Semper Mine (Sons of War #1)(12)

The trees rustle from a warm breeze while blue sky peeks through the canopy above. I breathe in the scent of forest deeply. I can’t get the peppermint out of my nose, which makes me think there’s a drop of it somewhere, maybe on my shoes. Being overseas, I’ve missed four seasons and vegetation such as this. The setting is serene, cheerful, and a little surreal.

Katya is at the corral near the stables, her arms draped over the railing as she watches the horses in the paddock. Her position has caused her shirt to hitch up, and my gaze lingers on the perky ass and long thighs clad in her snug leggings.

Not now. Not her. I remind myself. I go to the railing a few feet from her, eyes following the movement of the two horses. A glance at her makes my jaw clench. Her eyes are rimmed with red.

Fuck. “I did that, didn’t I?” I ask quietly.

Chapter Six: Katya

The *’s question makes me look when I swore I would ignore him the rest of the week. His tone is soft for once. He’s dressed in jeans fitted enough to reveal the long, lean lengths of his thighs and the narrow width of his swimmer’s hips. The polo is snug across his broad shoulders and tight around his biceps. Even without his uniform, he’s got the detached, commanding air that tells people he’s something different.

“No,” I lie.

Captain Mathis holds my gaze.

“I went too far,” he continues in the same tone. “I apologize.”

I’m not expecting an apology from the Iceman or the way my face feels warm under his direct look.

“I’ll be at the reception center.” He pushes away from the railing and walks away.

I turn to watch him, uncertain what to think.

He pauses, saying over his shoulder, “I’m a stickler for details. Your belt is on wrong. If you want help, let me know.”

I look down at the camp-issued belt, irritated, and then back up at him. Confident and strong, he’s got a quick gait and a nice ass. The man I think he is never would’ve apologized. Nor would I want him to. I want to hate him, because I don’t know how else to deal with Mikael being gone.

After a moment, I receive a text from Zach saying he’s waiting in the parking lot with my stuff. I go there instead of the reception center. He helps me carry everything to the lodge where I’ll be staying with the jackass. I set up my side of the room, wash my face in the bathroom and leave.

The others are laughing and talking when I enter the reception center. Brianna is the center of attention from all the guys, even Harris. I want to throw something but sit down in my seat to look at the paperwork they’ve been going over when I was out.

First aid procedures. Ugh. Schedule with two days marked as being offsite camping. Double ugh. I’m not the kind of person who wants anything to do with living in a tent. I don’t know any of this stuff, and everyone else seems a lot more comfortable with it.

“Ten minute break, then we’ll get started again,” calls Brianna. She’s definitely relishing being in charge.

I tell myself not to give her an ounce of thought, but it’s kind of hard. It doesn’t help that I have an unpleasant history with her. I’m feeling raw again, a combination of being somewhere I’ve never been without Mikael and feeling out of place with the others here.

God, I miss him so much.

“Hey, Kat.”

Dammit, Brianna. Leave me alone. I plaster on a fake smile and rise to talk to her.

“You’ve lost weight.”

“Been taking care of my brother. Hospital food leaves much to be desired.”

“Hmm.” A shadow crosses through her features. “At least you’re not up to your old antics anymore.”

“Some things are more important than my personal life,” I reply innocently.

That gets the response I want. Unable to provoke Captain Mathis, I know I haven’t lost my touch by the flare of red that goes up Brianna’s pretty face.

“We missed you at the hospital,” I add, digging in deeper.

“It wasn’t my place to be there,” she snaps. “I’m sorry what happened to your brothers, but –”

“You came here,” I point out. “You’ve always preferred the easy road, I guess.”

“This coming from a trust fund baby who spends every night at the club and has done nothing with her life!”

“Wait a minute.” I pretend to consider. “Weren’t you sleeping with both my brothers when you agreed to marry Petr?”

“Ohhhhkay, ladies.” It’s Riley. He’s looking between us. “Let’s just step away and cool off.” He plants a large hand on each of our shoulders and pushes us away from one another, moving his muscular frame between us. “Hey, Iceman, come get your partner before she tears mine apart.”

At least he knows who’d win. I take some satisfaction out of the acknowledgment and whirl.

Captain Mathis is across the room, hands on hips, watching. Impossible to read as usual, though one eyebrow is up in either accusation or inquisition. He nods his head to the side in a silent command for me to join him.

I have no idea where this guy gets off thinking he can boss me around. It might work with his men, but not with me.

I go outside instead, feeling claustrophobic.

Maybe being here is a mistake. I want to think it’s for Petr and Mikael – and it is – but there’s another reason I feel compelled to stay. I think there’s a piece of me that needs this, too, though I’m not sure why, when this is totally not my scene.

Lizzy Ford's Books