Saving the Scientist (The Restitution League #2)(100)

The man’s gaze raked over them, noting every out-of-place hair, every wrinkle, every flaw in their attire.

Edison bristled. “What the hell are you doing?” He jutted his chin toward the shield.

“This old thing?” The butler gestured at it. “It’s missing a sword. If we can’t replace it, I suggest that madam—"

“Leave it be,” Edison ordered. “It’s perfect exactly the way it is.”

The butler threw Ada a questioning look. She nodded firmly. “Leave it.”

“And… Beecham, is it?” Edison asked.

“Yes, sir?”

“Clear out the upstairs.”

“But the maids are—”

Edison’s nostrils flared. The man was coming dangerously close to a throttling. “Do you like your position here, Beecham?”

The man’s Adam’s apple bobbed furiously as he swallowed. “Of course.”

“Then I suggest you follow directions more scrupulously from now on.” He grinned down at his intended. “We’ve got a replacement at the ready, should the need arise.”

Ada’s playful smile could have lifted him straight off his feet. “Mr. Sweet is correct. Anymore attitude, Beecham, and you’ll be searching for a new position.”

The old butler offered a stiff bow. “Of course.” He turned on his heel, his very essence radiating outrage.

Ada frowned up at the old coat of arms. “Apparently I’ve lost track of the other sword. It does look rather silly without it.”

“I like silly.” Edison propped a foot on the hearth and examined the lopsided thing. “Besides, every time I look at it, I’ll remember the wild-haired banshee who attacked me.”

Her cheeks pinked in a most delightful manner as she turned away.

“But now,” he said, taking her hand, “I’ve got more interesting things on my mind.” He pulled her to him with one hand, as if they were waltzing. “Wicked things,” he whispered in her ear.

“Oh my.”

The small gasp stoked the fire building inside him.

Continuing the dance, Edison twirled her out into the hallway, and toward the stairs. Her swaying hips had his full attention as she mounted the stairs ahead of him, until the front door burst open.

“Ada? We’re home, dear,” her grandmother called out. “I’ve brought company.”

“Grandmama!” Chagrin tinged Ada’s smile. She gave him a small shrug. “Sorry,” she whispered as she headed back down the stairs.

Edison closed his eyes and groaned halfheartedly.

“Did you have a nice trip?” Ada asked as she hurried down to the entryway.

“Delightful.” Her grandmother stepped aside to allow the Hapgoods through the door. “Look who I found. It’s the crown prince. Come in, you naughty man,” she waved Mr. H to her side.

To Edison’s surprise, neither of the Hapgoods seemed surprised by her announcement. Indeed, Mrs. H took the old love by the hand and steered her toward the stairs. “Let’s change out of these dusty clothes. We’ll let His Highness put his feet up and have a brandy.” Mrs. H turned toward her husband. “As long as he doesn’t get too used to the idea.”

Mr. H ducked his head to hide a smile.

Edison sidled up to their houseman. “Your Highness.” He bowed.

The older man snorted. “Prince of the stables and the ash can and the coal scuttle’s more like it.”

Edison chuckled. “I’d enjoy it while I could.”

“What makes you think I’m not?” The man’s gray eyes twinkled.

Then he studied Edison and Ada. Eyebrows rose to his hairline as he caught the glow in Ada’s cheeks. “You’ve set things to right, I see.”

Edison clasped his hands behind his back. “I have at that, sir.”

Mr H nodded and looked around the entry as if he were seeing it for the first time. “Place is a bit posh for the likes of you, but you could do worse.”

Edison grinned up at the woman he’d come so close to losing. “The view makes up for it.”

“That it does, my boy.” Mr. H smiled fondly at his plump wife. “Never forget it.”

Edison indulged in another perusal of his own beautiful scientist. He didn’t intend to.

Not for as long as he lived.

Riley Cole's Books