Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)(55)

But when does the time come? How many times I am going to let him distract me with his oral talents and avoid actual body-slamming sex?

Deep down, I know the answer. I just don’t want to admit to myself, let alone anyone else. Hence, my reluctance to discuss anything with Caroline.

I already love him.

Somehow, someway, I fell for him.

Hard—like jump off the Hoover Dam and smack into Lake Mead hard.

It was something I never thought I needed. Something I had never needed before.

Savage is everything every woman dreams about—funny, caring, generous, sexy as hell—and he’s mine. I don’t want to lose that. I won’t. Not for anything.

I know something is up the moment I enter my condo. It was a late night at the club and Dani sent me a text asking what time I’d be home. That, in and of itself, isn’t unusual, but the smell of scented candles drifting down the hallway from the bedroom alerts me that she’s been waiting, and with something very specific on her mind—the same thing that’s been on my mind since the moment I met her.


She needs it. I need it, but fuck if I know how to actually achieve it. It’s hard enough keeping my shit together when she blows me.

Christ, I can’t believe I actually have to give myself a pep talk to let my girlfriend suck my dick.

Man card revoked!

As I make my way down the hall toward the flickering light visible from my open bedroom door, I wonder if all my mental prep has done any good. I keep telling myself to relax, that everything will be fine. My cock works and that’s a lot more than most men in my situation can say.

Just roll with it, Savage. Let it all go and let her guide you.

I’m surprised to find an empty room. Candles offer a soft glow and illuminate the bed. I don’t know what I expected, but an empty room wasn’t it.


The door to the bathroom opens just as I reach the side of the bed. I turn toward the sound.

My breath catches in my throat. My heart beats a rapid tattoo in my chest.

Well, fuck…

Dani went all-out tonight—for me.

Black silk hugs her tight curves—the barely-there panties emphasizing her long legs and the bra pushing her chest up to the fucking ceiling with every breath she takes. The vast expanse of exposed skin on her stomach is taut and absofuckinglutely perfect in the soft candlelight. Her eyes lock on mine and never waver. I’ve never seen her look so determined. It’s clear she’s on a mission.


My girlfriend thinks she needs sexy lingerie in order to get me to fuck her. Dani should never have to question how much I want her, need her. The fact she went to these lengths only assures me I need to get my shit in order and now.

She approaches me slowly; each step she takes closer has my heart racing more.

Jesus, she’s a fucking goddess.

When she reaches me, she doesn’t say anything, just grins before she leans down to kiss me. I’m expecting something hot, deep, and probing, but I get the opposite. Her lips barely graze mine before she pulls back and turns to crawl up on the bed.

She stretches out and I turn my chair so I’m facing her.

“You going to join me up here?” Her voice holds promise and expectation.

Tonight’s the night.

This needs to happen now. I’ve pussed out long enough. Time to man up.

I try to keep my trepidation off my face as I join her on the bed. She watches me closely and as soon as I’m settled, she reaches for my belt. A laugh bubbles up from my chest and her eyes flip up to meet mine in question.

“What’s so funny?”

I run my hand up her arm and push her hair back from her face. “Is there something you want, Dani?”

Her lips drop into a slight frown and she glares at me. “Are you really going to make me say it?”

I chuckle and bring her face to mine, pressing my lips to hers to silence her protest and take the frown away. When I pull away, I smile and nod. “Yes.”

She scowls and returns to her task, yanking my belt from my pants and tossing it on the floor beside the bed before going in for the button and zipper.

The room is dark enough I’m confident she won’t see much if I let her fully remove my pants and if we’re really going to do this tonight, I don’t have much of a choice. I shift and help her slide my pants off, leaving me in my boxer-briefs and button-down shirt.

Instead of reaching up to start unbuttoning it, she grabs the lapels and yanks, hard. Buttons go flying across the room as they’re ripped from the fabric.

“Damn, Danika, impatient for something?”

She swings her leg across my waist and leans in until her mouth is against my right ear. “You want me to say it?”

I nod.

“Fine, I’ll say it. You. I’m desperate for you. I need to feel you inside me. Having you in my mouth isn’t enough. I need your cock inside my pussy, now.”

Sweet fuck. Her dirty talk practically has me ready to blow.

I’m hard as granite.

Maybe I can really do this.

Her tongue slips along the rim of my ear and I tremble, my fingers digging into her hips. She slides her right hand down over my stomach and under the elastic of my boxers until she finds my engorged flesh. She grasps me and her tongue dips into my ear, sending me even closer to the edge of control. I want to be inside her even more than she wants it, I can guarantee that.

Gwyn McNamee's Books