Spellslinger (Spellslinger #1)(50)
I could understand them.
He – and I suddenly knew it was a he because of the tone of his voice – glanced at me for a second before turning to Tennat and the others, baring his teeth and saying, ‘All right, you hairless skinbag sons of bitches. Which one of you wants it first?’
The Squirrel Cats
The oasis was so quiet that I wondered if perhaps the disturbing image before me was the result of one too many blows to the head. The squirrel cats – though now the word nekhek seemed more appropriate – held their ground, the muscles of their furry bodies twitching, almost quivering in anticipation. Panahsi, Nephenia and Tennat were more still, each one struggling to find the inner calm required to cast Jan’Tep magic. I found myself counting the seconds down, as if I were about to witness a mage’s duel. I could almost hear old Osia’phest: ‘Seven … six … five …’
‘Damn it,’ Panahsi said, fingers twitching as they ran through the somatic forms for a conflagration spell. He’d incinerate the animals if he could cast the ember magic wide enough, but his face was glistening with sweat and his chest was still pumping from his prior exertions. He couldn’t draw the magic inside himself yet, but he still kept his eyes on the squirrel cats. Panahsi knew full well that he was more powerful than Nephenia and Tennat. He’d see it as his job to protect the others. He really was a pretty admirable person when he wasn’t kicking you half to death.
I had no idea what the squirrel cats were thinking. The fur of the thin, flat skin between their front and hind legs rippled in the soft late-night breeze. It was like watching waves on the surface of a lake, if that lake happened to be made of pure unbridled rage and the promise of imminent bloodshed.
‘We should back away,’ Nephenia suggested without taking her eyes off the creatures. ‘Then we can call for help.’
Panahsi’s hands were still running through the somatic forms, but he said, ‘We can’t. The quieting spell is still active. No one can hear us.’
So that’s why I didn’t hear you until I was near the ring of the columns. It made sense of course. With the little monster screaming under their blood spells, someone would have been bound to hear eventually. But none of them, not even Panahsi, had the experience to cast a hush that could cover the whole oasis. Somebody must have helped them do it – maybe Tennat’s brother or his father?
‘No backing away,’ Tennat said, his voice soft, almost reassuring. ‘We kill them. Every last one of them.’
Apparently he wasn’t as good at bluffing as he thought, because a couple of the squirrel cats started growling and I could see them shifting, muscles bunching in preparation to attack.
The lead animal chittered back at them, ‘Nobody attacks until I give the damned order.’ Some of the others hissed and growled, but I had no idea what they’d said until the leader snapped back, ‘Well, I’m in charge now, so shut up and wait.’
The little chitters and grunts and growls he made were so clearly speech to my ears that I kept thinking Panahsi, Tennat and Nephenia must be able to understand them too. None of them showed any sign of it, though Nephenia looked conflicted. She glanced over at me, her face full of fear and anger and … I don’t know what. Maybe regret? Or maybe you just want to see that because then it might not be over between you. Like maybe you just think you suddenly learned to speak Nekhek because maybe that would justify betraying your own people.
‘They haven’t attacked us yet,’ Nephenia said. ‘Maybe if we just leave—’
‘No,’ Tennat said, his voice more forceful now. ‘We’ll be heroes for this, Neph. You’ll be able to choose any path of study you want and the masters will support you. We can set our entire futures right now if we wipe this lot out. When Pan casts the fire river, be ready to support his spell. Then we can watch these little monsters dance to their own death.’
The sickening excitement in Tennat’s voice at the thought of burning these animals alive set my stomach churning, but it also felt oddly reassuring to know that he was just as rotten a human being as I’d always suspected. Is it wrong that I kind of like hating him this much?
Slowly and quietly, I began shifting my weight, preparing to get my feet under me.
I didn’t know what to think about the creatures who were now only seconds from their deaths. Were they the vicious nekhek as I’d always believed? Evil spirits that had long ago served the same Mahdek bastards who had waged war on my people in centuries past and may have come back to kill my sister just two days ago? Or were they just what Ferius claimed – squirrel cats – animals trying to protect themselves as any of us would when attacked?
The leader bared his teeth and growled something that would’ve got me in a good deal of trouble if my parents had ever heard me utter it. Who knew animals had such foul mouths?
‘I think I’m ready,’ Panahsi said. His chubby fingers once again twitched through the somatic pattern for the river of fire. It wasn’t quite perfect, but probably close enough to work. I was going to have to make a decision now: watch as he killed the entire pack of squirrel cats, or take one more step into treason against my own people.
‘Don’t do it, Pan,’ I said. ‘Just back off and let them go.’
‘Shut up, Kellen,’ he replied.