Saving Dancer (Savage Brothers MC #2)(19)

I start laughing, I can’t help it.

“Okay, well maybe you have a small point,” I concede.

“Of course I’m kind of bummed now,” he adds and he gets this cocky look in his pretty brown eyes and they sparkle with laughter. A girl could just sigh. Why can’t I want him instead of Jacob?


“Yeah, I mean it might be good to be attacked by a fifty foot woman.”

I throw popcorn at him as he tosses his head back in laughter. It’s a nice sound, full of life, robust and rich sounding. The smile I give him this time is completely sincere.

We start our second movie when Bull’s phone rings.


I watch as he listens to whoever is on the other side. It must have been bad news because this cold look comes over his face.

“What about Red? I can’t leave her alone…Yeah…Okay…no I’ll be there, but I’m going to kick his ass for pulling this shit,” he barks and hangs up.

“Red, there’s been an accident.”

Bull barely gets the words out and the room starts swimming.

“Fuck! Breathe, Red,” Bull says kneeling down in front of me. I’m just glad I am sitting on the couch, or I would have fallen.

“I’m sorry. Red, I didn’t think.”

“It’s stupid I know, it’s just…”

“It’s just that I’m an idiot and forgot about your parents and your past. It’s okay though. I promise you everyone is okay.”

“Dragon? Nicole?”

Bull grimaces and the strain on his face makes my heart stumble again.

“Oh no, please tell me that Nic…”

“It wasn’t Nicole, it was Dancer.”

“Jacob?” I close my eyes as fear washes over me.

“He’s okay, just banged up, but I need to…”

“I’m going with you,” I whisper trying to stand up.

“You can’t. It’s too dangerous. I won’t be long, keep the doors locked. Dragon is sending a prospect over to guard the house while I’m gone.”

“Bull, I’m going with you. I need to see Jacob. I need to make sure he is okay.”

“You are supposed to stay here. Dragon is sending Frog to watch over you,” Bull says getting his coat.

I ignore him and make my way to the door.

“Where are you going? Damn it, Red.”

I hear him growl as I hurry out the door. I’m climbing into the passenger seat when I hear the screen door slam. He gets in with more door-slamming and shoots me an evil glare. He throws my sweater at me.

“At least put this on,” he demands.

It feels like it takes us forever to get to the hospital. Realistically, I know that’s not true. It’s about a twenty minute drive. Still, the minutes tick by and it feels like I can hear every one of them echo inside of me.

Bull barely has the car in park before I’m jumping out. My hands are sweaty and my mouth feels so dry. I haven’t been inside a hospital since the night I lost my parents. It’s funny what you remember after something like that happens. The sterile smell, the sound of the sliding doors whooshing as people go in and out, the annoying sound of laughter from the employees, the memories all comes rushing back. There is just so much, it bombards me. I ignore it, going to the big reception desk that’s marked with the sign REGISTRATION above it.

“I’m looking for Jacob Blake?” I ask the rather bored looking woman sitting at the front desk in the emergency room. Before she can answer I hear Bull’s name being called out.

“Yo, Bull!” Alexander hollers and I start running towards him.

“Carrie darlin’, what happened to you?” Alexander asks and I have no idea what he’s talking about. Me? I need to know about Jacob!

“How’s Jacob?” I ask. He looks over at Bull instead of answering me and if I was a different person I would have grabbed him, made him focus on me and answer my question!

Bull puts his arm around my shoulder when he gets to us and gives Alexander a bored expression. “She fell and hurt her leg.”

Oh…okay so that’s what he meant. Like that even matters! I mean I’m limping! I’m not in the hospital! Jacob could be…

“Then she should have her ass at home like Dragon ordered,” Alexander says and okay that’s it. I’ve had it. I stomp my foot, which really was a stupid thing to do because it was my bad leg and it hurt like freaking Hades!

“HOW IS JACOB!?!?!?”

Bull and Alexander both look at me like I have three heads. I push my hair off my face wondering if I should go back to the nurse, I turn to try and do that but Bull stops me by putting pressure on my shoulder and keeps me at his side.

“Damn…where do the brothers keep finding them?” Alexander asks and heaven help me if he doesn’t start making sense soon I may have to kill him.

“Fuck if I know brother. How is Dance?”

The easy-going attitude slowly slides off Alexander’s face and my stomach turns. It’s bad. I can see it written all over him. If something happens to Jacob…I can’t take it…I just wouldn’t be able to…I sway a little at the thought of losing the only man I ever loved. He may have hated me, but at least he was still alive.

Jordan Marie's Books