Romance Warfare: a Tigress' Guide to NOT Secure a Mate(26)

Adam got dressed and started his rental car. He saw Eva safely into her car before jumping into his car and following her home to her parents’ house. They paused again on the porch and lost themselves in each other’s lips before pushing open the door, ready to greet Eva’s mom and dad and make their announcement.

Chapter Seven

“If I’m driving you crazy just remember to put on your seat belt.”

The house was warm and cozy and there was laughter coming from down the hall. Adam led Eva down the hallway and followed the laughter to the dining room. He shook his head when he saw who was at the table. Dean was sitting there, a plate of pie in front of him, Eva’s mom pouring him a cup of tea. He gave her a flirty half-smile and patted her hand, causing her to blush. Adam rolled his eyes and stepped into the room.

“Oh, honey, hi! We were wondering when you were coming back. Would you like tea? Or cake? Adam, something for you dear?” Mrs. Carey bustled around the table, pulling out plates and napkins from the sideboard, setting teacups before the empty chairs at the table.

Eva looked up at Adam and shrugged, slipping her hand into his and tugging him toward the table. Adam saw Dean taking note of their entwined hands with a knowing smirk. He steeled himself for Dean’s snarky remarks; he knew they were coming, his cousin wouldn’t be able to help himself.

Dean cleared his throat and grinned at Adam. “So, are congratulations in order here?”

Adam waited, sure something else was coming, but Dean was quiet, just smiling at him and Eva, waiting for Adam’s reply.

“Ah, yes. Well, I guess they are. We’re engaged.”

Dean stood and clapped Adam on the shoulder. “Congratulations, cousin!” He gave Eva a hearty peck on her cheek. “And congrats to you, too, soon-to-be-cousin-in-law!”

“What?” Eva’s parents burst out in surprised chatter, running around the table to take their daughter’s hands. Mr. Carey pulled her into a hug while her mom fluttered around, patting her head and twittering happily. They pulled her to the side, whispering and hugging each other.

Dean flopped back into his chair and took a big bite of pie followed by a loud slurp of his tea. He pointed at Adam’s plate with his fork. “You gonna eat that?” he asked around a mouthful of cherry pie.

Adam shoved his plate at Dean, who dug into the pie with gusto. Adam crossed his arms over his chest, his brooding eyes on his cousin. Dean was shoveling the sweet cherries into his mouth, rolling his eyes in appreciation. He slowed his eating when he noticed Adam watching him.

“What? Something on my face?” He licked crumbs off of his fingers and lips.

“Well, I’m trying to decide if I should thank you for bringing Rachel around and forcing me to reexamine my feelings for Eva or if I should take you out back and beat your ass for being a meddling jerk.”

“I really think you should go with the ‘thank you.’ If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be getting hitched. You really do owe me, you know.” Dean gave him a mocking smile.

“I think that remains to be seen. For now, out of respect for my future in-laws and their home, I’ll leave you alone.”

“So, are you going to ask me to be your best man? I know a great place for a bachelor party. And a few willing girls, too.” Dean gave his eyebrows a wiggle.

Adam snorted. “Finish your pie, punk. There won’t be a bachelor party. We won’t have time.”

“Have you set a date already?”

“Well,” Adam started, “I’d like to get this done as soon as we can. I don’t see any reason to delay. The faster we get married the faster we can get around to making some cubs.” A picture of Eva heavy with his cub popped into Adam’s head. He imagined how her breasts would look full of milk, how her curves would get even rounder as she filled out with his cubs growing in her. Damn, he wanted her pregnant right now.

A tap on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts and he looked up to find Eva staring down at him, her arms crossed, eyebrows pulled together.

“We aren’t getting married any time soon,” she said.

“Why not? I don’t see any reason to delay.”

“I want to have a long engagement, take time to plan our wedding and start planning for our future together.”

“We can do all that planning, after we’re married and have a few cubs.”

“Whoa! Wait just a second, I’m in no hurry to have cubs. I mean, one day, yes, but not now.”

Dean and Eva’s parents were looking around the room, trying to figure out if they should leave. Mrs. Carey busied herself with more pie and tea while Mr. Carey suddenly found a small piece of crooked wallpaper interesting. Dean was studying a still-life picture on the wall over the China cabinet. Adam looked around at them, trying to see if he’s going to get any help with his early wedding plans. No one else in the room would meet his eyes. He sighed and turned back to Eva.

“Listen, when my parents find out we’re engaged they’re going to start in on us to give the clan an heir. Plus, you were in heat a while ago. We might as well get a jump on that.”

“No way, Adam. Just because weretigresses went to heat only once a year doesn’t mean I want to have cubs right away. I’ve got a lot I want to do. We’re still young, kids can come later. Let’s spend some time together, just the two of us. Let’s travel, get to know each other, find out who we are as couple and then have cubs. There’s no rush.”

Lizzie Lynn Lee's Books