Tell Me True (Call Me Cat Trilogy #3)(17)

We sunk into our seats, sweat already dripping down my back from the unforgiving summer sun. A pastor began the service talking about Jon and all he'd accomplished in his “short life.” Once again I was surprised to discover charitable organizations he'd been active in and volunteer work I hadn't known about. From the look on Ash's face, I'd say he didn't know about some of those contributions to society, either.

When the pastor opened up the service for people to speak, Mr. Davenport stood and gave a brief and emotionally anemic farewell to his son. Mrs. Davenport tried to speak after, but her sobs drowned out everything she said and she eventually gave up and sat back down.

Ash got up next and held in tears that made his eyes gloss over as he took a deep breath and spoke. "Jon and I didn't always get along, especially as adults. We chose different life paths and sometimes that created conflict between us. But he was my brother, and that meant something. I wish I could have one more chance to tell him that none of it mattered. Our differences, our conflicts, our life choices… none of it matters. We're blood, he and I. It's a bond that isn't easy to toss aside, and I loved him even when he pissed me off. I'll always remember him as a towheaded little kid following me around and begging me to play ball with him. I should have said yes more often. Should have taken the time to let my kid brother join me. I was too busy to be bothered and then we were grown and it was too late to go back and change things. But if I could, I would."

Ash closed his eyes. "I'll miss you, Jon. I hope you find peace on the other side."

I had tears running down my cheeks when he came to sit down. But still I stood, compelled to give some testament to the man I'd known. I cleared my throat, looking at the crowd of people who had joined together to say goodbye to Jon.

"Jon would have become my brother the day he died, if things had gone differently. I'd spent some time with him before the wedding, getting to know him better, but still there were so many things I didn't know, things that I'm just now starting to discover about someone I consider family. One thing I will remember about Jon is how he always tried to make me laugh, no matter how bad my day was. He cared about people and was trying to make a difference in the world. And he did. Each of us here today is a testament to the impact Jon had on our lives, and so he will always live inside us."

As my eyes wandered over the crowd, someone skulking in the back caught my attention. A hoodie covered their head and sunglasses covered their face. I couldn't even tell if it was a man or woman as they hid behind others, but something about them made me shiver.

The silence pulled me out of my fear, and I tried to remember what I was saying. "I'll miss Jon, both the Jon I knew and the Jon I would have gotten to know were he still here."

A woman pushed her way through the friends and family, her belly bulging in pregnancy, her face streaked with mascara. I couldn't believe she risked coming.

"None of you knew Jon the way I did!" screamed Molly. "He made love to me. He gave me this child." She cupped her belly, the black spaghetti strap falling off her shoulder and exposing part of her breast.

Mr. Davenport stood, his face red and set hard in fury. "Get the hell out of here, you little tramp! How dare you disrespect my son and family by coming here today?"

He grabbed her arm none too gently and pushed her back through the crowd and away. From the distance we could still hear him yelling at her, threatening to have her arrested. I stood, not knowing if I should keep talking or just sit down, when the pastor saved me from the choice by standing up himself.

"Thank you all for sharing about Jon. There will be a small reception at the Davenports’ home following this service. Those who would like to place a flower on his casket may do so now."

It was a valiant effort but nothing could distract the crowd from the drama. Particularly not once we heard a loud smack and turned to see Mr. Davenport striking Molly in the face as she fell to her knees, crying.

Chapter Fourteen

Pay Off


MOLLY STOOD AROUND, likely waiting for Jon. After a few minutes she said goodbye and left the club, and I sat at a table and stared at my now-cold burger as I, too, waited for Jon to return.

He came in happy, but his smile faded when he saw my face. "What's wrong?"

"I met a friend of yours today," I said.

He sat across from me and shoved a fry into his mouth. "Who?"

"Molly. Pretty girl, nice smile, pregnant with your child!"

He paled and set down his French fry. "I can explain, Cat."

"You can explain how you got someone pregnant at the same time you were dating my best friend?"

"It was a one night stand. It meant nothing. I slipped up. I would never do anything to hurt Bridgette. And besides, the situation's been handled. Molly will receive enough money to provide for herself and the baby—which may not even be mine—for a long time. She won't be bothering anyone and Bridgette never has to find out."

I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled. "So you're paying her off to make her disappear and you want me to lie for you?"

Jon reached across the table and held my hands between his. "I can trust you, can't I? With everything? I feel like I can tell you anything, Cat. I feel like we're connected in a way that's special. I promise I'll make this right."

Karpov Kinrade's Books