Queen Alpha (NYC Mecca #2)(54)

Since this was the bear’s territory, I wasn’t breaking any rules, but I knew word would spread to Selene – we had spies everywhere – that I was back in the boroughs, and she would retaliate. I really didn’t care though. I was surrounded by all the shifters I loved in the world: Calista, Finn, Winnie, and my four remaining dominants, Blaine, Monica, Jen, and Victor. They’d refused to go into service for Selene, and were now exiled with me. All of us mourned Ben, all of us angry we could not send him off in true warrior fashion as we had for Derek. But we were having our own private ceremony soon.

Victor in particular was stony-faced, darkness washing away his normally jovial expression. He’d lost two of his brothers now – not brothers in blood, but by a bond far greater: love. He had briefly spoken to me when we arrived here; his need for revenge was strong. I had to make sure he didn’t go after the fae himself and die in the process. Anger and vengeance were terrible fuels for shifters; it made us hard and bitter. Changed who we were. Let the beast control us.

Victor’s eyes flashed to me and I could see the wolf there. I’m not sure I’d ever get my friend back; in so many ways I’d lost all three of them now. Blaine was at his side, tense, not eating much, but he still looked like my beautiful friend, just with sadder eyes and a heavier heart. He was the only one keeping Victor together. Jen and Monica were doing what they could, but each of us were mourning and had very little comfort to offer anybody.

I wanted to kill the fae all over again. And make it more painful this time.

Kade reached across then and ran his hand up my thigh, comforting and hot, sending tingles of mecca through my body. I pushed down my sorrow as hard as I could, utilizing all my skills. As queen, my compartmentalizing was second to none. I focused on what was perfect right now. Kade.

Being with him like this had my heart overfull. There was so much pressure and emotion in my chest that it was hard to contain. Even though I hadn’t said the words, I loved him more than any other in my world, and that was why I wasn’t completely falling apart over the loss of my crown, the loss of Violet, and the death of my people. Kade was holding me together. It was as if his love was a balm, a glue. With him at my side I knew I could keep myself together long enough to save my best friend and deal with the fae. After that I’d fall apart – pull out these emotions and let them consume me. Until then I had to stay strong.

I loved the bear king. Holy crap.

It wasn’t one little thing which I could pinpoint to tell me why, or how this had happened. There were a million of them – the way my wolf howled for his bear; the way his kiss stole my breath and had my heart beating fast; how kind he was, his protective instincts so different to wolf males. He was more dominant than me, and I was somehow okay with that. Most of the time.

Kade’s copper eyes sparkled as that sexy grin lifted his chin. Dimples flashed at me through the scruff on his face, and I forced myself not to lean over and nuzzle into him. Gerald interrupted us by crossing to his king and whispering into his ear. I could have listened in, but I would not betray Kade’s privacy like that. If he wanted me to know, he’d tell me.

His expression grew grim, the smile fading away, taking my favorite dimple with it.

“Everything okay?” I said as Gerald took his seat at the table. Yeah, so much for privacy. I wanted to know.

The hand on my thigh flexed slightly, before it relaxed and started running in slow circles over my leg. “Gerald just escorted most of my council from Staten Island. They’re exiled out of the boroughs for now until I can decide what to do with them.”

Despite the fact the bears were grateful to me for saving them, apparently learning I was no longer queen, and that I’d be shacking up with their king, had sent some of his council over the edge. As soon as we had arrived, Kade had made a public declaration of support and love for me. The council threw a fit, but I hadn’t heard the outcome. Now I knew. He leaned over to Gerald.

“Spread the word. Those who are not okay with Arianna and I being together are welcome to leave New York City.”

My jaw went slack. It was one of the hottest, craziest, most perfect things he’d ever done. I still couldn’t believe after all we had been though, I was sitting next to him, his hand on my thigh, eating dinner with our friends and advisors, like it was no big deal.

I’d been content as queen, and the piece of me connected to my people would always ache at the loss, but if Calista asked me about my happiness right now, I would have no hesitation in answering.

My little sister twisted in her seat beside me and I glanced to her plate. She had completely devoured the BBQ chicken but hadn’t touched her broccoli.

“Winnie, eat your vegetables,” I said, grateful to have this moment to mother her again.

She looked at my plate, where I had the same pile of mini green trees. “You eat yours,” she replied, with all the cheekiness of a five year old. I couldn’t help but smile. Could I blame her? Unless Broccoli was covered in jalapeno cheese sauce, I wasn’t touching it.

Kade watched our banter with a crooked smile. “How does everyone at this table feel about chocolate?”

There were a few chuckles. Come on, who didn’t have the upmost love and respect for chocolate.

“I’m in a pretty serious relationship with chocolate,” Monica said, and we all chuckled.

She had been a mixture of tense and somber for the entire meal – mourning Ben, worried for Victor, and, well, being in bear territory was an extremely unusual situation – so when she answered Kade with her normal sarcastic quip, I was happy. Then the double doors that led into the kitchen opened and two attendants rolled out a huge three-tiered melted chocolate fountain. All around the fountain were skewers with chunks of fruit and bread. Oh my God, was that pretzel bread?

Leia Stone & Jaymin's Books