Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries #5)(95)

He let his eyes close briefly, sinking into the sensation of being balls deep in her ass. “It only feels like I’m going to split you in two. It won’t really happen. Tell me, baby, did you f*ck yourself with that plug?”

“I don’t understand. I plugged myself."

He loved how out of breath she was. And that she didn’t seem to understand. He looked back down at her. “So you didn’t move it in and out? You didn’t f*ck the plug.”

“No, Master. You only told me to plug myself. Ian, please. Please, I want to give you what you need but this is killing me. What’s happening?”

No. She hadn’t f*cked the plug. She thought this was all there was. She didn’t understand a damn thing. A sweet little virgin and he was going to show her how nasty and dirty and glorious anal sex could be.

“Are you ready, baby? Are you ready for me to f*ck you?”

She gritted her teeth. “I kind of thought you already were. Ian, if you have anything left that isn’t already inside me, we need to talk.”

A laugh bubbled up. She was the only one who could do that to him, who could take him from raging passion to laughter in a second. “No need to talk. Just feel.”

He dragged his dick out in a slow pass.

Charlie’s eyes flared as she caught her breath. “Oh, Master.”

A long, slow thrust back in. “There’s a reason women let us do this to them, baby. Tell me you love it.”

Her hands came up, tightening on his shoulders. “I love it.”

This time when he pulled out almost to the tip, her ass tightened around him, trying to keep him in. “Tell me you love it when I f*ck your ass.”

She groaned, biting her bottom lip as he thrust harder this time. “I love it when you f*ck my ass. Please, Master. Please f*ck my ass.”

“Now that is a polite request and one I’ll honor.” He gave up the dirty talk. It was time to let his cock do all the communicating. Heat poured through him, his every muscle clamoring for release, but he didn’t want to stop.

Over and over he moved inside her, his eyes watching the place where his dick disappeared inside, where he dominated her. Over and over. In and out. That tight * fought him as he thrust inside and then greedily clamped down on him as he pulled back. Every inch of his cock was pressed and squeezed inside her.

Then her * spasmed around his dick as she came, her nails biting into his shoulders.

He couldn’t hold out another second. His balls drew up tight. His spine tingled. His vision narrowed down to one thing only—her. The orgasm flared through him like a wildfire and he came in long passes, giving her everything he had. He thrust deep, holding himself hard against her, spreading her even further so there wasn’t an inch of space between them.

Pleasure made his eyes cross, his brain flare, and finally a calm sense of peace settled on him as he slipped from her ass and let her take his weight. Pressing her into the couch, he laid his head on her breast.

Her hands found his hair, stroking him softly.

Ian closed his eyes and hoped that time could slow down so he never had to make the decision he was going to be forced to make.

Chapter Fifteen

Charlie looked around the well-appointed jet and decided that Damon Knight must be the shit back at MI6. It wasn’t a massive jetliner, but it more than made up for size with luxury.

There were twelve leather seats in the cabin and they didn’t look anything like the tiny coach seats she’d flown in before. This sucker reclined fully and looked to have been built for two.

Or just really oversized men. Ian took up all of his seat. He sat beside her, looking down at reports as they waited for the others to board.

Of course even the comfiest of seats couldn’t make up for the soreness she was feeling. Damn plug never made her sore. It also hadn’t made her come like the world was ending. She squirmed a little, trying to find a comfy position.

Ian’s head turned, a devilish grin lighting his face. “Do you need help, love? Is there something making you uncomfortable?”

She would take a little soreness to see him smile like that. If he thought he was embarrassing her, he was so wrong. Embarrassment was for people who had nothing better to do. “Yes, I am because someone decided to shove a very large item up my poor backside and now that same person is making me take a twenty-four hour flight.”

His smiled broadened and he leaned over, brushing her hand with his. “Your Master is a horrible man. He obviously thinks only of himself and about just how good your ass felt.”

“Oh, my god, please stop,” Chelsea said from her seat behind Charlie. “I can’t tell you how gross that is.”

Ian winked at Charlie. “Your sister is a prude. Are you really in pain? I’m sure they have something you can take for it.”

She rather liked the ache. It was a reminder that he was still here with her. She squeezed his hand, adoring the intimacy. “I’ll just have a glass of wine. I’ll be fine.”

He nodded and turned back to his files, the ones she’d given him. Small steps. She couldn’t ask for anything more.

Well, she could hope that they were all still alive tomorrow, but that was about it. She wouldn’t put it past her uncle to have a couple of surface-to-air missiles at his disposal.

The cabin door opened and Simon and Jesse entered. Simon looked dapper in his three-piece suit, as though he hadn’t been up all night. Charlie watched as Simon’s blue eyes found Chelsea’s before moving past her. Jesse was carrying a briefcase and had gotten a haircut. He looked deeply uncomfortable in his dress shirt and slacks, but it looked like Simon was forcing him to take the job seriously.

Lexi Blake's Books