Romance Warfare: a Tigress' Guide to NOT Secure a Mate(27)

“I don’t see why we have to wait.”

“I want a nice wedding, Adam! These things take time to plan. Why aren’t you listening to me?”

Mr. and Mrs. Carey slid out of the dining room door and hurried down the hall to the kitchen. Adam gave Dean a pleading look but Dean just turned back to his pie. Adam stood, his hands out to Eva. “Eva, baby, why don’t we talk about this later?”

“Huh uh, no way, Adam. We’re talking about this now. We either get married later or we don’t get married at all. And we’re not putting off talking about anything ever again. I’m not going to make that mistake twice.”

“Eva, let’s just celebrate with our family for now. Come on, let’s go get a bottle of champagne.” Adam pushed his chair back and reached for Eva. She pushed his hands away, still livid at his insistence they get married as soon as possible.

“I don’t think there’s anything to celebrate right now, not if won’t agree to wait longer. Aren’t I worth it to you, Adam?” Eva spun and walked out the door. Adam was right on her heels, pleading with her to wait and talk to him.

Dean dropped his head to the table and quietly banged his forehead against the wood.


A couple of hours later, Adam and Eva had finally agreed to wait longer, but not as long as Eva had initially wanted. They were in the front room with her parents and Dean again, flutes of champagne raised in a toast to their upcoming nuptials.

“You were pretty confident, hmm. Already had the champagne with you. What made you think I’d say yes?” Eva smiled prettily up at him and hugged his arm.

“Well, I was either going to drink it in celebration or drown my sorrows with it. Either way, that bottle was getting popped tonight.”

“Congratulations, you two.” Dean clunk his glass to Eva’s and took a deep sip. “I guess this means I’m next. Eva, you know any nice girls?”

“Yeah, there’s a peachy little gal from the administrative office pool I think you’d like. Her name’s Andrea. She’s a doll,” Eva said deadpan, causing Adam to snicker.

“Is she from Adam’s fan club? I’ll pass,” said Dean. “How’s your sister, Bella? How old is she now?”

Their conversation was interrupted as Eva’s dad stepped forward before anymore bickering could break out between anyone else. He gave Adam a firm handshake. “We just want you to know, Mary and I, that we’re thrilled you’re going to be a part of the family. And that now, thanks to your marriage uniting our clans, our family will be even bigger. You have our warmest blessings, son. Take care of our little girl.”

Eva’s mom pulled them both into a hug, kissing their cheeks, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “We’re just so happy for you both,” she trilled.

“Mom…” Eva lead her mother to the side, hugging her and kissing at her cheeks. They stayed there, their heads bent together, murmuring with each other. Eva showed her the engagement ring and her mom oohed and aahed. Dean and Adam smiled at each other and sipped their champagne.

Adam looked around the room and for the first time in years, felt like he was home. The room was full of people he truly cared about. He didn’t even mind Dean being there that night. I could even forgive him for his meddling, he thought. He could punch Dean some other time. He couldn’t wait to marry Eva. He thought he’d probably be able to talk her into cubs. Adam took another sip of champagne, letting the bubbles linger on his tongue, watching his beautiful fiancée with her parents. He knew his life was going to be wonderful. And complicated.


An hour later, Dean had gone back to his hotel and Eva’s parents had gone up to bed, her mother pulling the double doors to the living room shut with a smile. Adam put a match to the logs piled in the fireplace and the flames cast a warm glow over the room, making it cozy. Eva curled up next to him on the sofa, her legs tucked under her, head on his shoulder. He brushed a kiss across the top of her head, her curls tickling at his nose.

“Okay, Eva. We can wait. We’ll do it your way,” he said.

She smiled up at him. “Shorter engagement, but wait a while on the cubs. I’m willing to compromise if it means getting you for the rest of my life.”

“Deal. Should we shake on this?” he teased.

Eva laughed and sat up, climbing over his lap, and settling her legs on either side of his waist. “I’ve got a deal for you, pal.” She brushed her lips over his face, trailing soft kisses across his forehead, fluttering over his eyelids and down his cheek before nibbling her way to his lips. She was soft and yielding under his hands when he slid them around her waist and pulled her against him, molding her body to his. Her fingers slipped into his hair and she deepened their kiss, easing her tongue against his. She tasted like champagne and sugar in his mouth and he moved to cup her head, cradling her against him. He felt his cock twitch as her full ass slid over his lap and he could tell she felt it, too. She pressed into him, grinding slowly on his lap. He nipped at her lips, tugging her head back by her curls, gazing deeply into her eyes.

“What do you think you’re doing, love?” he asked huskily.

“I think I’m about to f*ck my mate,” she whispered against his ear.

Her words sent a frisson of thrill down his spine.

Her mate.

Lizzie Lynn Lee's Books