Tell Me True (Call Me Cat Trilogy #3)(16)

"The one you asked me about at the barbecue."

"Yes, I chose to keep it buried," he said.

"Care to tell me this secret?"

He smirked. "Like I said, I chose to keep it buried." He hit the golf ball, looking lost in thought. "Sometimes the past is just the past. Sometimes it should have no effect on the present."

He looked across the fairway as if he saw something that disturbed him, then turned to me, frowning. "I'm sorry, I have to make a call. Can you grab us some food, please, and I'll meet up with you?" Before waiting for me to answer, he walked away while pulling out his cell phone.

I headed back to the club house, lugging our golf clubs with me and dropping them by a table in the dining room. After a server took my order, I went in search of a bathroom.

After I wandered around for several minutes, a woman in blue approached me. "Need any help?" she asked.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?"

"Sure," she said, sticking out her hand. "I'm Molly." Her hazel eyes crinkled when she smiled and I liked her immediately. She had a kind face framed by dark blond wavy hair held back by a clip.

I shook her hand and smiled. "Catelyn. Nice to meet you."

She turned down a hall and I walked with her as she patted her pregnant stomach and laughed. "I have to use the bathroom every fifteen minutes it seems, so it's the first thing I discover when I go someplace."

"How far along are you?"

She laid a hand on her stomach. "Five months. So, you're a golfer?"

It was my turn to laugh. "Not exactly. I used to golf with my dad and find it brings back good memories, if not much skill."

"My dad loved golf," Molly said. "He taught me to play as a child. I actually almost went pro at one point."

"What happened?"

She shrugged petite shoulders. "I didn't try hard enough. Didn't want it badly enough. Then my father passed away and I stopped playing for a long time. I'm an assistant in a hospital now and studying to be a nurse. This time, I won't give up. After all, I have two of us to think about now."

We had reached the bathroom but stood in front of the door talking.

"What do you do for a living?" Molly asked.

Not wanting to talk about my job as phone sex operator, I told a partial truth. "I study law at Harvard."

"Is that how you know Jon?" She asked. "I noticed you playing golf with him earlier."

"Kind of. Actually, he's about to become my brother-in-law. I'm engaged to his brother. So, you know Jon as well?" It probably shouldn't surprise me that in a country club like this Jon would be well-known.

Molly smiled, her dimpled cheek standing out. "Yes. I'm carrying his child."

Chapter Thirteen

The Funeral


THE DAVENPORTS DIDN'T waste a minute scheduling the funeral once Jon's body was released. I gave Ash space that morning, or I tried to.

He didn't want space. He wanted me.

We only had an hour before we had to be at the funeral when he threw me to the bed after my shower.

I pushed at his chest. "I have to get ready."

He didn't say a word, just dipped his head to my chest and sucked on my nipple while his hands explored my body, his fingers landing between my legs.

My body responded instantly.

I turned around, raising my ass for him and he groaned, ramming his cock into me hard, deep and fast.

There are times when we make love and it's slow and sweet and magical.

This wasn't one of those times, and that was fine by me.

I think we both needed the pleasure that bordered on pain. The urgent taking and giving, the violent coming together of raw need. When he slapped my ass I cried out his name, coming instantly, the orgasm lighting me on fire even as he continued to slam into me, never letting up. He felt huge, too big to fit inside me, but I took him gladly, thrusting my hips against his as his hand stung my ass with another slap. I bit into the pillow, the pleasure and pressure building again so intensely I felt I would explode from within my skin.

When he came, it sent me spiraling into another orgasm. We collapsed onto the bed, him rolling over so as not to crush me. I crawled into his arms and listened to his heartbeat slow to normal, the thumping sounds helping me block thoughts of the day ahead and focus on the moment and the feel of his fingertips brushing against my arm. I trailed my hand over his hard abs, admiring his sculpted body.

But then my phone chirped, a warning that we had to leave. I sat up. "It's time."

He ran his hand over my leg. "I know. I just wish it wasn't."

We dressed quickly and left for the cemetery. Jon would be buried in the family plot. Ash, when hearing about his brother’s final resting place, had made it clear he would be cremated, not embalmed, and that he wanted nothing to do with his family plot. I hoped I'd never have to deal with his funeral arrangements—although I felt selfish wishing that, since it meant he'd have to deal with mine. Or perhaps we could simply die together as a really old couple just after orgasm. That's seemed like a good way to go.

I'd expected there to be a graveside burial and memorial in a church, but the Davenports had opted to include everything at the graveside, which meant it was crowded. We had seats reserved in the front, as part of the family. I wondered if they'd been tempted to leave me out of that spot, and what Ash would have done, but whoever had made the arrangements had avoided that confrontation, much to my relief. Today already felt like an ordeal requiring superhuman strength.

Karpov Kinrade's Books