Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries #5)(92)

He knew he should back off. He should send her into hiding. He should separate her from the others and task Simon with making sure she stayed alive.

And he wasn’t going to do it because he couldn’t stand the thought of her not being with him. Now that he’d seen her again, touched her, f*cked her, the idea of Charlie being out of his sight, his control, was unacceptable.

He cleaned the plug, dried it off and then turned to go back to the office where she would be waiting. She would be in position, waiting for him. It made him a bastard, caveman pig but he liked knowing she wasn’t thinking about anything but him, but what he was going to do to her, with her.

Damon Knight was walking down the hall, his big body taking up most of the space. They couldn’t actually get through the hall without brushing against each other because they were so broad. He should have thought about extra-large halls since he seemed to only hire or work with men built like Mack trucks. “Excellent, I was just looking for you. The jet will be ready at four. I’ve been informed that we have to take an extra passenger along.”

“Ten.” He’d known the minute he made that deal that the Agency would want an observer. It was a testament to Ian’s stubbornness that Ten wasn’t taking over the game.

“Yes. We’ve been given leave to support you in any fashion you choose. You have influential friends, mate.”

He’d done favors for a lot of powerful men. And now he owed a few more. “I’m going to kill Nelson.”

“I’m going to look the other way when you do. I’m perfectly certain it will be in self-defense.” Thank god it was Damon they had sent and not someone else. He mostly trusted Damon. He just didn’t know his partner well enough. “So we’ll refuel in Frankfurt and then Mumbai and we should be in Goa in roughly twenty-four hours. That’s as fast as we can get there. Do you know you’re carrying around an anal plug? Is this how you deal with office discipline?”

He started back to his office, not bothering to look back. “It’s how I deal with my sub. If anyone asks, I’m unavailable until we’re ready to head to the airport, and tell Adam he better have our papers ready or I’ll use this on him.”

He walked back through his door and there she was, a vision of submission waiting for him. God, he should be prepping for the operation, but all he wanted to do was lose himself in her. He wanted to lock the office door and never come out. For the first time, he thought seriously about running with her. He knew how to hide. No one would find them. They could be anonymous. They could give up everything and just find an island and never leave it.

And never see his brother again. Never know how Carys would look as a sassy teenager giving Sean hell. Never have kids of his own because they would be a weakness.

Life had been so much easier before she’d walked back in, but he knew in a moment that he didn’t want easy.

“Show me.” He stood in front of her, his cock twitching insistently, but he wanted to see it.

She nodded slightly, taking the plug in her hand. “I need some lube. I always use lube.”

As she should. He passed it to her, forcing his hand not to find her hair. When he was in a room with her, it was hard not to touch her, and when he wasn’t in a room with her, it was hard not to find whatever room she was in and be there, too.

She very carefully lubed up the plug. He’d picked the one that was just shy of being his size, but she didn’t seem intimidated by it. She simply ran her hands over it, covering the hard plastic plug generously.

There was no hesitation, no worry in her movement. It seemed almost like a loving ritual, one she’d performed often.

He’d told her he would spend weeks preparing her for anal sex. He’d explained that she would have to wear the plug regularly to stretch her so he didn’t hurt her.

Had she really spent five f*cking years preparing herself for him?

“May I move to the couch, Master? I usually do this on a bed."

He didn’t correct her anymore. He was her Master. He always had been. He’d never allowed anyone to call him that on a personal basis. He was Master Ian at Sanctum, but Sir when playing. Because as much as she belonged to him, he knew in his heart that he belonged to her. Forever.

He just wasn’t sure it could work. “Yes. Do what you always do. I want to watch.”

She rose, grace in her every movement. She’d only started to practice when she’d left him, but her ease now spoke of years of rising from the submissive position, years of lowering herself down. She was a well-trained sub.

Had she done that herself? Had she done all of it while thinking of him, planning to come home to him?

Had this woman truly ached for him the way he’d ached for her?

He watched, his cock throbbing as she knelt on the couch, her backside to him. She spread her knees wide and allowed her torso to lay flat so that her ass was in the air, stretched by the position of her knees. She gave him the most delicious view of her *, all rosy and pink. Her hand held the plug, moving from underneath to place the flesh colored plug right against that gorgeous hole. Her rosette was tight, small. It didn’t look for a second like it could handle the monster she’d placed against it.

Her back was supple, all her muscles relaxed. She let out a long sigh as she pressed the plug to her ass, twisted it, opening the right side first so she could slip the plug in.

Lexi Blake's Books