Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)(94)

I nod at him and pick up the glass, swirling it around with my hand. Maybe he’s right. I do need to calm down before seeing Danika. This is the end, of all the lies, all the bullshit, all the drama, and it’s a new beginning for us. Some decompression time is a good thing.

Gabe drops his elbows to the table and drains his glass in one swallow. Imitating him, I tip the tumbler back and savor the sting of the liquid flowing down my throat as I drain it.

I twist and spin the empty tumbler on the table, the candlelight reflecting off the facets, sending flashes of rainbow colors across the white tablecloth. I make my decision then and there and pull my phone from my jacket so I can call Danika.

“Savage? Where are you? Are you all right?” The panic in her voice makes me regret waiting even the two minutes it took to have another drink.

“Baby, I’m fine. Everything is fine. It worked.” She releases a massive sob and I can picture her crumpled up on the couch with Princess, crying and shaking. I should be there with her, and knowing I’m going to delay my return even more is a knife twisting in my gut. “Shh, don’t cry. I’ll be home soon.”

She sniffles, and rather than being disgusting, it’s somehow adorable. “Please come home to me.”

“I will, baby. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

“Where the hell is he?” I ask Princess as I pace the floors of the condo for the hundredth time chewing on my nail so badly I’m starting to bleed. “Shit,” I yank my finger from my mouth, “he said he was coming home over an hour ago. He should be here by now.”

I finally force myself to sit on the couch and I stare at the door, willing it to open, willing him to come through it. Princess jumps onto my lap and I run my fingers through her silky fur, trying to push myself to take deep breaths and telling myself not to cry again.

He’s fine.

He called.

He’s fine.

Images of fiery crashes and Paul’s head exploding before my eyes race through my head. The tears start again. Fucking Abello, he’s a psychopath. The coldest of the cold, ruthless and unforgiving. Will he really let us all walk away unscathed? Did he agree only to give Savage and Gabe a false sense of security before taking them out the moment they left Angelo’s?

My heart races and the tears increase. I become a sobbing mess. Princess stands on my lap, leaning up to lick at my face and offer me what comfort she can.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I check for the millionth time for a call or text from Savage, but, nothing. I shoot off a text.

< Where are you? >

I wait anxiously for a reply, but when none comes, I call. Straight to voicemail.

My worry is now bordering on hysteria as I move from the couch, setting Princess on the floor and begin to pace again.

I call Gabe. Same result.

Frustrated, I almost chuck my phone at the wall, but realize no one will be able to get a hold of me if I destroy it.

Deep breaths.

In. Out. Repeat.

I’m so focused on keeping myself breathing, I don’t even hear the door open.


His voice snaps me from my neurotic pacing and I whip around to face the door. It shuts behind him just as Princess jumps up onto his lap. He absently runs his hand down from her head to her back before shooing her off.

I assess him, making sure he is okay before I rush to him, climbing onto his lap and throwing my arms around his neck, clutching him to me. He wraps his arms around me, embracing me and holding me to him while I sob against his neck.

Thank God.

Finally, I’m able to catch my breath and I pull back, my eyes finding his. I can see a storm of emotions in their blue depths.

I smack him on the shoulder. “Where the hell were you? I was freaking the fuck out. You said you would be home over an hour ago.”

Capturing my face in his hands, he kisses me gently. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I had something I had to take care of.”

“And you couldn’t have called?” I bark, shoving at his chest. “I thought something happened to you. You weren’t answering your phone.”

He frowns and reaches into his breast pocket, removing his phone and glancing down at it. “Shit, the battery died and I didn’t even notice.”

I scowl at him, crossing my arms over my chest as he gives me an apologetic half-smile. He slides his phone back into his pocket and once again takes my face in his hands.

“I’m sorry. Really, I am.”

The sincerity in his voice weakens me and the tirade I was about to unleash on him goes out the window. We are finally free of the Abello threat. “So, it’s really over?”

He smiles and nods, brushing my hair back behind my ears. “It’s really over.” Dragging my head down, he takes my mouth with his. I pour all the anxiety and turmoil of the last week into our kiss.

His tongue slides along my bottom lip, urging me to open for him. Permitting him access, I suck him in as I slide my legs to the side, straddling his hips. The kiss deepens and a low groan emanates from him.

He bites my bottom lip and my clit throbs in response. I grind my hips against his, pushing my core against his erection. He moans and releases my lip with a pop.

My eyes meet his and I see the same lust and love there I hope he can see in mine. I reach for his belt and yank it off. I fling it across the room, a loud bang sounding as the metal clasp strikes the wood floor. He chuckles against my neck and licks his way up to my ear as I work the buttons and zipper of his pants. My hands shake, making the task ridiculously difficult.

Gwyn McNamee's Books