The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(21)

He frowned. “Lie number two, Grace. Let me put this as plainly as I can. Me, Dom. You, sub. Pick a safeword, or I’ll get out of this pool, carry you to that very nice bench over there, and we won’t get up again until your ass is a stark red.”

“Elephant.” She spoke quickly. She wasn’t afraid of the spanking. She was intrigued by it, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about Sean knowing so much about her so soon. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Grace let her eyes sink submissively down. From the books she’d read, she knew it should be a word she wouldn’t use during sex. “Is that a good word?”

Her soft words worked some magic on him. His shoulders relaxed, and his hold on her grew gentle once more. “It’s a very good word. Is that your usual safeword?”

She bit her bottom lip. He was under some mistaken impressions, but Grace wasn’t sure if she should set him straight. She settled for honesty by merely answering his question. “No. I just made it up.”

He smiled. “Excellent. I would prefer we start a fresh relationship. Now, I’m releasing these hands. Put them on the tile behind you and lean back. Then I want the heels of your feet on the edge of the pool. Do you understand?”

She glanced around, forgetting her game. She was a little panicked at the prospect of obeying him. “But Sean, people might see me.”

“No one is out here, Grace.” The impatience rolled off of him.

Grace shook her head and once again wished she’d kept her damn swimsuit on. Of course, by now, Sean would probably have pulled it off her. Grace was honest enough with herself to know that she would have let him, but there were several problems with the scenario. “I have a home owners association. I once got a three hundred dollar fine for leaving my garbage cans out two hours late. I can’t imagine what the fine will be for leaving my ass hanging out.”

He bit the words out like bullets. “No one can see your ass because you’re sitting on it. As for that * of yours, don’t think about it. All anyone’s going to see is my face buried in it. So, all we have to worry about are those gorgeous tits. We’ll just tell everyone you’re French. Now, do as I told you, or we’ll go to the bench.”

She shivered, but it wasn’t from cold. She’d fantasized so often about being placed over hard thighs and accepting loving discipline. Not even in her dreams had she expected it would come from someone like Sean. “You would really spank me?”

He stared a hole through her. “I’m very close to doing it right now. You have to make the choice. You can submit, or I’ll stop right now, and we can pretend this never happened. I don’t know if you’re experienced or if you’re just curious, but this is who I am, Grace.”

“You’re a Dom.” Deep down she’d known. She had been sure he was all alpha male, but part of her had recognized a man who could completely dominate her.

His lips quirked up. “I believe I mentioned that. I’ve trained for years. I know a sub when I see one. Now, make the choice. Give in to me or say your safeword.”

Everything she’d dreamed of was right there. She could explore something she’d always wanted with Sean if she was just brave enough to submit. Grace chose to give in. Sean was in charge. Grace let her legs fall open. This was what had attracted her to the lifestyle. She didn’t have to worry about anything except obeying Sean. There was no place for insecurities with a Dom. Grace felt her body tremble in anticipation as Sean stared at her *.

“You’re so f*cking gorgeous. Look at how wet you are.” His voice was a dark, warm blanket covering her and protecting her from the outside. It was safe here with Sean.

His fingertips grazed the inside of her thighs, making her shiver in anticipation. He ran his hands all along her legs, cupping her knees, caressing her flanks, running his fingers all the way down to her pink toenails and back up to the apex of her thighs. He moved a single finger from the top of her clit down through the wettest portions of her cunt. Very gently he worked that single, big finger deep inside her.

“This is better,” he said, his voice still deep, but the previous bite was gone, replaced with a languid, sensual tone. “Let’s go over a few things, little one. Set some ground rules. I like to be called Sir when we’re playing. I don’t know if you’ve worked with a Dom before. Sometimes I’ll ask you to keep quiet, but not tonight. I want to hear you. You have permission to make as much noise as you like.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She knew that much. Doms preferred Sir or Master when playing. They also liked to be obeyed. Luckily, he was willing to let her make noise. It would be hard to remain silent when everything about him made her want to howl. She gasped as he grazed her clit with the pad of his finger. “Oh, Sir.”

“I love the way you say that.” He moved between her spread legs. The height of the pool’s side was perfect for his purposes. His face was right in line with her waiting *. He breathed in her scent. “You smell delicious. And I love this pretty, shaved *. It makes you look like a ripe peach.”

Pete had asked her to shave it. She’d never gotten out of the habit. Now she was beyond glad for it. His mouth hovered over her *. She wanted more than anything to push up and force his tongue into her, but she was patient. After a moment, she felt the first gentle lap of his tongue.

“Oh, oh.” She whimpered at the delicate feel of him on her clitoris. It had been so long. Tears formed in her eyes at the sweet feel of another soul touching her, adoring her. She’d missed this so much. She loved her children, but she’d longed for this.

Lexi Blake's Books