Promises Part 1 (Bounty Hunters #1)(29)
“Yeah. I was pretty shocked. Anyway. Don’t worry about that. It’s late. Focus on getting as much rest as you can and I’ll be there bright and early to give you a kiss before you go in for surgery.”
“That sounds like something to look forward to.” Duke smiled, trying hard to sound convincing.
“Night, handsome.”
“Goodnight, Vaughan.”
Vaughan pressed the end button, cradling the phone to his chest. His eyes burned with tears. He hated lying, detested it. His father always told him that a real man doesn’t have to lie, cheat, or steal. Vaughan may not be a thief or a cheat but he was definitely a liar. Would Duke ever trust him once he found out the truth? He turned back to his small duffle bag and silently prayed that Duke would. It was the right thing to do. He could feel it. If Duke had any inclination that it was him, he had no doubt he’d cancel the surgery. Vaughan wouldn’t take that risk. He’d lie and break any other commandment on the list if it meant giving them a chance. He finished packing by dropping his leather toiletry bag on top of his change of clothes, along with his transplant folders.
He had to be checked in to the unit at six a.m. That meant he’d have to go to Duke’s room at 0’dark thirty and then go to his own room so he could be prepped on time. He was going to have to juggle quite a bit over the next couple weeks, but he could do. He would do it.
“You all packed and ready?”
“Yes, sir,” he answered his father. Quick’s face was a mask of uncertainty and worry. “I told you. I’m going to be fine, Dad. Have faith. This is not as complex as you may think.”
Quick waved one large hand at him. “I know. I read up on it, son. I just… well, you know. I’m a parent before I’m anything. I’m gonna worry.”
Vaughan took a deep breath and went over to face him. “Thank you for trusting me.”
“You’ve never given me a reason not to, Vaughan. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
“I’ve never been so sure of anything before.” Vaughan hugged his dad for a long time. “I love him. I love him too much not to try.”
“I just hope you don’t get hurt in all this.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“You can’t promise that, son. Never make a promise you can’t keep,” Quick told him for the millionth time in his life.
Vaughan patted his dad on the back. “I know.”
Vaughan couldn’t eat or drink anything, so they sat together on the back porch and looked out over the lush lawn, the dewdrops glistening as the moonlight hit the blades of grass. It was peaceful and quiet until his dad’s work phone rung.
“Goddamnit, not now,” Quick barked, pulling out the large phone.
“Go on. I understand.”
“I wanted to have this time with you,” his father said, pulling on his long hair. “But since Charlie’s retired and with Dana and Duke hurt we haven’t had the time to hire more guys. So it’s just me running the bail bonds and Judge running the PI office.”
“It’s okay. Duke’s gotta have a business to come back to. I’ll see you in the morning. I’ll go to see Duke first, around five, and then I’ll check in.”
“I’ll be here to drive you to the hospital. You don’t want to leave your car in the lot anyway.”
“Sure thing.” Vaughan gave him another quick hug and headed back inside. “Be safe.”
“It’s just a bond. I’ll be back in a couple hours. You go on and sleep.”
But sleep never came.
Vaughan stifled his yawn right before he tapped on Duke’s door. He wished he would’ve gotten at least an hour of sleep, but all he did was toss and turn. His mind wouldn’t shut off. He thought of everything under sun that could and couldn’t happen. After a while, he simply concentrated on what his and Duke’s first date was going to be like. At least that made him smile. If he couldn’t sleep, he’d think happy thoughts.
Surprisingly, Duke was awake. He was sitting up for the most part—as far as he could— watching the early-morning news.
“Why are watching that crap? It’s always bad news.” Vaughan entered with a smile on his face. He was wearing a pair of tan slacks and a cream fleece pullover. Classic traveling clothes for an attorney, right? Had to play the part. The small duffle on his shoulder adding to the traveling illusion.
“I’m in the bad news business, Vaughan,” Duke answered with his own smile. Thank goodness. He was glad Duke was in relatively good spirits.
Vaughan stopped and looked at Duke. He was clean-shaven and a pleasant soap and water scent wafted off of him. He looked good. He looked fresh and ready. “You look good, babe. Ready to knock ‘em dead.” Vaughan almost rolled his eyes at his own stupid comment. Damn, Duke wasn’t getting ready to play a football game for Pete’s sake; he was having life-saving surgery. It had to be his nerves getting the best of him. Coupled with the lack of sleep. It might be best if Vaughan just sat and visited… keeping his mouth shut.
“I brushed my teeth real good,” Duke said softly, his beautiful eyes staring right at Vaughan’s mouth.
Vaughan walked close to Duke’s bed and dropped his bag off his shoulder. His own smile was wide and genuine. He’d said he’d kiss Duke before his surgery and obviously the man hadn’t forgotten. Seemed like he’d been looking forward to it because he was prepped and ready. Vaughan laughed. “That’s good to know, but it wouldn’t have mattered.” Vaughan dropped the guardrail on the left side, his eyes never leaving Duke’s. Propping his hip on the bed, careful not to sit too close, Vaughan leaned in and Duke closed his eyes right before their lips met.