Steal the Light (Thieves #1)(70)

He worshipped me, not missing an inch as he kissed his way down my body.

Desire was a slow burn in my system. When he’d bitten me, he’d pulled me in, his magic taking me from zero to a hundred with a single look of those vampire eyes. But this was a long, slow, delicious ride. He lit me up, as though flipping a switch on pieces of me that had been dormant for years. Every inch of skin he caressed came to life for him.

I dragged a long breath in as his mouth hovered over my breast. My nipples strained, begging for his attention.

“You’re beautiful, baby. So f*cking beautiful. Precious.” His tongue curled around my nipple, sending sparks through my whole system. He sucked and pulled, laving affection at one and then the other. My legs moved restlessly, my body overheating.

He kissed my navel, his hands cupping the curves of my hips.

“Please, Danny.” I needed more than he was giving me. He was teasing me, and I wasn’t sure how long I could take it. “Please f*ck me, baby. I need you.”

“I’ll f*ck you.” The heat of his breath nuzzled against that most feminine part of me. My *. His. Always his. “I’m going to eat my fill first. God, you taste so f*cking good.”

He’d already fed off my blood, but there were other parts of me he liked to make a feast out of, too. Danny set his mouth on my *, his tongue spearing me. He sucked and kissed and rubbed until I couldn’t take another minute.

“I missed that. God, I missed you, Z.” He gave my clitoris a teasing peck and then climbed back up my body. He kissed me, the taste of my arousal on his tongue. He turned, flipping our positions. “Take me, Z. Welcome me home.”

I straddled his hips and lowered myself on his cock with a sigh of pure pleasure.

He gripped my hips and guided me down. He was so beautiful as I joined us together. The fangs didn’t bother me. They were just another part of Daniel, and I loved everything about him.

I worked my way down, taking him inch by inch until our hips met and he filled me. He filled my body, my heart, my world. I rocked back and forth against him. He pulled me down for a long, slow kiss, our bodies never once halting the rhythm we’d found. Over and over I moved until I hit that one spot and worked it, Danny’s hands caressing my breasts, his face contorting beautifully as I came and he followed me over the edge.

I collapsed on top of him, his arms around me. The rest of the world was gone, and it was just us. I knew beyond any doubt that this was where I belonged. There was a certainty to this I never felt before, not even when Daniel was human. I would never leave him. He would never leave me again. Nothing and no one could come between us ever.

I should have been worried. I realized that later. We were on the run. We had to keep the package away from any number of nasty people until Halfer was ready to take it. My life was on the line. My soul was on the line. We should have moved the minute we were physically able, but we didn’t. We made love on the bed and the floor and in the bathroom. I thought of nothing but Daniel and pleasure. The rest of the world, the rest of life, didn’t matter.

Neither one of us noticed the box on the table. It was the whole reason we were here in this room reclaiming our relationship, but it sat there, ignored and forgotten.

We weren’t watching when it began to pulsate and glow.

Chapter Nineteen

The digital clock beside the bed read 5:30 a.m. when I stretched and rolled over, my hands seeking Daniel. I’d only been asleep for an hour or so, but I felt fantastic.

“I’m over here, baby.” He stood at the small window that overlooked the not-so-scenic parking lot. His broad back was facing me, and I was disappointed to see his boxers were back on. It was odd to see Daniel naked as he was now. We’d only had the one night together before, and after that there had been no intimacy between us. Daniel had been no slouch in the looks department before, but becoming a vampire had taken him to a whole different level. Human Daniel had a great build, but he generally preferred playing around on his computer or reading a book to hitting the gym. Not so for the vampire version. He was all muscle, and watching the way he moved or even stood still made my mouth water.

“Whatcha doing?” I could hear the smile in my voice. I sat up and didn’t think twice about the fact that I was naked. It seemed natural. I didn’t need clothes when I was alone with Daniel. They would do nothing but get in the way.

Daniel didn’t turn, simply stared out the window. “I couldn’t sleep. I don’t do that at night anymore, I’m afraid. So I was just thinking. I’m trying to figure out which member of our crew betrayed us.”

“What?” I was surprised at the sudden turn of the conversation. I sat up and tried to focus on something other than his perfect backside.

“My money’s on the faery.”

“Dev wouldn’t betray us.” I needed to shut that line of thinking down fast before things went really bad for Dev. Danny had been possessive before his turn, and vampires weren’t known for their sharing ways. I didn’t want to see Dev get hurt. Dev and I hadn’t gotten past a heavy make-out session, and he shouldn’t have to die because he’d made it to second base. “He doesn’t have any reason to betray us. He doesn’t need the money. As far as I know, I haven’t done anything to him that would require revenge. I only went on one date with him.”

Lexi Blake's Books