Frayed Silk(68)

Taylor’s eyes widen comically. “Good God. You’re kidding me? Do they pay you extra to put up with that?”

Lola shakes her head, lifting her glass of water to her mouth. “Nope, unfortunately not. But I sent home notes about personal hygiene to all the students last week. So maybe two of the fifteen will at least read it.” She takes a sip of her water while my mom laughs at Taylor’s horrified expression.

“That’s unsavory working conditions. I still remember when Leo went through puberty.” Leo turns at the sound of his name, frowning at his mom who lowers her voice to a useless whisper, “His waste basket was constantly filled with sticky tissues and dear God, the smell of his gym bag used to have me running for—”

“Mom!” Leo scolds as Lola shoots water out of her mouth back into her glass and onto her lap. Taylors eyes bug out at being caught, but she fixes an innocent look on her face as she turns to him. “Yes?”

“Could we not discuss such things? Ever?” he asks, but the firm tone of his voice means he’s not really asking.

“Oh, of course, of course.” She purses her lips for a moment. “So that means I can’t tell them about the time poor Robert found your stash of porno—”

“No.” Leo cuts her off, dragging a hand through his hair in exasperation.

My mom laughs. “Leave the poor man alone, you evil woman.”

Taylor’s shoulders sag as she turns back to us. “It’s just so fun, though, you know?” She leans in to whisper to my mom, “Robert looked like he’d seen a ghost. Even put a pair of gloves on and acted as if he were handling a piece of damning evidence for the FBI.”

My mom and Taylor fall into fits of laughter as I grab some napkins for Lola to pat the water from her lap. I see Trey nudge Leo’s arm and say something to him that has him chuckling, and my chest warms.

The guys finish cooking then bring the steaks, sausages, and shish kebabs to the table as I get up to go and grab some more drinks.

“He looks a lot happier. So do you,” Taylor remarks, coming into the kitchen and grabbing some cups from the cupboard.

I stop moving, putting the soft drinks and beer down on the island as I look at her. She laughs lightly. “You thought we didn’t know that something had been wrong all that time?” She tsks. “Come on, dear. I may have terrible eyesight, but we both have eyes.” She gives me a sad smile, looking out the window at whom I’m guessing is Leo.

“Don’t bore me with the details. It’s not my business. Just know that I’m glad, and your mother is relieved.”

I grip the counter of the island as my shoulders deflate. “I’m sorry. If it’s been … weird.”

She shakes her head. “Nonsense. But I was married to his father, you know.” Her brow quirks at me. “We had our ups and downs, but we also had some really low points. And Leo … well, he’s just like his father. Stubborn as all hell. Always taking the weight of the world upon his shoulders as if it’s solely his responsibility to fix everything himself.” Walking over to me, she pats my arm. “You keep sticking by him, though. Because he is just like his father, and that means you won’t regret it.”

I give her a tear strained smile. “That’s the plan.”

She pats my cheek. “Come on. Let’s go eat then, shall we? Before your mother steals all the good food.”

We grab the drinks and glasses, heading back outside to join the others. Leo tugs my chair out for me, and I thank him, sitting down. “What’s wrong?” He wraps his arm around my shoulders and whispers into my ear.

Looking into his face when he pulls away to study mine, I lean forward, sealing my lips to his quickly before replying, “Nothing. Everything is perfect.”

He continues to stare for a beat then kisses my forehead and goes back to his food.

“Daddy, can I have a robot like Charlie’s?” Sophie asks from across the table. Trey, who’s seated next to Leo, looks at Leo in horror.

Leo shrugs. “Don’t ask me. Mother dearest bought it for him.” He gestures to Taylor with his beer bottle then places it down to cut into his steak. Trey’s eyes dart to Taylor who simply laughs, lifting a bite of salad to her mouth.

“It speaks three different languages,” Sophie informs Trey and Lola.

“That’s nice,” Trey says, looking back at his food.

Sophie’s eyes narrow. Uh-oh. “It’s my birthday in November, you know.”

“Uh-huh,” Trey mumbles around a mouthful of food as Leo snickers next to him.

“So can I have one for my birthday?” Sophie asks, her face pulling tight in frustration.

“Soph …” Lola cuts in. “We’ll discuss it later.”

Charlie snickers beside Sophie. She elbows him in the arm, causing him to drop his fork and scowl at her. “What?”

“Don’t laugh at me, butthead.”

“I was going to let you borrow mine, but I’m not now,” Charlie says, picking his fork back up and shoving a huge bite of sausage into his mouth.

Sophie’s eyes widen. “Really?”

Charlie shrugs and swallows his food. “Guess we’ll never know.”

Leo ducks his head to try to hide his laughter. I reach over and rub his back while I take a sip of water.

Ella Fields's Books