Saving the Scientist (The Restitution League #2)(99)

“A dangerous combination, when not controlled.”

“Indeed.” He raised her fingers to his lips. “But there’s no progress without a little risk.”

She held her breath, waiting, not daring to hope the sentiments his automaton had spewed weren’t some sort of horrible mistake.

Edison stilled. “I really should ask you myself.”

“One would think.”

Before she knew what he was about, he dropped to one knee, his fingers still entwined with hers. “Mrs. Ada Templeton, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?“</p> The love shining in his eyes made her giddy. She smiled back, her heart so full of love, so full of relief and gratitude she thought she might cry.

“I would,” she whispered. “Happily.”

Edison rose and pulled her into his arms. He hugged her so tightly she had a hard time drawing breath.

Not that she cared in the least.

He threaded a hand through her hair, pressing her cheek into his shoulder. “I don’t deserve you, you know.”

“You’ll just have to see to it you earn your keep, then, won’t you?”

His laughter rippled through her, warming her very soul. “I’ll give it my all.”

She pressed her lips to his chest. “See that you do.”

Edison set her back far enough to touch his mouth to hers.

The contact sent an electrical shock straight through her. A delicious, knee-weakening shock.

She wanted him to do it again.

He caressed her cheek. “You look tired.”

The concern in his voice warmed her. She traced a finger across the dark circles beneath his eyes. “So do you.”

“Getting Otto ready cut into my sleep time.” He grinned tiredly. “As did… other things. Something kept me up late numerous times last week.”

She ducked her head to hide the grin she couldn’t stop. “Of course. Other things. That can be so vexing, can it not?”

Edison grunted. “You’ve no idea.”

Ada closed her eyes. Silly man.

He slid a finger beneath her chin and gently tilted her head up until their eyes met. “That settles it. Medical research suggests a good night’s rest is vital for mental acuity and… vigor. In the interest of our mutual health, we owe it to ourselves to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure—”

“Shut up.” Ada pressed a finger to his lips. “You irritating man. Shut up and kiss me.”

The joyful energy in his grin sparked a response that took her breath away.

As did his kiss. He took her mouth with a fierceness, a hot, aching passion that made her shiver. As if he were staking his claim. And offering her the same.

While his tongue explored her mouth, tasting and teasing, he pulled her against him, until his hard shaft pressed into her thighs.

A bolt of heat shot from her belly to her very core, making her pulse with wanting. Then he slid his hands behind her and lifted her up onto the counter before settling between her thighs.

Ada spread her legs and dug her fingers into his shoulders, urging him closer, but a flicker of movement in the library caught her eye.

Half hidden behind the curtains, Beecham was staring straight at them, his face rigid with shock.

“I’ve missed this.” Edison ducked his head to kiss the base of her neck.

Ada pushed him away. “We’re in my laboratory.”

“We are.” He kissed her again.

“It’s all windows.”

“It is.” He slid his hands up her torso until he was cupping her breasts.

“Edison. Stop!” She laughed.

“Only if you promise we can continue this somewhere more private.”

Ada kissed him on the nose. “Lead the way, Mr. Sweet. Lead the way.”


“Do you think the Navy will still want my batteries?” Ada asked as Edison towed her across the back lawn toward the house.

“Of course they will,” he responded without giving it a thought. His mind—and the sharp ache in his nether regions—was focussed on one thing. Getting Ada into bed. Alone.


She yanked him to a stop. “You won’t interfere with my work, will you?” The thought clearly terrified her. “Many men seem to expect their wives to be… wifely.”

Edison opened his mouth. A snappy retort sprang to the ready, but he bit down on it. He could see how serious she was. He gathered her into his arms, right there in the center of the lawn, and tilted her chin up until their eyes met.

“I love you. I love your intelligence and your inquisitive nature. I love everything about you.” He ogled her lush breasts. “Absolutely everything. And I will especially love working together, side by side, in our new laboratory.”

Ada opened her mouth to respond, but he laid a finger against her lips.

“I only have one demand,” he continued. “It must have fewer windows.”

Ada laughed. “Or perhaps curtains?”

“And a sturdy lock on the door.”

She nodded. “I believe we’re of the same mind there, sir.”

Edison tugged her along toward the house. “Then you know where this is going.”

He flung the door open to see Ada’s stiff old butler standing atop the hearth in the library, hands reaching for the ridiculous coat of arms nailed to the wall above the fireplace.

Riley Cole's Books