The Duke Meets His Match (The Infamous Somertons #3)(62)

“What is it?” Alice asked.

“It’s Emily. She’s taken a turn for the worse and is asking for me. I have to go see her.”

“But what about the coach?”

“There will be another. Quick! Help me dress and summon a carriage. There’s no time to spare.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chloe sprinted up the front steps of the orphanage. She wiped a stray tear from her cheek as she ran down the hall that led to the room that housed the young girls and burst inside. She halted.

All the beds were empty.

Even Emily’s.

Chloe ran to the back of the room to Emily’s designated bed. The bed was neatly made with clean sheets, the brown blanket tidily tucked in all four corners.

She glanced around the room. The rest of the children would be outside playing, but Emily had been unable to join them in months. Good Lord, if the bed was empty, that could only mean one thing.


Panic welled in her throat, and she rushed to the door and cried out. “Dr. Graves!”

Seconds later, Mrs. Porter rushed into the room. Her eyes were wide and her face flushed from running. “What’s wrong, miss?”

“Where’s Emily? Her bed is empty. Is she—”

“Outside, miss.”


“Yes, she’s been feeling a bit better. A chair was taken outside, and the man carried Emily to join the other children.”

“What man?” Chloe didn’t wait for her response but threw open the door that led to the small garden behind the orphanage. She halted and blinked at the bright sunlight. Squinting, she shielded her eyes with her hand and scanned the lawn. The sounds of children laughing and playing reached her ears. A group of four kicked a ball back and forth. Several played with hoops and rolled them across the grass. Others played hide-and-seek—one boy was counting with his hand, covering his eyes while his playmates hid behind a hedge of bushes, a barrel, and trees. Emily was nowhere in sight.

A movement from the far end of the garden caught her eye.

Emily was seated in a chair, her glossy dark hair shining beneath the sun and her lips curled in a smile. A flash of white drew Chloe’s attention, and she spotted a man squatting with his back to her. Then he stood to hand a daisy to Emily.

Chloe’s heart hammered against her ribs as he turned and sunlight glinted on his dark hair.

She took a step forward just as Michael spotted her. He lifted a hand in greeting and grinned. A passionate fluttering arose at the back of her neck, and she found herself walking over to the pair.

“Miss Chloe, look what Mr. Michael brought for me today!” Emily held up a leather-bound book, the cover emblazoned with a fire-breathing dragon. “He said he searched three shops before he finally found one with a story that included a dragon and a princess. It’s mine to keep.”

“It’s wonderful, darling. Are you certain you feel well enough to be outside today?”

Emily nodded. “The medicine Dr. Graves gave me has made me feel better.”

A tear streamed down Chloe’s face. This time, she didn’t bother to wipe it away as she kneeled to hug Emily. “I’m so happy you feel well enough be outside.”

“Dr. Graves said I will have to build up my strength, but that there is a good chance I may be able to walk on my own one day,” Emily said.

A cry of relief broke from her lips. “That’s wonderful!”

Emily was precious, and because Michael had cared enough to send his physician to treat the girl, she’d been given a second chance. Chloe knew that Emily wasn’t miraculously cured, and that she would have a long, difficult journey ahead of her. But there was now hope, and it was all because of the man standing before her.

Gratitude and love welled in Chloe’s chest. But it didn’t explain why he was here today. Or the disturbing note from Dr. Graves.

Chloe stood and searched his handsome face. “I never had the chance to thank you for sending Dr. Graves to treat Emily. Why did you do it?”

Their gazes locked and he smiled. “Why have the power and riches of a dukedom if one cannot put it to good use?”

Chloe’s heart hammered in her ears. She opened her mouth to answer when Emily tugged on her skirt and drew her attention. “I saved the best news for last. Mr. Michael said I could come live with him.”

Chloe blinked. “Pardon?” She couldn’t have been more surprised if Emily had risen from the chair and danced a jig.

Emily’s eyes were bright with excitement. “He’s taking me home. He says I’ll even have my own bedchamber. Can you imagine?”

Why would Michael promise such a thing to the child? Had Emily misunderstood?

Emily continued chattering, oblivious to Chloe’s shock. “He said you can live with us there, too.”

Chloe’s eyes snapped to Michael’s face. He stood tall, watching her with his unfathomable dark eyes, revealing nothing and everything at the same time. She wavered on her feet. His hand grasped her arm to steady her.

“Emily, love,” Michael said, “will you excuse us and watch the others so that I may speak with Miss Chloe in private?”

Emily giggled with an unmistakable twinkle of mischief in her eye. “Good luck, Duke.”

Michael offered Chloe his arm. “Come,” he said simply.

Tina Gabrielle's Books