Semper Mine (Sons of War #1)(11)

“I’m not afraid of you, Katya,” I assure her. “Even if your brother and father are.”

“You’re right. Staying here might keep your men from getting killed.”

“Might teach you a thing or two about what it means to work with someone else instead of running people like Petr over.”

“I don’t run him over. I’m taking care of him, something you should’ve done in the first place!” The fire is in her gaze. She strides up to me, pausing in my space.

The beauty glaring up at me might be a turn on, if her tongue wasn’t so f*cking lethal.

“Maybe instead of telling him what he can’t do, you can have him show you what he can do,” I suggest.

“Maybe you should’ve been there for four months watching him heal instead of screwing him up and dropping him in my lap.” That glint is in her eyes, the one that says she’s about to slap me again.

“You got a freebie at Mikael’s funeral,” I warn her. “Slap me again, and things will go differently this time.”

“What? You’ll hit me back?”

“No, ma’am, I won’t ever raise a hand to you. But you won’t like what does happen,” I assure her. “There will be consequences.”

The taut silence that follows makes me think there’s more than frustration between us, something I’ll keep attributing to not getting laid in too long. She’s small enough for me to lift with one arm, her flushed features and the challenge in her gaze warming me on the inside.

Someone like this would be wild in the sack.

“If we’re done here, leave please, so I can change,” I tell her with forced politeness.

Another pause, and then she stalks out, slamming the door behind her.

I release my breath, suddenly identifying what I feel. It’s the sense I get before I walk into battle, the combination of roaring adrenaline, exhilaration and extreme focus.

Shaking tension from my shoulders, I know she’s angry but can’t quite write off everything she said.

Maybe you should’ve been there for four months watching him heal instead of screwing him up and dropping him in my lap.

There’s some truth in that, a sense of guilt I experience whenever I think of Petr. I promised to be there when he woke but wasn’t. I don’t know exactly what goes into amputation and giving someone a new leg, but I can’t imagine the experience is simple or remotely pleasant.

If there’s one thing I know about Katya, it’s that she didn’t leave his side the entire time. Which means, I brought the war home to her, too. One dead, one crippled for life, and one scarred emotionally.

I f*cked up her family, her world. She’ll never forgive me.

That makes two of us.

I change quickly. The others are wearing jeans. After so long in uniform, I’ve lost some fashion sense, so I pull on dark jeans and don one of the polos, tucking it in. It irks me not to wear a belt; I end up using my uniform belt. I’m pulling on stiff hiking boots when someone knocks.

“Captain Mathis?” It’s Petr’s voice.

I cross to the door and open it. He’s dressed similarly, wearing an assigned polo.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?”

Assuming Katya said something to him, I step aside and sit on my bunk, waiting.

“Just, uh … a request, sir,” he starts with a smile. “Please don’t trade Katya. I know she’ll be a pain in the ass. She’s never camped a day in her life. She’s a good girl, though, and I’d feel safer knowing she’s with you than anyone else.”

Assuming he’s thinking of the creep Harris, I nod. I owe him this, if nothing else.

“She’ll be a challenge.”

“I never back down from a challenge.” As much as I’d like to this time.

“I think you’re the only one here with the temperament to handle her, and …” Petr pauses. “I really want the man who saved my life and the woman who sat beside me for four months while I healed to be friends. Or maybe, at least not hate each other.”

Understanding softens some of my anger. “You asked for us to be partners?”

“I might’ve recommended it to Zach when he was creating the teams.” Petr gives a roguish grin.

“It’s my pleasure,” I reply with diplomacy I’ve learned as an officer.

He laughs. “No, it’s really not, sir. But I appreciate it.”

I can’t turn down a request like this, especially from him. It’s just a week and just an angry woman. It can’t be that bad. After all, she’s sexy as hell, even with the attitude.

“Your leg holding up okay?” I ask, glancing down at it.

“Awesome.” He slaps it. “Can’t wait to show the kids. I loved that shit when I was little.”

Smiling, I motion to the door.

We exit the dorm into the humid, warm afternoon. I automatically take accountability whenever I walk into a room or situation involving my men. The others are there, and I’m not surprised to see Riley flirting with the brunette, Brianna. Katya is the only one missing, and I glance around.

“Horse stables, sir,” Petr says before I can ask. “If you ever can’t find her, she’s there.”

“I’ll go get my partner,” I say. Not about to show him how reluctant I am to be dealing with his sister, I strike off in the direction of the stables and follow the stone trail.

Lizzy Ford's Books