Stripped Bare (Stripped #1)(28)

I slipped through the door and looked at the stairs. Boy. That was a lot of stairs after a few cocktails and wearing these heels. Still... I gripped the hand rail and managed to get up there without falling. Success!

I paused at the door. What was I doing? This was insanity. I couldn’t go up there and attempt to get him. Not after my spiel earlier tonight.

“I can see you there, Mia.”

I looked up. The door was shut. How...

I pushed it open and stopped. He was standing by one of the computer screens that was apparently a CCTV feed. Sure as hell, one of them showed the staircase leading up there.

“Sneaky,” I said.

West turned, smirked, and threw a stack of dollars down onto the desk. “Now, what could have possibly brought you here tonight?”

“Research.” I stepped inside and shut the door behind me, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t exactly dissect your marketing last time I was here.”

“And now?” He perched on the edge of the desk and hit me with his bright gaze. His cheeks were slightly flushed, and although I’d barely glanced down, I knew he was still rock hard inside those sexy jeans. “What do you think?”

“You could do with drinks offers. You know, buy two, get one at half price. Buy three shots, get one free. Fifty percent off cocktails between seven and eight, Monday through Thursday. Fliers on each table, ads in local papers and on Facebook.”

“Come up to write it down, did you?”

“Yes,” I lied. “Absolutely.”

“And Vicky let you.”

“She thinks I’m using the restroom.”

“I see.” He didn’t look annoyed in the slightest as he pushed off the desk and walked toward me.


Walked was an understatement.

He stalked toward me, his gaze never leaving me, his lips still curved on one side. He stopped right in front of me and cupped my face with both hands. Then he dove his fingers into my loose, fiery curls and pushed them back from my face. He leaned in, ran his nose up my jaw, forcing me to close my eyes, and stepped around my body, making sure my hand brushed against his hard cock.

“I think,” he whispered in my hair, sweeping my hair around to one side of my neck. “I think you came here for an entirely different reason, Mia.”

His hands burned me through my dress as he ran them up my sides, from my thighs right up to my breasts. His fingers crept around the front of me until he was cupping my breasts and running his thumbs over the exact place my nipples were hardening. Every time he swept across them, pleasure rocketed through my body and my * clenched in desperate pleas.

“I think you came here tonight because you knew I’d be hard for you.” He pulled me back against him. His cock pressed against my lower back, just teasing my ass. “And I think you came up here to do something about it.”

“So arrogant,” I breathed.

“Am I?” He dropped one of those large, rough hands to my thighs and hiked my dress up at the front.

My legs parted easily for him to slip two fingers between them. He ran his fingertips along my *, covering my clit with my wetness.

“Because...” He pushed one finger inside me then added the other, kissing my neck. “You feel awfully ready for me, angel.”

I moaned and bucked against him. My clit rubbed against the heel of his hand, which heightened my pleasure, and as he thrust his fingers inside me, my hips moved against him until I was on the brink of orgasm.

He pulled his hand out of my panties and flattened it against the top of my thigh. “You’ve been drinking.”

“Didn’t stop you f*cking me with your fingers just now, did it? Which, by the way, thanks. Or not.” I shoved his hands from me and stepped away, frustrated with both his quick change of attitude and the orgasm I was hovering at the edge of.

Was there anything worse?

No. I didn’t think so.


I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned. “What?”

“How much have you been drinking?” His head edged to one side, and his gaze was contemplative, as if he were deciding if I was drunk or just slightly tipsy.

Slightly tipsy was the answer, for the record. But just drunk enough to let my lust rule my decision making. I was okay with that right now.

I snapped my gaze up to his. “Not enough.”

I was standing steady. I wasn’t seeing two of him. My words were clear. My mind was only slightly foggy.

He was right.

I would give in.

But I’d be f*cked if it was on his terms.

I took the few steps that would close the distance between us, wrapped my arms around his neck, and planted my mouth on his. He paused before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me right back. It quickly went from a simple touch to a lust-driven, desperate kiss, and I found myself staggering backward as he pushed me toward the desk.

He swept whatever was on it off onto the floor before grabbing my thighs and sitting me on it. West’s hand slid up to cup my ass cheeks and pull my hips forward so his hard cock was pressed against my wetness. I moaned as my clit made contact with his erection and pressed myself against him, but he pushed me back.

The desk was wide, and I could comfortably lie back on it. He leaned over me, allowing my arms to unlock behind his neck and my hands to trail down the sculpted mounds of his chest. My fingers explored every crevice and dip in his taut stomach, and they eventually came to rest at his waistband.

Emma Hart's Books