Savage Collision: A Hawke Family Novel (Hawke Family #1)(52)
“Oh, and you must be Danika!” She steps over to me and embraces me in a tight hug I certainly am not expecting.
Is this normal? The only people I hug are my mom, my sister, and Caroline…and now Savage.
“Uh, hi, nice to meet you, Mrs. Hawke.”
She pulls back and releases me. “Don’t call me Mrs. Hawke. That makes me feel all of my fifty-five years. Call me Antonia.” With a smile, she pushes past me and leans down to hug Savage. “I’m so glad you could make it and managed to convince Danika and Gabe to come.”
“Me, too, Mom.”
Antonia ushers us into the house and the smell of sautéed garlic hits me, making my mouth water instantly. Whatever she’s making smells amazing. I can’t wait to taste it, and get my hands on a glass or three of wine. Savage assured me there would be wine. God knows I need it.
The Hawkes’ living room is filled with overstuffed furniture and knickknacks on bookcases. It’s not exactly what I expected given what Savage’s place looks like, but I suppose with his anal-retentive orderly nature, he could never stand to live in a place like this as an adult.
I’m ushered into a chair and Savage tells me he’ll be right back and disappears into another room with his mother. Not exactly sure what to do, I twist my hands nervously on my lap and look around. My eyes land on a row of pictures along the mantle. I get up and move over to them.
They are a beautiful family. The earliest pictures show Savage’s dad with all the kids and Antonia. They clearly get their dark hair and olive complexions from their mother and the striking eyes from their father. As I move down the row of photos, Sam Hawke disappears and the kids are older and look even more alike.
The three girls look like they could be triplets in some of the later photos, except one is slightly older and, even though I haven’t met any of them, my eyes wander to one of the twins automatically.
I don’t know why I know it is her. She looks exactly like Skye, but there’s something in her expression, her smile, that is warming and joyful in a way that the other sister’s lacks. Savage doesn’t talk about her much, and I don’t pry. Other than what he told me about the accident and what I managed to pull out of Gabe during our drunken discussion that night at the club, she’s still a mystery and one I may never really figure out.
“So, you must be Danika.” I turn in the direction of the sharp voice and find Skye standing at the end of the couch with a glass of red wine in her hand. She doesn’t smile and I get the distinct impression she’s trying to be intimidating.
Not gonna work on me, honey.
Taking a step toward her, I extend my hand. “Hi, and you’re Skye, right?”
She looks at my hand but doesn’t take it. Instead, she brushes past me to sit in the armchair next to the couch. I drop awkwardly onto the couch and search helplessly for Savage, but he’s nowhere to be found.
Why the hell did he leave me alone? Fucker!
“So, what’s your deal?”
Her question startles me and I turn back to her. Her icy glare gives me goose bumps and I rub my arms while I try to figure out what the fuck she’s asking. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean?”
She rolls her eyes and takes a swig of her wine before setting it down on the end table next to her. “What’s your angle with my brother?”
“My angle?”
“Yeah, are you after his money?”
What the fuck?
“Seriously? Why would you even ask that? I don’t want a dime from Savage.”
Her eyes narrow and she glares at me with such contempt, I’m tempted to get up and leave the house without bothering to meet the rest of the family.
“You better not hurt him. He’s been through enough.”
My blood boils and my skin heats as anger rises. “You think I don’t know that? I would never hurt him.”
She gives me a look that assures me she doesn’t believe me and makes it very clear we aren’t going to be best friends anytime soon.
A child’s squeal breaks me from her icy gaze and I turn to find my savior finally arriving.
“Hello, ladies. What are you two talking about?” With Angelica dangling from my neck, I approach Skye and Danika.
Dani gives me a fake smile and my heart sinks. I look to Skye and she widens her eyes as if to ask me “what?”
Fucking Skye…why can’t she ever keep her mouth shut?
I can only imagine what she must have said to Danika to make her look so uncomfortable. It looks like I’ll need to have a private convo with my little sis. After a continued moment of silence, I clear my throat and detangle Angelica so I can turn her to face Dani.
“Angelica, this is my friend, Dani. Dani, this is my niece, Angelica.” Danika gives me a genuine smile and moves from the couch, dropping to her knees in front of me to put herself on the same level as Angelica.
“Hi, Angelica.” She smiles shyly in response before I have a tiny face buried in my neck again. Angelica isn’t usually shy around people we introduce her to; maybe it’s the tension between Dani and Skye throwing her off.
Someone approaches from behind me and Angelica giggles. “Is she being shy all of a sudden?” Storm appears and Danika climbs to her feet. “You look like you could use one of these.” Storm hands Dani a glass of wine with a knowing smile before casting a glare at Skye.