Promises Part 1 (Bounty Hunters #1)(27)

The look on Vaughan’s face was a mix of fear and anxiousness, but Duke couldn’t be exactly sure because it was gone in an instant. Before he could question it, there was another knock on his door. He was hoping it wasn’t another visitor, because there were things he needed to talk to Vaughan about. He was going to tell him that he would’ve given him a chance. That he would’ve let him woo him… and fuck him good. He probably would’ve let that last point hang in the air unsaid, but he wanted Vaughan to know before he left this earth that they would’ve had something wonderful, but Vaughan needed to go on with his life. He didn’t want him coming to the hospital anymore. Duke was a done deal.

“Hey, Duke. How you feeling today?”

Oh great. It was his doctor. He sure sounded extra cheerful. Well at least someone’s life was going well. “Good afternoon, Dr. Chauncey.”

“Duke, I have wonderful news!” Dr. Chauncey smiled.

Duke tried to sit up a little higher, again wincing at the pain in his back. Vaughan put his hand on his arm. His face was completely impassive, but Duke’s heart was pounding. Good news? What could it possibly be? Surely his kidneys hadn’t healed on their own.

“Are you okay, Duke? Did you push your morphine drip to—?”

“Doctor, just spit it out. I’m fine. What’s the news?” Duke almost growled.

“We have a donor. You go in for surgery Friday.”

Duke’s mouth dropped open. He turned and looked at Vaughan and he wore the exact same expression before finally, a slight smile curved his lips.

“Oh, my god. Are you serious?” Vaughan gasped.

The doctor looked at Vaughan for a split second before turning back to Duke. “I wouldn’t joke about that. I’ve scoured every database in the country, Duke. We have a perfectly healthy, compatible kidney for you.”

“Jesus Christ,” Vaughan breathed. “He’s gonna live?”

Duke didn’t know who to look at. He felt like he might be dreaming, but he hadn’t taken too much morphine, so he couldn’t be hallucinating. “Dr. Chauncey. Are you telling me that my name came up already?”

“What I’m telling you Duke is that there’s a kidney available and it’s yours if you want it. What do you say?” Dr. Chauncey’s expression and words were stern but kind.

“Fuck,” Duke whispered. “Yes.”

“Good, very good.” His doctor smiled. Duke thought he saw him throw a quick wink at Vaughan but he could’ve been wrong. “Friday it is.” Dr. Chauncey walked out, leaving Duke completely awestruck.


Dr. Chauncey was right. Duke had inquired how and why, but he didn’t press the issue. The good doctor had said it easily. There was a kidney available, do you want it or do you wanna play twenty questions? Dr. Chauncey almost made it sound like he’d done something underhanded and the less Duke knew the better.

Vaughan had played his part, though. The shocked and flabbergasted look. He should get an Academy Award? for best clueless performance in a potential lover’s hospital room. He squeezed Duke’s hand, kissing each knuckle. But the moisture building up in the corners of his eyes was completely genuine. He was so happy the doctor didn’t wait to give Duke the good news, because he looked like he really needed the lift. It was like seeing him had put Duke in a worse mood. He hoped that wasn’t the case.

“You must have been praying hard for a miracle. I sure was.” Vaughan leaned down and kissed Duke’s forehead. “This is amazing!”

“It’s fuckin’ unreal. How the hell? I’m sure there are people in front of me who have been—”

“Hey,” Vaughan whispered, cutting Duke off. “Your prayers have been answered. Don’t question it… just say thank you.”

Duke smiled. “Yeah. But who do I thank god for sending? Is the donor dead? If so, how I can thank her family? Is she alive? How do I thank her?”

Him. Thank him.

“Are you nervous?”

“Hell, no,” Duke replied to Quick. As soon as Vaughan left, he’d called Judge, Charlie, and Quick to tell them the amazing news. Duke hadn’t smiled, or laughed in days, but after telling his friends, it damn near sounded like a house party instead of a hospital room. “I’m just ready to get out of this fuckin’ place and live life, man.”

“Fuck yeah!” Judge’s deep voice was deafening in the small room, so no one was surprised when the charge nurse came in with her hands on her ample hips and a thunderous scowl on her round face.

Duke laughed hard. Way too hard for his still very sore ribs. But fuck it. He’d heal and he’d live. Fuck it all! Charlie placed a gentle hand on Duke’s shoulder, urging him to calm down.

“Hey there now, boy. Ease up. Don’t want you to have to postpone the surgery because you done injured something else,” Charlie said, a playful gruffness to his tone.

“I think that’s our cue, fellas. We better head out before this nice lady loses her religion behind us roughnecks.” Quick smirked, throwing the nurse a wink that made her frown smooth out and her plump cheeks turn a rosy pink.

Good ole Quick. Always smooth.

“I’ll bring my stuff over to your place in the morning, Duke, and head over here after,” Charlie informed him. Duke nodded. Charlie had immediately volunteered to stay with Duke while he recovered. Even though the doctor said the surgery was not as invasive as in the past, there would still be a recovery period, not to mention Duke still had only one useful arm, fractured ribs and a slowly healing concussion. He’d secretly hoped that Vaughan would volunteer for that position, but he knew that it was way too early to hope for that. They hadn’t even had a date yet. Besides, Vaughan also had a new job to excel at. The beautiful man might find a healthy young stud working around all those police officers and hotshot attorneys.

A.E. Via's Books