started to walk, a miracle for sure.
Michael had let it be known that Emily was a relation and no one had questioned it. As far as Chloe was concerned, Emily was their daughter.
Michael waved as the two women approached. In his arms was a black cloth bag.
They sat on a bench, and he joined them and set the bag on his lap. He looked as handsome as ever with his broad shoulders and dark eyes and hair, and she marveled that she was now his duchess. Their wedding had been the event of the Season. Eliza, Amelia, and Huntingdon and Vale had all been present.