Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries #5)(12)

He needed to get her out of here.

“Master?” Charlie turned her eyes up when he stood and buttoned up his slacks.

There was no point in correcting her. She would just do it again. No. There was very little point in arguing or fighting with Charlotte. She was deeply stubborn, and he wasn’t willing to discipline her. That was a very bad idea. He leaned over and scooped her up into his arms.

Charlotte gasped a little, but then her arms were around his neck and a soft look hit her eyes. “You won’t regret it, babe. God, I missed you.”

“I never regret anything, sweetheart.” A blatant lie, but he was good at those. He was also going to enjoy the next couple of minutes. Charlie thought she had him right where she wanted him.

Instead of walking down the hallway to his private dungeon space or his bedroom, he turned back to the front door.

Charlie frowned. “Ian, don’t do this. Talk to me.”

He just kept walking. “I have nothing to say to you. Like I explained before, you tend to lie. You’re a very accomplished liar. The only thing you’re better at than lying is whoring.”

Her face went red and despite the fact that she was in his arms, she managed to plant a fist firmly in his face.

Yeah, that kind of got him hot, too. Charlie wouldn’t cry when she could lash out.

“You are a f*cking *, Ian Taggart.”

“You’re just getting that?” He’d been called so much worse. He would take the decent right hook again because watching her get pissed was one of the few joys to come from this ill-conceived reunion. “I thought you were a big time information broker. Maybe you should rethink your career.”

“Let me down now.”

“Not until you’re on the right side of the door, sweetheart.” He managed to get the front door open even as she struggled against him.

The night was humid, heat slamming into him as he strode down his driveway.

“This is stupid, Ian. You have to listen to me.”

His inner * was getting a serious workout tonight. “If you wanted me to listen, you should have held out on the hummer. I have what I wanted. I see zero reason to help you out now. Really, Charlotte, you should know by now to get the money upfront.”

He set her on her feet and immediately had to duck another flying fist. She feigned right and then came at him from the left. Luckily, he still remembered how to fight. He caught her fist in his palm and held her there. He didn’t show it, but everything about her excited him. He was already rock hard not five minutes after he’d come.

“Don’t you call me a whore again, Ian.” Her body was practically vibrating with rage.

“I call it like I see it.” She thought she was mad? He could give her mad. “How much did Nelson pay you to f*ck me the first time? He’s not going to get his money’s worth this time because that was all the connection I intend to have with you. Been there, done that and all.”

He let her go. If she tried it again, he would have her on the ground, but then she would know what a liar he was because his cock was painfully hard despite the blow job. If he got her on the ground, he might just f*ck her right then and there.

She backed up slightly, giving him a little space. “You are going to regret every filthy word that is coming out of your mouth. Do you think you can scare me away by calling me a whore and saying the sex was meaningless? Try again. Because while I might be an excellent liar, you’ve lost your edge, Taggart. Do us both a favor and cut the bullshit. You know you’re going to talk to me. You know you want to find out what happened.”

The jibe about losing his edge hit too close to home. She was the reason he’d lost his edge. She was the reason he’d gotten out of the game in the first place. “I know what happened. I got led around by my dick and a two-year operation went up in flames. Do you know how many people you nearly got killed? Liam almost died because of you.”

She softened. “I know. I can’t tell you how sorry I am about that. Let’s go inside, Master.”

He turned and started back up the drive. He wasn’t doing this with her. “Find your own ride home. I’m all out of charity for the night.”

“Charity? You call me giving you the blow job of a lifetime charity?” She was on his heels, obviously not willing to give up.

He turned because she was right back in his trap. Despite what she said, he did know exactly how to hurt her. She could lie all day about her reasons, but she’d been honest when she submitted. She’d been honest about what hurt her as a woman. “Yes, it was charity. I’m not attracted to you. I was attracted to your innocence, well, to the lie of your innocence the first time around. Now I know just who and what you are, and I have no interest in f*cking a criminal. Did you take over daddy’s enterprise? Is that what Nelson promised you? Did he off your dear pops so you could be the queen? You cried about all the times daddy hurt you. I wonder now. Maybe you liked it.”

He knew the moment he’d gone too far. Even in the moonlight he could see how she paled and her hands started to shake. She couldn’t fake that reaction. When her hand came out to connect with his face, he let it, holding still for her.

He deserved it. Guilt gnawed in his gut, but he wouldn’t apologize. He wouldn’t back down. “Go home, Charlotte. There’s absolutely nothing for you here.”

Lexi Blake's Books