Semper Mine (Sons of War #1)(57)

As soon as I touched down in Boston, I messaged the team. Petr wouldn’t hear of me catching a cab and volunteered to make the hour long drive to get me. It’s nearly two in the morning, and I’m feeling the travel.

Ten minutes pass before Petr’s black, top of the line Range Rover slides up to the curb. He pops the hatch, and I lift my bags into the trunk before getting into the passenger’s seat. Petr grins, his strong features awake and alert.

“Sawyer Mathis!” He sounds much more cheerful than I could ever muster, let alone after the two days of traveling. “How you doing?”

“Hungry,” I respond.

“You’re in luck. I brought food.” He stretches to reach the backseat to retrieve a plate wrapped in tinfoil. “I grabbed shit on the way out. Not sure what’s there.”

I accept it, not caring what’s under the foil, so long as it’s not moving. Right now, I’d probably eat it even if it was. There’s a cold cheeseburger, egg rolls, what might be chicken nuggets and cookies.

“Awesome,” I say and dig in, taking a huge bite out of the cheeseburger.

“Good trip?”

I shrug.

“Yeah usually sucks.” He’s smiling, chipper enough that I’d be annoyed, if he was anyone else. Petr has a way of putting people around him at ease. I never could pinpoint what exactly it is about him that does it, but it works, even on someone as tightly wound as I am.

I wolf down everything and then take a bite of a cookie and freeze.

Petr laughs hard.

Setting the cookie down, I dig a bottle of water out of my bag. I swallow and drink then glare at him.

“How does your sister not know how to make cookies?” I grumble.

“I’ll never understand it either.”

Removing my cap, I set it on my lap and rest my head back. There’s a knot in my stomach that has nothing to do with eating too fast and everything to do with the woman who can’t cook. I’m not certain what to expect: either I’ll see her and realize I was somehow romanticizing everything or I’ll realize there’s something between us that won’t go away.

For once, I’m not planning either way. I’m going to wait to see, because there’s one element of this that’s absolutely beyond my control: her.

I’m going to enjoy the first recreational leave I’ve taken since joining the Corps five years ago. From the texts Riley sent me tonight, there’s tons of food, alcohol and people around, so I’m pretty sure I can relax in the Khavalov mansion and let things unfold.

It’ll be nice to take a break for once.

“I’m surprised you came,” Petr says. “Thrilled but surprised.”

“Colonel Howard was about to order me on leave,” I reply vaguely. It’s mostly the truth. I’m not going to tell him about the gift his sister sent, not until I can determine her intentions.

“Baba will be happy to see you. He always asks how you are.”

“You have a great family.” Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and relax. The car is so quiet and warm that I know I’ll be dozing by the time we get back. “How is he? Healthy?”

“Strong as an ox, as always.”


“Harper’s supposed to be by on Sunday.” The way he says it makes me think one of the guys told him about the casual relationship I have with her.

“Everyone will be back together again,” I say.

There’s a pause, then, “Is it serious?”

“No. We both needed the companionship.”

“She on board with that?”


He’s quiet again. I’m not sure what he’s looking for. He likes Harper; we all do. Maybe that’s why. He’s worried about there being hurt feelings or a nasty break that will interfere with our missions.

“It won’t affect the team,” I assure him. “It’s sort of petered off the past month when she got transfer orders to Germany. Nice girl. Just not looking for anything serious. She’ll be out of Iraq by mid-January.”


Petr is quiet long enough for me to start drifting off. I can’t quite get the drone of the aircraft out of my mind.

“You didn’t ask about Katya,” he says in an even tone.

My jaw clenches. Hearing her name reminds me of how crazy it was to leave Iraq on a whim like this.

“How is she?” I respond.

“Great. She’s been managing the charity organization my dad set up. She’s loving it.”

“Seeing anyone?” Fuck. Why did I ask?

“Not seriously. There’s a guy. Too boring for her.”

My heart somersaults. I start to think I need to focus on drinking and relaxing and not her.

“He’s not an issue, if you’re interested,” Petr adds.

“Your sister and I are not on best terms,” I reply.

“Shame. You were good for her.”

I say nothing, not wanting to read anything into his words. At all. Ever. I’m too tired for an emotional rollercoaster.

“You, uh, have any advice for dealing with her?”

I lift my head and open my eyes, looking at him to see if he’s joking. I spent a few days with her, and he’s lived with her for a lifetime.

Lizzy Ford's Books