Frayed Silk(67)

“Quit checking out my husband.” I snicker, grabbing the tray of fruit from the fridge that I’d prepared earlier.

She laughs. “Shut it. You can’t marry a man like that and get mad when other women look.”

“You know I’m joking. Look all you want, but you’ve got your own to ogle.” Trey is very easy on the eyes—tall, broad with brown hair and a ruggedly handsome face.

“True,” she murmurs, waving at who I’m guessing is Trey out the window and giving him a sultry wink.

She turns around, giggling and coming over to help me carry some of the food outside. “So Charlie’s having his birthday here?”

I nod, thanking Trey when he slides the door open for us and we step outside, placing the trays down on the table. It’s his tenth birthday right before Halloween in just a few weeks’ time. “He said he wants to go see that new Transformers movie that’s coming out with Leo, Sophie, and the twins.”

I walk back inside, needing to grab the chips, veggies, and dip from the kitchen. Lola follows, speaking quietly. “He’s cool with that? Leo, hanging around her kids?”

“He insists that he is. He knows it’s got nothing to do with them. But I’m going to tag along and do some shopping while they’re in there anyway.” I wink at her.

“So he still talks to Dylan then?” Lola tucks some hair behind her ear, leaning against the counter.

“Yeah, I know they’ve spoken a few times. He hasn’t said anything bad about him. In fact, I’ve even heard them laughing on the phone together sometimes.”

She smiles. “That’s so good. Man, what a blow. To find out your wife is some kind of creepy psycho who—”

“Shhh.” I glance around. “You don’t want any of the kids to hear.”

“Crap, my bad.” Her eyes widen as she checks that no one is floating around outside the kitchen.

I pull the cling wrap off the dip. “Yeah. When I saw him at the grocery store, before he told me, he seemed to be keeping it together, but who really knows?”

She hums. “Right. Maybe I should ask Trey.”

I grin down at the dip. “Great idea then be sure to tell me. I probably won’t be seeing him until Charlie’s birthday. Not that he’d be honest with me anyway.” Shrugging, I say, “He might’ve been more forthcoming with the guys, though.”

Lola nabs a piece of carrot, taking a bite. “Very true. I wonder if she’s still in the bay.”

Something curdles in my gut at the thought. “I fucking hope not.”


Lola backs out of the kitchen, craning her neck and looking down the hall at the sound of Taylor’s voice.

“Quit blocking the doorway and get inside,” my mom says.

Smiling, I pour the chips into a bowl and put them on the island with the dip and vegetables before joining Lola in the hall.

“Hello, my lovely.” Taylor engulfs me in a hug before getting nudged aside by my mother who picks up my hair, inspecting it before patting my cheeks. “Beautiful. Are you pregnant again? You’ve got that whole glowing thing going on.” She kisses my head and steps back when we hear Leo coughing from behind us.

Turning around, I find a weak smile on his face as he looks from my stomach up to my face. More of a grimace, really. Walking over to him, I whisper into his ear, “Do the math, honey. You’re fine.” I pat his shoulder and grab the food from the kitchen to take outside. Besides, he knows I’m on the pill. I place the bowls down on the table and look over into the yard where the kids are playing. Or rather Sophie and Greta are playing while Charlie sits on the grass and watches them.

“He’s a good egg, sitting out so that Greta can be included for once,” Lola says as she stops beside me.

“He’s doing much better. Still a bit moody, though.”

Lola snorts. “I’m sorry to point out the obvious here, but that kid is exactly like his dad. He’s always been a bit moody.” She uses air quotation marks.

“You’re right.” I smirk, shaking my head. We move over to take a seat at the table when everyone else comes outside.

“I’m telling you, they were green, Renee. Green.” Taylor scowls at my mom as they walk out onto the deck.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, they were blue. We’re taking you to get your eyes tested again.”

My head tilts back to look at Leo when he grabs my shoulders from behind and gently rubs them. “What are they talking about?” I mouth.

He shrugs, leaning down to kiss me quickly before walking over to Trey who’s at the grill, preparing all the meat.

“What’s the point in getting them tested? I’ll just wear my glasses.” Taylor smirks over at my mom.

Oh, Lord.

“Jesus, you’re a nuisance. Why do I still even talk to you?” my mom mutters, picking up a glass and filling it with water.

Taylor lifts a shoulder to her ear. “You love me, and I’m fabulous.”

My mom snickers and takes a drink.

Taylor turns to Lola. “How’ve you been? Still teaching those teenage misfits?”

Lola grins. “Yep. I’ve recently invested in five cans of air freshener. My English lit class seems to be primarily boys.” Her brows rise. “Boys who haven’t learned the use of a shower or deodorant yet.”

Ella Fields's Books