Steal the Light (Thieves #1)(72)

I laughed at the thought of Neil being anyone’s minion, but the humor only lasted a minute before I was taken back to serious thought.

“What are you thinking?” Daniel’s voice told me he wasn’t sure he wanted an answer.

I took my time replying. “I’m thinking that the two people in the world I’m closest to have this whole relationship I didn’t know about.”

Daniel sighed. “It’s not a relationship, Zoey. It’s business. It’s a way to keep other people from screwing with us. We’re safer together than we are apart.”

“It’s more than that, Danny. You saved him.”

“He saved me, too.”

I shook my head. “I don’t believe that. You’re stronger than you let anybody know. Dev says you’re the strongest vampire to rise in a long time.”

“Dev has a big mouth.” Daniel took a long breath, as though deciding just how much to tell me. “All right, let me put it like this. Having Neil around helps keep out the vampires who would like to test that theory. He’s kept me from having to do things I’d rather not do in order to survive. I didn’t tell you because I was trying to keep you out of it.”

“I’m not mad about it.” And I wasn’t. “I just think it’s weird that all this time the two of you kept quiet about it. It seems intimate.”

“There’s nothing intimate about it,” Daniel said, his head shaking in masculine denial. “I squeeze some blood into a cup, and he drinks it. It is so not intimate.”

I started to say something and then sat there looking at him with my mouth hanging wide open as the truth poured over me. Strength. He’d given me a bit of his strength. That little potion he’d given me after the feeding hadn’t been full of herbs. It had been full of Daniel.

“Zoey…” Daniel said slowly, as though he could postpone the inevitable.

“That was blood. I drank blood. I drank your blood,” I said in a zombie-like monotone as I tried to process that particular truth.

“You were weak and you needed it,” Daniel reasoned. “Besides, you don’t mind it when I drink yours.”

“That’s different.” But it really wasn’t. I’d fed Daniel because he needed it. He’d given me his blood when I’d been weak. It was an intimacy shared by two people who loved each other. Was there really anything wrong with it? “So if I ever need a short burst of strength, you just open a vein into a mug and instant bloody Starbucks?”

“It wouldn’t be my preferred method, but if that’s the way you want it, then, yes.” He seemed to measure his words. “It’s not a bad idea for you take it before you do a job. I know I would feel better if you had more protection. Consider it the supernatural equivalent of a Kevlar vest. I would prefer you took it straight from the tap, though. You know how good it feels when I feed from you?”

“Oh, yeah.” My breath caught at the thought. It felt exquisite.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind feeling that way, too.”

I laughed, but there was no small amount of desire in it. I liked the thought of Daniel being the one who passed out from pleasure.

Daniel pulled me close again. “Do you have any idea how good you taste? Every day for the last five years I’ve dreamed of this. Being around you and not being able to have you has been hell. I could drain you dry, and I would still want more.”

“Let’s not try it.” I let my head fall to the side. “But a late-night snack won’t kill me.”

He was gentler this time. I felt only the slightest sting as his fangs found the vein in my neck, and then the pleasure started to build with every tug of his mouth. When he’d had his fill, it was my turn.

“Baby, this is important.” He held out his hand. “Don’t be scared.” He grimaced a little as his nails lengthened, growing into perfect claws.

I stared at them, in awe of the way he could change. “I’m not afraid, Danny.”

He drew a single, sharp nail across his chest and blood welled. He put his hands on my face. “This is everything to me. This means we’re together. No going back, Z.”

I didn’t want to go back. I leaned in and tentatively put my mouth on him.

“Oh, god, baby, suck me, please.” Daniel’s hand wound around the back of my neck and held me in place. “Suck hard. It feels so good.”

I did as he asked, sucking his blood into my mouth, surprised at the hot velvety texture. Even as I whirled my tongue against his chest, he drew my hand down to his cock. It was hard, so damn hard. He pumped himself into my hand, and I tightened around him. He groaned as I released my hold on his chest. My mouth had other places to go.

“Oh, yes,” Daniel said approvingly as I moved lower and took him into my mouth.

I was pleased when he passed into sleep completely satisfied.

When I woke up, I was cuddled against him. This time there was no pain or weakness. My neck felt fine, and when I ran my hand over it, I was surprised to find it smooth with no hint of the earlier wounds. It was his blood. It healed and made me stronger than I’d ever felt. I stretched, feeling every muscle move languorously. I let myself lie against him just a moment longer before I sat up and looked at the clock. It was almost five in the evening. I slept all day, lying there next to Daniel who had no choice but to sleep.

Lexi Blake's Books