Semper Mine (Sons of War #1)(21)


Hours later, I know how wrong I was to underestimate her. The kids are better disciplined and easier to work with.

By the end of the first full day, I’m ready to drag Katya back to her brother and demand a trade. Never mind that she couldn’t follow instructions to save her life or the fact she didn’t wear the right shoes for the trail hike and outright refused to paddleboat or the way she rolls her eyes at me whenever I’m working with the kids.

It’s the fact we can’t interact without something hanging between us. Anger, tension, frustration … I can’t name what it is, but it taints every conversation we have. We aren’t on the same page.

We aren’t even in the same f*cking library. I’m at a loss as to how to bridge that gap, though, which is something that never happens to me. I can learn to work with anyone – but her.

It’s nine o’clock, and I’m in front of the barracks. The kids are in bed at eight like I predicted, completely zonked after their long day. I’m not sure where Katya is, another of my issues with her. She can’t seem to understand the point of teamwork and communication. At all. How hard is it to tell me she’s stepping out for ten minutes?

Right now, it’s a good thing she’s not around.

I try to tell myself she’s got a merit or two. The kids love her, and she’s great with them. She’s as warm as I’m cold. They obey me and flock to her. With them, there’s none of the tension or snarkiness she displays with me. The food she planned leaves me wishing for more, but is at least healthy and her intentions good. At the very least, she’s not cooking.

But I can’t recall ever working with someone this stubborn and oblivious.

I sit on the stairs of the barracks, comfortable with the warm evening air. Our team is the only one racked out, while lights glow in the windows of the other barracks.

“How’s it going?” It’s Riley, approaching from the direction of his assigned quarters.

“Definitely not boring,” I reply.

He sits beside me. He’s the muscle on the team with a Hollywood smile and the ability to charm any woman he crosses. While all the guys are strong, Riley is a bear.

“That’s the way we like it,” he says with one of his trademark grins. He’s looking at the open door to his barracks. Light pours out of the front door and windows, and I can see kids dancing and milling around.

“You having issues getting them to sleep?” I ask.

“Nah. They’ll wear themselves out.” He’s quiet for a minute. “Hopefully. I didn’t realize kids had this much energy.”

I laugh.

“Got two of my own. No f*cking clue,” he quips.

With a nod, I don’t pry. Riley had a problem keeping his dick in his pants the first few years in the military. I know his history only because I had to look over his admin paperwork a time or two. Two kids, two different mothers, neither of which he’s married to. A diehard bachelor, he’s learned a thing or two about not sleeping around as much, though I’m pretty sure the kids and child support aren’t a total deterrent.

“You figure out why your partner wants to kill mine every time they cross paths?” he asks. “She won’t say.”

“I can’t even begin to guess,” I reply. “I have never met anyone so stubborn.”

“Hey, at least she ain’t hitting on you all day,” Riley said ruefully. “I love a pretty girl, but Brianna … pretty sure Petr’s got his eye on her. He lost his leg to save my ass. Not gonna take his girl.”

“Pretty sure you can handle flirting.”

“It’s better than people shooting at you.”

“I wish I could say the same about his sister.”

Riley laughs.

“Great team we have here.” Katya’s cold voice comes from behind me.

Goddamn it. I checked our room and the bathroom before coming out. Assuming she’d gone wherever she f*cking wanted, I didn’t bother looking for her anywhere else. I can’t say anything right around her.

“It’s almost a compliment,” Riley says, not missing a beat. “Captain Mathis loves a firefight.”

We both twist to look at her. Standing in the doorway, she’s glaring at me, dressed in shorts and a long sleeve t-shirt, her arms crossed.

“It was an inappropriate thing for me to say.” No part of me wants to apologize, but I remind myself that I’m dealing with a civilian.

“You’re welcome to find yourself a new team,” she says. Stepping inside, she closes the door quietly.

I hear it lock and curse under my breath. I really didn’t think today could get any worse.

Riley laughs.

“That woman …” I stand and pace. I grit my teeth to keep from saying more, in case she’s standing at the door, listening. “Fucking A!”

“Never seen anyone get the drop on you, Captain Mathis.” Riley stands and claps a hand on my shoulder. “Fuck her or leave her. Otherwise, she will drive you mental before this is over. I’ve got a lock pick set. Wait here.” Grinning, he heads back to his barracks leaving me fuming in front of mine.

Fuck her or leave her. I honestly don’t know which I’d prefer. Something tells me all this shit would be worth it for a night in her bed, if only for the sense of satisfaction in seeing her melt beneath me, but f*ck. I’m not looking to get laid and especially not from a woman trying to make my world hell. It’d be easier to walk away. For good.

Lizzy Ford's Books