The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries #1)(18)

The water felt silky and smooth against her skin. She loved this feeling. She’d left the swimsuit behind, getting out of it after she was in the pool and utterly certain none of her neighbors were in their backyards. Swimming felt different without a suit, sensual and a little forbidden. She swam to the deep end and sat down on the bench built into the side of the pool, her legs dangling as she considered the big Viking who was rapidly taking over her life.

Sean was everywhere. He was holding her chair out when they were in meetings together. He’d brought her a latte the day before when she’d had to work late typing up several proposals. He’d waited and walked her to her car because it was past dark by the time she was through. That had been the hardest invitation to turn down. He’d looked a little hurt when she’d explained she had to get home. He had asked again this afternoon, but she was becoming deft at refusing him. He’d tried to get her to attend a dinner meeting with Matt and some representatives from Chile. When he’d complained about not getting any decent home cooking, she’d breezily offered to feed him some of her famous lasagna one of these days. She’d said it with her patented flirtatious smile and tossed out something like he should drop by sometime. He didn’t know where she lived, and he’d be gone in a week or so. She was safe.

But a part of her wished she wasn’t.

There was only the small squeak of her gate opening that gave her warning she was no longer alone. With a little yelp, Grace pushed off the bench and clung to the side of the pool, her naked breasts scraping lightly against the wall.

“Grace? Are you back here? I tried your front door, but no one answered. Oh, there you are.”

And there he was, a Norse god in the moonlight. And here she was…without her damn swimsuit. Grace prayed it was dark enough he couldn’t tell. The pool had been built to have a lagoon-like feel. The granite was a dark blue-gray. She hadn’t turned the pool light on, so it was possible he couldn’t tell. Maybe. She prayed he didn’t notice her suit lying on the deck.

“Sean, what are you doing here?” The question came out as a little squeak. Her nails ground into the tile on the edge of the pool.

He smiled. She could see his even white teeth in the moonlight as he walked onto the deck. He looked unbelievably sexy in a dark suit. His tie was gone and the shirt open at the neck. He carried a bottle of wine in one large hand. “You said you would feed me, woman. That place tonight was crap. I couldn’t take another overdone steak.”

“Matt tends to choose his restaurants based on the bar rather than the quality of the food,” she allowed. Oh, she had to find a way to get him out of here. Though the water was the tiniest bit cold, her whole body flushed with embarrassment. The last thing this gorgeous man needed to see was her sagging boobs.

“You’re telling me. See, if you had come with us, at least I would have had something pretty to look at.” He held up the bottle of wine. “Instead, I come bearing gifts and begging you to feed me. Seriously, Grace, I’m not a man who enjoys restaurants every night. You don’t even have to cook. Just let me use your kitchen. I’ll come up with something. I’m quite good in the kitchen.”

The kitchen sounded like an awesome place for him to be. The kitchen wasn’t here, where he would be treated to the sight of her overly-large posterior. He could go play around in the kitchen and she would force the swimsuit back on. He would never have to know. “That’s great, Sean. The back door is open. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I’ll be out in a minute or two.”

He started to turn toward the door and stopped. “You seem awfully accepting. I expected a bit of a fight.”

“I never fight with a man who is willing to cook for me.”

He took a few steps forward until his loafers were just against the edge of the pool. Grace was very thankful for the distance between them. She had the feeling if there wasn’t water in the way, Sean would have gotten much closer.

“Are you okay?” He frowned suddenly, and the next question came out of his mouth on a low growl. “Do you have another man here?”

She felt her mouth drop open, and she turned, making sure the water covered her up to her neck. She kept one hand on the side of the pool for balance. “No. I don’t have a man here, Sean Johansson, but if I did, it wouldn’t be any of your business.”

His gorgeous face turned slightly sheepish. “Would it make a difference if I told you I wanted it to be my business?”

“Sean,” she started with a sigh. He was playing some sort of game. He had to be. No man that young and gorgeous would be desperate for a forty-year-old widow. “Don’t play around with me. It’s not kind.”

He groaned and shook his head as though he couldn’t figure out what she was saying. “Kind? What do you mean by that? Come on, Grace. What do I have to do? I’ve followed you around like a puppy for days. I’ve been perfectly charming to all your friends and gallant toward you. I’m standing here begging you to let me show off my culinary skills. I’ve decided maybe you’ll take mercy on me if I feed you well enough. I’m playing by your rules, sweetheart. I’m keeping my hands to myself and being the perfect southern gentleman. I need you to tell me what’s going to work.”

“Nothing.” She was going to have to be brutally honest with him. She wasn’t going to be used. “I don’t know how often this little act of yours works, but it’s not going to work on me. I’m not going to influence Matt to give you a better contract. You’re going to have to deal with him. Now, I would thank you to leave. From here on out, just be professional with me, and I’ll treat you the same way.”

Lexi Blake's Books